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堆糖 - 发现收集我所爱

堆糖 - 发现收集我所爱

Let's go on vocation! by Svetlana Novikova Wedding Invitations - Create Custom Wedding Invitations at Wedding Paper Divas 悦己女性网_时尚女性杂志,潮流女性时尚资讯-《悦己SELF》杂志官方网站 Conversion RAL/Pantone Commençons tout de suite par la mauvaise nouvelle: aucune "formule" n'existe pour convertir une référence RAL en Pantone... La codification RAL est d'origine allemande, et elle est utilisée dans le monde de la peinture. Les teintes RAL s'obtiennent par le dosage très fin de centaines de pigments colorés, au moment de la fabrication de la peinture. La codification Pantone est commercialisée par une société américaine (Pantone Inc.). Une correspondance RAL-Pantone ne peut donc être qu'approchée, et non pas calculée. Ceci étant dit, la question est souvent posée, cela méritait un geste... Inutile de préciser que les couleurs ci-dessous, telles que vous les voyez sur votre écran, n'ont qu'un lointain rapport avec les couleurs officielles, qu'elles soient RAL ou Pantone. Ral Pantone RGB (hex) Beige vert ccc188 Beige ceb487 Jaune Sable d0b173 Jaune signalisation f2ad00 Jaune d'Or e4a700 Jaune miel c79600 Jaune maïs d99300 Jaune de chrome e69400 Beige brun af8552 Jaune citron d8ba2e Blanc perle e5dfcc Ivory, Ivoire Black

Clean Eating Zucchini Chips | The Joy of Clean Eating Both of my kids are fruit lovers. Getting them to eat their veggies can be a struggle. So I wasn’t holding out much hope when I gave them some “superhero and princess chips” that would give them special powers! They ate them all up! The hardest part was sharing – not them, ME! ~Sarah Ingredients: 1/4 cup Homemade Breadcrumbs1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese (optional)1/8 tsp black pepperheaping 1/2 cup whole wheat flour1 cup cold milk (I used oat milk)1 tsp apple cider vinegar2 1/2 cups sliced zucchini (about 2 small zucchinis cut about 1/4 inch thick) Preparation: Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Nutritional Info: Makes 2 servings. Nutrients per serving: Calories: 224.5, Cal. from Fat: 33.5, Total Fat: 3.5g, Sat. Notes: These chips are best eaten right out of the oven.

Mel Stampz Superfood Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Gluten-free Superfood Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette combines ultra-healthy and flavorful ingredients in a light-yet-filling meal. Superfood Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette combines ultra-healthy and flavorful ingredients like quinoa, pomegranate, citrus, avocado and beans, in a light-yet-filling meal, that’s bursting with satisfying flavors and textures. Eat by itself, or topped with shrimp or grilled chicken. Superfood Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Print Recipe Description Gluten-Free Superfood Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette combines ultra-healthy and flavorful ingredients in a light-yet-filling meal. Ingredients Directions Cook quinoa according to package directions then set aside to cool. Notes Click here to learn how to de-seed a pomegranate > This recipe is courtesy of Iowa Girl Eats,

DEM Silk-dyed eggs | Foxflat's Blog This easter, forgo the candy-colored tablets and vinegar for dyeing eggs with silk neckties. You can always find silk ties at the thriftstore (or maybe this is your chance to free the men in your life from any outdated neckwear). Dyeing eggs with neckties is one of my favorite seasonal projects because it incorporates green-crafting practices and, since you never know which ties will make the prettiest eggs, there’s a delightful mystery to it all. My best friend’s aunt showed us this when we were kids. Anyway, on with the egg-dyeing! Materials: raw eggs, fabric shears, sewing thread (white or light colors are best), and 100% silk neckties Look for labels that say “all silk” or “100% silk.” A word on choosing the ties: Blue and red are a dime a dozen. Dissect the tie, separating the silk from all of the liners and backing With the right side facing the egg, cut a rectangle that easily covers the egg Now wrap the egg with thread, carefully tucking the ends in like youre wrapping a present
