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Twitter Search engines

70 outils indispensables pour Twitter Cet article a été publié il y a 4 ans 11 mois 23 jours, il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Cet article n’est que la première partie d’une série consacrée aux “outils du web”, une suite d’articles destinée à rendre votre web plus “agréable” ! Welcome to Postpost! How Your Library May Not Be Using Twitter But Should « David Allen Kelly | kellydallen I’ve been doing some workshops recently on social networking (especially Twitter) for our library system and thought I would collect some of this information here because I usually can’t cover everything I would like and it may also be useful information for other libraries. Background Plenty has been said about the banality of many Twitter messages. Enough of you probably realize there’s more going on than meets the eye if you are willing to dig. Hash tags, twitter search, and a true global chat (uh, yes, it is basically, in essence, a “chat”) open up entirely new ways to reach out and touch people. Libraries have always been about books, but what is it about books that you’re there for? What Do We Tweet? When we decided to start a Twitter feed in mid 2008 we started experimenting with different techniques. This isn’t meant to be an exhaustive list but just a jumping-off point for any libraries trying to get some ideas. Tweet Style 1, or “The Average Library Tweet” But wait! Like this:

Twitlonger Twitter 10 Commandments of Twitter - Do Your Job Better By Katrina Gulliver Most of my friends (the ones who are not already on Twitter) have heard my Twitter pitch, and it's true that since joining several years ago I've become quite an evangelist. Recently over dinner, a colleague told me he had never really gotten the point of Twitter, but now that he had a book to promote, he wished he had followers he could share it with. Twitter is what you make of it, and its flexibility is one of its greatest strengths. The first and most obvious benefit has been helping me get to know a lot of great people whom I probably wouldn't have met otherwise. Thanks to Twitter, I have been sent copies of obsure articles much faster than I would have received them from an interlibrary loan. It's important to have a keyword, or hashtag, that others can search for when you want to communicate with networks beyond your own followers. A common error I see some academics make on Twitter is to set up an account solely to promote a new book or project. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

librarytechnz This is how we do it @nlnz on Twitter Oprah's there. Ashton's there. Cats do it, dogs do it, even transportation infrastructure does it. It's safe to assume that the LibraryTechNZ readership is au fait with Twitter, but just in case; Twitter is a microblogging service that lets you post 140-character updates to the web. Twitter seems to satisfy two strong human needs: our desire to tell people about ourselves, and our desire to know what's going on with the people around us (physically or virtually). Libraries and other cultural institutions have taken to Twitter with huge enthusiasm; some do it incredibly well, others are still finding their feet. We're pretty happy with how our Twitter works. And awesome interaction So, this is how we do it Chelsea set up the Twitter account last September, to talk to attendees at the LIANZA 2008 conference. What content do you have to share? Who's going to run this thing? Answer: Chelsea and Courtney. We sit next to each other, which makes it really easy to coordinate.

How To Build A Great Twitter Reputation And Get More Followers And Retweets If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, then this article is for you. Want more followers and retweets?New to Twitter and want to make it useful for you?Twitter isn’t working as well as you’d like it to? The three steps to a great Twitter reputation are content, style and connections. First—because this is what makes you really popular—we’ll cover making connections and building your account. Second, we’ll work on creating tweets that will give people something to retweet, and help people get to know you and want to recommend you. Your tweets are the core to your reputation. Third, we’ll work on your Twitter style. Ready? Begin by searching for people to engage with by topics that interest you. Add users that you find and are considering to Twitter lists, so you can watch how they tweet for awhile. You’ll want to follow very few key people at first, because you’ll want to have time to devote to them once you follow them. 1. 3. And don’t forget to spread out your tweets! 1. 2. 4.
