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OER Commons Photoscape : Free Photo Editing Software (Photo Editor) Download 4 Simple Experiments to Introduce Kids to Physics This quick series of physics experiments is perfect for introducing little learners to concepts of push and pull! In the experiments that follow, kids will investigate how they can change the speed and direction of objects by applying varying degrees of strength. It’s a great way to get young students excited about physics and STEM in general. Step 1: Introduce the Physics Experiments First, connect motion to what the children already know. Brainstorm: Create a t-chart, write down objects that can be pushed or pulled (objects at home, in the classroom, on the playground). Step 2: Do Small-Group Instruction (Stations): Push: Children experiment with pushing a ball hard and with less force to knock over soda bottles. Pull: Loop a lightweight rope around the back of two chairs. Push: Children create ramps using flat, rectangular wooden blocks and Duplo Lego bricks. Sort: Put out a paper bag that contains various real-world objects. Step 3: Reinforce the Concepts Step 4: Assessment

Tagxedo - Word Cloud with Styles 60 Apps to Teach STEAM in the Classroom Using a tablet to explore STEAM concepts is a natural pairing—as kids drag, draw and create they learn more about technology and the world around them. That’s why we’ve gathered 60 of the best STEAM apps, with recommendations for every grade level. Read on to get our list! Science Apps for Kids in Grades K-2 Science Apps for kids in Grades 3-5 Science Apps for Tweens in Grades 6-8 Science Apps for Teens in Grades 9-12 Technology Apps for Kids in Grades K-2 Technology Apps for Kids in Grades 3-5 Technology Apps for Tweens in Grades 6-8 Technology Apps for Teens in Grades 9-12 Engineering Apps for Kids in Grades K-2 Engineering Apps for Kids in Grades 3-5 Engineering Apps for Tweens in Grades 6-8 Engineering Apps for Teens in Grades 9-12 Art Apps for Grades Kids in Grades K-2 Art Apps for Kids in Grades 3-5 Art Apps for Tweens in Grades 6-8 Art Apps for Teens in Grades 9-12 Math Apps for Kids in Grades K-2 Math Apps for Kids in Grades 3-5 Math Apps for Tweens in Grades 6-8 Math Apps for Teens in Grades 9-12

¿Cómo y por qué enseñar ciencia? Dedicamos el programa de hoy a pensar la relación entre ciencia y educación. ¿Cómo enseñar ciencia dentro y fuera de la escuela? ¿Qué estrategias seguir? ¿Cuáles son las dificultades? ¿Y qué posibilidades habilita para los jóvenes? Recibimos a Gustavo Capialbi, docente de la Escuela Nº 15 D.E. 13, y a Laura Socolovsky, licenciada en Biología, y a Diego Golombek, Director del Centro Cultural de la Ciencia (C3), para pensar junto a ellos temas como el desafío de enseñar ciencia dentro y fuera de la escuela, la importancia de la forma y la estética de los contenidos, el rol de los docentes, los divulgadores y los guías de museos y centros culturales, la traducción de la mirada científica al lenguaje escolar. Hablamos también con la Dra. Además, en exclusiva para las redes sociales de la Televisión Pública Argentina, les preguntamos a Diego Golombek y Gustavo Capialbi cómo trabajar temas científicos con los chicos tanto en la escuela como en espacios de educación no formal.

Best STEM Books K-12 Reading science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) trade books is the perfect way for students to develop literacy skills while learning STEM content. Building upon a strong legacy of several decades of recommending outstanding science trade books, the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) appointed a judging panel that has selected its second annual list of Best STEM Books. The list was chosen by volunteer educators, identified in cooperation with the Children's Book Council (CBC). STEM is more than a concept diagram with connections among four (or more) subject areas. Through almost a year of study, the NSTA group came up with these criteria for selecting the best STEM literature for young readers: The best STEM books might represent the practices of science and engineering by

enmarchaconlastic.educarex Nueva colaboración de Alberto Penelas Jiménez “Este cuento está dedicado a ese hombrecito que es mi hijo, para darle las gracias por estos diez años que lleva en mi vida. Diez años en los cuales me da constantes lecciones de vida: amor, bondad, humildad… No cambies hijo, porque cuando nos hacemos mayores muchas personas cambian esos valores morales por los (Read more…) La actividad denominada “Lectura compartida de Elmer” ha tenido como finalidad trabajar aspectos como la participación y la interacción del grupo así como fomentar el hábito lector y el gusto por la lectura en nuestros alumnos.Se ha desarrollado en 7 sesiones cada curso. • CUADERNOS DE LECTURAS DE BIBLIOTECATras las visitas a la Biblioteca del centro, de forma semanal, los alumnos, recogen el libro que leen diariamente en clase y con la información que completan dicho cuaderno. • TERTULIAS LITERARIAS DIALÓGICAS EN 3º DE EDUCACIÓN PRIMARIA. · LECTURAS TUTORIZADAS EN 1º, 2º Y 4º DE EDUCACIÓN PRIMARIA.

A Question of Temperature Ask students to explore the question: What makes a good chocolate bar? Encourage students to engage in the hands-on activity of making chocolate. Materials required include chocolate, saucepan, metal bowl, and a thermometer. A QuickTime movie depicts the process of making chocolate. The recommended grade range for this activity is between 6-12. Hot and Cold Colors 3-5 | Hands-On Salt: Up Close and Personal 3-5 | Hands-On Temperature Changes Everything 6-8 | Hands-On A Matter of State 6-8 | Hands-On

Zapping Fish Photo Credit: By Ian Boggs from Astoria, US (Lightning on the Columbia River) [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons Spring rains will soon be falling, and warm temperatures will bring the return of thunderstorms. A caller to our 1-800-WHY-ISIT line notes that while most people know enough to leave the water during a lightning storm, most fish continue swimming recklessly. Transcript Does lightning fry fish? Matt:"Why is it that we're directed to get out of water during a lightning storm to avoid electrocution? We asked Don MacGorman, a physicist at the National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, Oklahoma. Don:"Basically lightning stays more on the surface of the water rather than penetrating it. So, when lightning hits the water, the current zips across the surface in all directions. Of course, if the fish happen to be surfacing, they're at risk just like you are. Don:"So fish under a lightning strike can be killed, if it's close enough to the surface. Making Sense of the Research

Science Experiments and STEM Activities for Kids The best science experiments guide for kids ages 3-9. This is YOUR go-to resource for all things STEM and science all year round! STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. You can make STEM and science exciting, educational, and inexpensive for young kids. Fun and easy science for kids starts here! Don’t hesitate getting set up for science at home right away. Encourage experimenting, tinkering, building, observing, exploring, problem solving, and creating! Our science activities plus STEM challenges will help kids fall in love with the world of STEM. We LOVE that slime is science too! Science you can eat. Also make sure to check out our summer initiative to get kids off the screens and into STEM! This is a new teacher led series that we hope will help to demystify NGSS science standards and help you implement the standards confidently in your classroom. Science experiments, activities, and STEM challenges are awesome for young kids! NEW! Bursting Bags Fizzing Lemonade
