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Wikiversidad Bienvenido Bienvenido a la Wikiversidad, una plataforma educativa, online, libre y gratuita, con filosofía wiki. Aquí puedes crear proyectos de aprendizaje a cualquier nivel educativo, participar en un grupo de aprendizaje, crear contenidos didácticos tales como exámenes, ejercicios de prácticas, foros de discusión sobre las dudas en las materias que estudias. Comunidad Para la discusión del proyecto internacional existe una metapagina y el Meta-wiki Puedes discutir en el Chat IRC en tiempo real con otros miembros de wikiversidades: #wikiversity-es entrar en la red freenode Si deseas proponer algo o realizar una consulta visita el Claustro Si deseas ver qué sucede en la wikiversidad lee el archivo

Mors Kochanski — Wikipédia Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Mors Kochanski est un naturaliste, éducateur, instructeur de survie et auteur canadien notable[1] spécialiste du milieu forestier boréal, né le en Saskatchewan. Jeunesse[modifier | modifier le code] De 1960 à 1964 il suit des cours à l'Université de la Saskatchewan notamment en anthropologie, psychologie, geologie et écriture. Carrière professionnelle[modifier | modifier le code] Suite à cette expérience il décide devenir spécialiste des milieux naturels et des activités en plein air, cependant ne pouvant pas vivre de cette activité il exerce plusieurs autres métiers en parallèle, notamment: dessinateur technique, technicien en bétons, géomètre arpenteur, assistant géologue et travailleur social. Carrière d'instructeur[modifier | modifier le code] Durant les années 1970 Mors Kochanski est professeur associé à la faculté d'éducation physique de Université d'Alberta. Inspiration[modifier | modifier le code] site officiel Portail du Canada

Vodafone South Africa - Office in the cloud For any organisation running a SAP system, the success and durability of the system is dependent on a secure and stable SAP Basis foundation. Whatever Managed SAP modules you choose, a reliable service provider is required to implement, upgrade and monitor the system’s performance and provide ongoing specialist support. Vodacom Business provides the necessary expertise and SAP Netweaver knowledge to ensure a solid SAP hosting foundation is laid. BasisOne eliminates your risk and vulnerability by taking responsibility for this critical functionality, including system patching, application of support stack and upgrades. This also reduces your total cost of ownership. We provide access to leading industry experts in: SAP Basis, SAP XI/PI SAP Portal ABAP JAVA Identity management (IDM) SAP infrastructure solutions You’ll be able to expand your SAP Hosting solution as your business needs grow.

Solved: Local Guides Connect - Re: Suggestion: Danger rating for roads and inters... - Local Guides Connect @SaadA This is great idea. SaadA wrote:Hey,I've had an idea to improve Google Maps directions. What if there was a danger rating for segments of road and/or intersections so that common accident location would be avoided. Google is a US-based company and in the US, as far as I know and also worked, Geocoded roadway fatal accidents (or technically traffic crashes) are available since 1994 on the FARS (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) database. Data is publicly available and researchers/users can make queries: here For example I made a query for 2015 roadway fatal accidents; there were in total 32,166 fatal accidents on entire US roadways (including intersections) which in total 48,902 vehicles were involved in all of them. Fatal Accidents (2015) [US Total = 32,166] Fatal Accidents (2015) in Washington DC Area This might be of your interest: @JonasK Cc to: @CorrieD

untitled What is Rich Site Summary (RSS Feed) ? “Rich Site Summary” can be described as a technology used by marketers around the world in order to track their favorite websites. Who can use the RSS Feed? Browsing on the Internet we can find many portals and blogs that use this feature to inform their readers about various updates, news, articles or other publications. Therefore, sites with rss feeds solve a problem of marketers who regularly use the Internet in search of various information. RSS Feed keeps you informed by retrieving the latest updates from the sites you wish to receive information from. By doing so, you simply save time and receive only the news of your interest. Summary: The purpose of Rich Site Summary (RSS) is to have the content of your favourite website delivered directly to you. RSS Feed and email marketing campaigns By using email marketing tools like ex. Sites with RSS feed help readers and clients receive updates from your online content by email. Did you like the content? Who can use the RSS Feed?

RSS To HTML - How To Convert RSS Feeds Into Published Web Pages Labroots Social networking site for scientists Labroots is a scientific social networking website that was founded in 2008 to create a virtual space for scientists across academia and industry to share their research and connect with one another.[1][2] They are a free platform that offers science networking opportunities, educational webinars, virtual events, and trending science news across many fields of science and medicine. The company currently has more than 4.1 million registered users from around the world.[3] The open platform requires registration with email and some personal information such as home address, telephone number and email address; but those wishing to join the site may do so without paying. Users are then able to register for, and participate in, Labroots webinars and virtual events, while following the activities of other users, companies, or institutions. History[edit] Labroots doubled the number of employees in 2013, then again in 2016. Features[edit] Virtual events[edit]

Facebook ¿Buscas un poco de inspiración con los reels o quieres profundizar en algo que te encanta en Marketplace o en los grupos? Puedes descubrir ideas, experiencias y personas que aviven tus intereses y te ayuden a progresar en lo que te importa en Facebook. Explora y amplía tus intereses * Compra cosas asequibles y especiales en Marketplace, y ve un paso más allá con tus aficiones.* Personaliza tu feed para ver más contenido del que te gusta y menos del que no.* Ve reels para entretenerte rápido y avivar la inspiración.* Descubre creadores, pequeñas empresas y comunidades que te puedan ayudar a profundizar en lo que te importa. Conecta con personas y comunidades * Únete a grupos para obtener trucos y consejos de personas reales que ya han estado en tu lugar.* Ponte al día con amigos, familiares e influencers mediante el feed y las historias. Comparte tu mundo
