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BlogBooker - Blog Book

BlogBooker - Blog Book

Blogs Instead of Blackboard - Technology - The Chronicle of High By Jeffrey R. Young New York Jim Groom sounded like a preacher at a religious revival when he spoke to professors and administrators at the City University of New York last month. Mr. The approach can save colleges money, for one thing. Organizers originally expected around 20 people to show up to the daylong meeting, which included technology demonstrations and discussions. Blackboard Inc., whose course-management system is used throughout CUNY's campuses, has become particularly unpopular there this semester after a series of technical problems. "When Blackboard is down, it's like the door to the college is nailed shut," said Joseph Ugoretz, director of technology and learning at CUNY's Macaulay Honors College, explaining that some professors use the software to administer quizzes and teach online. Those problems have caused many here to consider alternatives. Doing Something 'For Real' Although new versions of Blackboard include a bloglike feature, Ms. Mr. Mr. In an interview, Mr. Mr.

Google Drive: mejoras de servicios en GDocs En la actualidad la web nos ofrece una infinidad de servicios enfocados al trabajo colaborativo al igual que de herramientas que nos facilitan la sincronización de documentos para su rápida obtención de los mismos en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. Google vuelve a apostar por servicios en la Nube (Cloud Services) y se pone las pilas en lo que otros servicios como Dropbox son punteros. La principal diferencia entre estos dos servicios, hasta ahora, era la simplificación de los servicios y la integración del mismo en nuestro ordenador. Dropbox ofrecía integración con nuestro PC o Mac en el directorio del mismo, de esta forma una vez instalado en el ordenador, una carpeta aparece en nuestro directorio facilitando la sincronización con nuestro ordenador de una forma tan simple como el echo de colocar el documento en esa carpeta y el sistema, de forma automática, sincroniza en la Nube, y en todos los dispositivos que tengan asociada la misma cuenta, dicho documento .

PDF Crack - Sprotegge file PDF Some PDF documents prevent the user from copying and pasting or printing it's contents. This sometimes presents a problem since the author of the PDF might have used a font that is not available in the sytem trying to read it. This page contains a free online utility that allows you to upload a PDF, once uploaded, a version of the PDF without printing or copying/pasting restrictions is displayed in a new browser window. To unlock a PDF file, enter it's location in the "PDF file to unlock" field, by either typing it in the field or clicking on the "browse" button, then navigating to it's location. The unlocked version of the PDF will be displayed in a new browser window, opened in the default PDF application for your system (usually Adobe Acrobat Reader) The terms and conditions must be accepted to unlock the PDF file. Would you like to discuss this utility?

ePortfolios « In For Good Tomorrow sixth grade Language Arts students will begin pulling work from their blogs to create mini-portfolios. They’ll create a separate page on their WordPress blogs to link to and reflect upon work from all three trimesters, which they believe reflect some of their most important learning for the year. I threw together a quick model post. I created this screencast to showcase some of the work 6th graders have done using their blogs this year. The screencast wasn’t perfect, but I felt it demonstrated the ways I’d imporoved since the beginning of the year. UPDATE: Here’s an great example of one of my student’s portfolios. Like this: Like Loading...

Recursos Audiovisuales II - vectores, fotos, audio... gratuitos [v. colaborativa y renovada] AVISO, este post ha sido actualizado y editado el 09/07/2014. ¿Dónde consigo efectos de sonido para mi podcast? ¿Dónde puedo encontrar imágenes vectorizadas para mi póster? ¿Sabéis de algún sitio donde hallar buenas imágenes para mi presentación? En esta ocasión se ha procedido a recopilar todos los recursos audiovisuales (iconos, imágenes, fotografías...) en un documento google-doc colaborativo. Sin embargo, el documento sólo está abierto a la edición a los miembros de este blog en aras de mantener cierto "orden". No obstante, todos los lectores que así lo deseen pueden sugerir y aportar a través del formulario que hay al final de este post y a través de la sección de comentarios. 1) Acceder al documento 2) Enviar o sugerir un nuevo servicio Si conoces algún servicio que NOesté en este documento, por favor, completa el siguiente formulario:

terra :: una mappa globale di vento, meteo e le condizioni oceaniche Date | 2018-03-08 19:00 Local ⇄ UTC Data | Wind @ Surface Scale | Source | GFS / NCEP / US National Weather Service Control | Now « – ‹ – › – » ⊕Grid▷HD Mode | Air – Ocean – Chem – Particulates – Space Height | Sfc – 1000 – 850 – 700 – 500 – 250 – 70 – 10 hPa Overlay | Wind – Temp – RH – WPD – 3HPA – CAPE Overlay | TPW – TCW – MSLP – MI – None Animate | Currents – Waves Overlay | Currents – Waves Overlay | SST – SSTA – HTSGW – None Overlay | COsc – CO2sc Overlay | SO2sm Overlay | Overlay | DUex - PM1 - PM2.5 - PM10 Overlay | SO4ex Overlay | Aurora Projection | A – CE – E – O – P – S – WB – W3 English Čeština Français 日本語 Português Русский 中文 (简体)  about    

Why Teachers Should Blog I've never been too big on Descartes. That whole sort of essentialist argument has never been for me. I'm a guy who's built furniture out of science fiction novels and travel books and who's played concerts with nothing but a roll of tin foil and a microphone. So I've never been too big on the idea that things exist because they have some fundamental essence. Consider blogs. There is no substantial qualitative definition of a blog. And in my mind what this means is that I blog and what I blog -- and how that message is received by others -- tells me what I think. And it tells me how I think. My own blog confirms my suspicions that I'm not the most polite person in the world. And that's why I think all teachers should blog. A student in my ed class last night -- a young 2nd year teacher in a Baltimore City public school -- said that he didn't feel like he had anything to offer on his blog or on Twitter. It is in a way frustrating that he doesn't realize how obviously wrong he is.

Inicio - Tiching Capodanno Mappa - Anno 2016 Legend: How to Use the New Year Map Hover your mouse over a city (red dot) to see the name of the city and country with current local time and when the city will enter the New Year.When you click on the city, you’ll be taken to a New Year Countdown for your chosen city.Type your city in the search field and press enter. An automatic countdown to the New Year will be generated for your city. This will be on a new page.Click on “Preview” to see what order time zones around the world enter the New Year.Hover your mouse over the map to highlight time zones. Looking for a time zone map you can use all year round? Meg's EduPedia Home - Meg's EduPedia

para centros educativos Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results. Benefits Customizable You can customize the content available in your school. School-appropriate School admins and teachers can log in and watch any video, but students cannot log in and can only watch YouTube EDU videos plus videos their school has added. Teacher-friendly has hundreds of playlists of videos that align with common educational standards, organized by subject and grade. Visualizzate il tuo curriculum in uno scatto. Learn to Blog : Blog to Learn / FrontPage Como encontrar un millar de Recursos TIC en Latinoamérica Desde México hasta la Argentina, todos los países en Latinoamérica poseen portales educativos del Estado, en los cuales se recopilan y en algunos casos intercambian Recursos Educativos Digitales, que pueden ser accedidos de manera libre y gratuita por todos, dentro y fuera del país. Se trata de un cúmulo de recursos adaptados a la realidad de cada contexto, con sentido nacional y en la mayoría de los casos de producción propia de los docentes mismos del país. En este post hacemos un compilado de referencias que pueden resultar valiosas. Los contenidos en Latinoamérica son trabajados y mostrados en múltiples portales, webs, blogs, sitios y comunidades virtuales de todo tipo. En la Argentina, el portal, cuenta con una enorme base de Recursos Educativos posible de navegar (entro otras tantas maneras) desde este buscador. Si miramos en Brasil, el Portal Do Professor nos puede ofrecer un buen cúmulo de Contenidos Multimedia, además de la TV escola Ao Vivo y otros recursos.
