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Leave Your Daily Hell – Travel blog, travel tips, travel photography

Leave Your Daily Hell – Travel blog, travel tips, travel photography

52 Places to Go in 2015 A revitalized city welcomes the world. Sure, Italy is rich with romantic cities like Florence, Venice and Rome — but its most vibrant might just be Milan. And this is the year for tourists to explore its charms, as it hosts the 2015 World Expo. Twenty million visitors are expected to visit the city for the Expo, a mammoth event that runs from May through October and involves more than 130 participating nations and organizations sponsoring more than 60 pavilions. The Expo’s theme focuses on food, nutrition and sustainability practices — a fitting choice for a city steeped in Italian culinary traditions. The Expo coincides with the completion of a number of urban renewal projects that are infusing new life into overlooked quarters, like La Darsena, a formerly dilapidated harbor that will feature tree-lined promenades, bike paths and piazzas. And Milanese restaurants are earning acclaim for their increased focus on diverse regional cuisines from across the Italian peninsula.

About Jack and Jill Meet Jack Whenever Jack lets himself get dragged into Jill’s plan, he almost never regrets the decision. But every now and then, he feels like staying behind to indulge in his other life’s passions: climbing, whiskey, and writing mad code. Meet Jill Jill is the voice behind this site and all of social media. We started the site sometime in 2010 to share stories about our travel. UPDATE (Dec 2014): We moved out of SF and bought a van! Let’s stay connected! We post once a week, every Tuesday, on this blog.For stories that don’t make it onto this blog: or For on-the-scene updates: For our best photos, along with running captions: Instagram page How can we afford to travel so much? Time: Jill works as a freelancer and thus has the kind of flexibility that allows her to take off whenever she feels like it to work wherever she wants. Money: We set a yearly travel budget and work within it. Sometimes we also partner with local outfitters that allow us to stretch our budget further. Destinations Gear

Our Pre-Trip RTW To Do List | So Many Places I put together this list to guide those of you that plan to embark on a big trip. I know it seems like there are a million things to do (there are a million things to do) but staying organized and taking it one step at a time will make the process a whole lot easier. Also, if you’re planning to travel long-term you may be interested in the e-course that my husband and I created called Travel School. The biggest, baddest long-term travel to-do list 1 + year until departure: big pictures stuff Determine your budget. Employment. Inventory your stuff. Get to know your finances intimately. Get serious about saving. Pets. 6 months until departure Start to plan your itinerary. If you don’t have a passport, order one. Apply for a credit card that doesn’t charge foreign transaction fees. Make an appointment at a travel clinic for vaccinations. Consider the electronics you’ll take with you. Tell your family and friends about your big adventure. Buy plane tickets to your first destination. Pack. Leave!

11 Inspiring Stories Of People Who Left Normal Life And Embarked On An Adventure Independent Blog, Advice and Travel Show: Career Break Secrets Do Good As You Go - The Muskoka Foundation | Use What You Know, To Do Good As You Go. Cost of Living in Chiang Mai, Thailand If this were a tell-all book then this would be the point where you gasp in shock and awe – she’s going to lay it all out on the line for what it costs to live as an expat in Thailand? Really and truly? Okay, perhaps it’s not quite that exciting, but, even my mother last week on the telephone couldn’t help but dig for the nitty-gritty details on how much I pay to live in Thailand. I’ve paid rent in both Orlando and Los Angeles, and my Thailand living costs have averaged at least one third of my previous living expenses. Let’s first look at the hard costs, then I’ll go into what each element translates into in terms of what I get for that price! Total Cost for a Month Living in Chiang Mai, Thailand These are my baseline costs – or rather more fixed monthly expenses. Not included in this price are the visa runs you’ll need if you’re on a tourist visa. The border runs add to the spice of living here though! Then you have the cost of just unexpected life. Glad you asked. St. Misc other tips

Matrix - ITA Software by Google Home - Travel the world by bicycle Resources for World Travel and Career Breaks Welcome to the Legal Nomads Resources page. When I quit my job in 2008, I feverishly researched what I would need to pack, plan, and budget for a round the world trip. I did not find many world travel resources on the web at that time, so I cobbled together notes of my own. I update it frequently, and my goal is to have the basics of long term world travel all in one place, perfect for those seeking make a change and travel but unsure of where to start. This long resources page is available on Legal Nomads freely, but it will soon be possible to download it as an ebook, along with additional resources for digital nomads, for a small fee. Pre-trip Planning 1. While I always caution against planning your entire itinerary, it is essential to do some basic research about the area you plan to visit. Research the Weather. Resources: The Traveler’s Handbook, Travel Independent’s country guides. Start with the links below and then filter by destination. 2. 3. Vaccinations: Yes, you need them. 1. 2.

Welcome 4-hour-work-week readers My name is Benny Lewis. I travel the world and hack languages When I was 21, I only knew how to speak English. I moved to Spain, tried for 6 months to learn Spanish, and failed. But now, 11 years later, I’m a polyglot—a person who speaks over a dozen languages (including Spanish), and I run the world’s largest language learning blog, where I write about travel, languages, and productivity, and share my stories and language hacks with millions of people like you. My new book, Fluent in 3 Months, discusses how I learn languages so quickly. 11 Non-stop years of travel My focus when I take on a new language is to speak with natives. On my 10 year anniversary I made this video about my life lessons learned from those travels, which is an expansion of a blog post I wrote on my 8 year anniversary that went viral. On my blog, you’ll see a lot about travel, whether it’s my favorite countries, strange habits I’ve adopted from travel, or finding love on the road—I cover it all. What I do now
