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Bret Victor, beast of burden

Bret Victor, beast of burden

All posts Marcin Ignac Data Art with Plask and WebGL @ Resonate My talk at Resonate'13 about Plask and how I use it for making data driven visualizations Fast Dynamic Geometry in WebGL Looking for fast way to update mesh data dynamically. Piddle Urine test strip analysis app Evolving Tools @ FITC My talk at FITC Amsterdam about the process behind some of my data visualization, generative art projects and Plask. Ting Browser Experimental browsing interface for digital library resources Bring Your Own Beamer BYOB is a "series of exhibitions hosting artists and their beamers". Bookmarks as metadata Every time we bookmark a website we not only save it for later but add a piece of information to the page itself. Timeline.js A compact JavaScript animation library with a GUI timeline for fast editing. SimpleGUI SimpleGUI is a new code block developed by me for Cinder library. Cindermedusae - making generative creatures Cindermedusae is quite a special project for me. Effects in Delta ProjectedQuads source code

室內定位重大進展:Apple在其全美254家零售店啟動 iBeacons 技術 Apple開始在其全美 254 家零售店啟動 iBeacons 室內定位技術。這意味著所有到店訪客將根據其位置即時獲得商品資訊推送、檢測升級資格、自助結帳等服務。iBeacons 是與 iOS7 一同推出的一項功能,它採用低功耗藍牙發射器為用戶手機提供室內定位服務。Apple今天的行動也是該技術領域的第一次重大進展。 從今天起,Apple開始在其全美 254 家零售店啟動 iBeacons 室內定位技術。 和目前更為普遍的基於 WiFi 識別的室內定位技術不同,iBeacons 採用藍牙室內定位。 iBeacon 是基於藍牙 4.0 LE 版協議所開發的技術。 ▲圖片來源 現在人們對隱私安全更加重視,Apple也考慮了這一點,使用者在升級app之後,可以選擇是否接收來自 iBeacon 的推送,此外 iBeacon 基地台不儲存使用者的位置資訊。 iBeacon 是開放的,可以結合 Android、Windows Phone 設備來使用。 ▲圖片來源 室外定位領域,我們擁有已經非常成熟的 GPS。 事實上,除Apple外,Google、微軟、百度等多家巨頭都擁有自己的室內定位技術,不過大家此前似乎一直保持觀望態度,僅百度悄悄地在其地圖服務裡小試室內定位。

squeak_screencasts – Squeak Community Projects The image as a persistent world ¶ Description The image is your working environment. All your modifications are stored with its state. Preview Video [ Download Basic Elements of the Image ¶ In this video we take a tour around the basic UI elements and menus of the image. How to Recover Changes ¶ Help! Halos to access morphs ¶ Halos provide an instant access to graphical elements of the image. How to update your Image ¶ How to modify settings and change your browser ¶ The image has a menu for editing all your preferences. Demo mode – large text for using a beamer or making screenshots ¶ In "Demo Mode" all text is large enough to be legible while using a beamer, making a screencast or taking screenshots. Organise your work with projects ¶ Projects are a nice way to organise different workplaces in one image. File out file in – the image and its environment ¶ Description This video shows how to get your code out of the image into the file system and back from the filesystem into the image. Help!

Raphaël—JavaScript Library 一鏡到底看法國郵政的模擬城市動畫 By EDOUARD SALIER 「12號掛號~~~~」對著門口大喊幾號住家有掛號、包裹,是我小時候對郵差先生的第二印象。因為台中的房子有許多都是透天厝,因此郵差先生真的是騎著摩托車家家戶戶連續的送信。跟在台北,郵差都是放在大樓信箱的感覺很不一樣。以前一聽到摩托車的聲音,就知道郵差來了! 今天要跟大家分享由EDOUARD SALIER監製的法國郵政動畫,模擬紙張效果並且使用一鏡到底來運鏡,從穿著藍色服裝的郵差先生騎著腳踏車出場,送信到家家戶戶開始,也帶到在郵局裡工作的公務員們。 影 片 在 此 ↓↓↓ La Poste – Pliages from Edouard Salier on Vimeo. La Poste _ Pliages Agency: BETC Director: Edouard Salier Producer: Mourad Belkeddar Production Company: Iconoclast Post producer: Clement Pignal Post-production company: Digital District Art Direction : Marthe Salier & Francois Peyranne Music: Amadou & Mariam _ Sabali 想看更多設計師作品-請點此 via

CodeKata Protovis Protovis composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bars and dots. Unlike low-level graphics libraries that quickly become tedious for visualization, Protovis defines marks through dynamic properties that encode data, allowing inheritance, scales and layouts to simplify construction. Protovis is free and open-source, provided under the BSD License. Protovis is no longer under active development.The final release of Protovis was v3.3.1 (4.7 MB). This project was led by Mike Bostock and Jeff Heer of the Stanford Visualization Group, with significant help from Vadim Ogievetsky. Updates June 28, 2011 - Protovis is no longer under active development. September 17, 2010 - Release 3.3 is available on GitHub. May 28, 2010 - ZOMG! October 1, 2009 - Release 3.1 is available, including minor bug fixes. September 19, 2009 - Release 3.0 is available, including major performance improvments, bug fixes, and handy utilities such as scales and layouts. Getting Started How does Protovis work?

PragDave d3.js Cloud Security Debate: Cloud Now or Cloud How? (EDUCAUSE Review During the often-fiery 2012 presidential debate season, a lively debate of a different sort held at Indiana University (IU) featured passionate arguments on the nature, status, and future of cloud security in and beyond the higher education environs. Moderated by Brad Wheeler, IU's vice president for IT and CIO, the debate featured two figures characterized by Wheeler as symbolic leaders of the "Cloud Now" and "Cloud How" parties: Shel Waggener (Cloud Now) is Senior Vice President at Internet2, where he leads the non-profit's cloud initiative, called NET+ Services. Waggener was previously CIO for a networking division at Lucent Technologies and CIO and Associate Chancellor at the University of California, Berkeley. Fred H. Cate (Cloud How) is Distinguished Professor and C. Following are highlights of the Waggener–Cate debate, including salient points, key quotes, and a bit of the color and passion that permeated the sometimes sprawling and always interesting discussion.
