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Zen habits

Zen habits
‘Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves.’ -Thich Nhat Hanh Zen Habits is about finding simplicity and mindfulness in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, find happiness. My name is Leo Babauta. I live in Davis, California with my wife and six kids, where I eat vegan food, write, run, and read. More info: Contact: I’m not able to personally respond to emails, and I don’t take guest posts, advertising, or requests to promote anything. I’m not taking on new projects or speaking engagements because my plate is full. Otherwise: Problems with ebooks or membership: support@zenhabits.netFeedback or suggestions: submit here

the best goal is no goal | zen habits “With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Post written by Leo Babauta. The idea of having concrete, achievable goals seem to be deeply ingrained in our culture. These days, however, I live without goals, for the most part. It means you stop letting yourself be limited by goals. Consider this common belief: “You’ll never get anywhere unless you know where you’re going.” And there’s the rub: you have to open your mind to going places you never expected to go. Today, I live mostly without goals. The problem with goals In the past, I’d set a goal or three for the year, and then sub-goals for each month. Unfortunately, it never, ever works out this neatly. And so your weekly goals and monthly goals get pushed back or side-tracked, and you get discouraged because you have no discipline. Of course, you don’t actually end up getting there. Here’s the secret: the problem isn’t you, it’s the system! How it works What do you do, then? Quick questions

Fred L Miller 10 Steps to Become an Email Ninja | The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss {*style:<i><b> </b></i>*} I don’t know about you, but I get dozens — if not hundreds — of emails a day. Unlike most people, however, I’m able to process through them, respond quickly, and get my inbox empty in 20 minutes (checking perhaps 2-3 times a day). In fact, I respond so quickly, and empty my inbox so quickly, that friends have called me an “email ninja”. Let’s look at some simple strategies for being able to get your inbox to done in as little time as possible… The first stage of any email strategy is to stop any unnecessary email from getting into your inbox in the first place. . . </b>*} . . . So now that only the essential emails come into your inbox, the question is how to get it empty in 20 minutes? I should also note: if you have a very full inbox (hundreds or thousands of messages), you should create a temporary folder (“to be filed”) and get to them later, processing them perhaps 30 minutes at a time until you’re done with that. . . . . .

Uncle Thor's Lessons, Anecdotes and Humor The television clip of women brawling in a shopping mall on Thanksgiving Day is a commentary of this year’s winter holiday season. More than a few retailers opened their doors on Thanksgiving Day to get a few dollars more. Goggle-eyed shoppers hurried to get the early bargains, sacrificing the sanctity of the day in hopes of scoring a big discount. Already, the shopping malls and department stores are mobbed. Their parking lots are impassable as hordes of holiday shoppers descend like a pack of lemmings. Advertisements on television, newspapers and mailbox-choking flyers proclaim sales in hopes of separating customers from their dollars. Whatever happened to a time when Thanksgiving was strictly a family holiday? Who decided it was a good time to get out to the store and shop? And for what? It’s not just these holidays, either. The other day, my wife gave her opinion on greeting cards. There are cards for every occasion, all lined up in special racks with their color-coordinated envelopes.

Getting Things Done – S’organiser pour reussir | Organiser - Reussir GTD présentation La méthode GTD: Getting Things Done ou s’organiser pour réussir est une méthode d’organisation personnelle proposée par David Allen, consultant en gestion et productivité en entreprise, et dont la particularité réside dans une approche par contexte et projets plutot que par rédaction de todo liste quotidienne. Le best-seller de David Allen est très populaire aux Etats Unis et on trouve de nombreuses ressources sur la méthode GTD et les manières de l’implémenter sur le web sont légion. L’entrée en matière est allèchante car l’auteur présente dès le début sa méthode comme le moyen efficace de mettre en place un système d’organisation performant et permettant à tout un chacun d’accéder à l’état d’esprit idéal pour associer quiètude est performance. Cet état d’ésprit, nous l’avons tous déjà ressenti au cours de la réalisation de tel projet ou telle action. L’esprit est alors dépourvu de toute distraction et focalisé sur l’accomplissement d’un seul et même objectif.

TalkTyper: Online Speech To Text Service Speech to text software is widely available on mobile devices for free. However, you will find less luck in desktop apps as good voice dictation software costs a lot. Of course Apple will be adding voice dictation to Mountain Lion, and Windows probably has some apps that can do the job, but if you need an online solution right now, then Talk Typer is a valuable option. Talk Typer’s interface cannot be any simpler. Talk Typer is one of the easiest and cheapest (free!) Talk Typer is a great free app for those who absolutely need voice dictation to save their fingers from typing. Features: Optimizing for Gmail&#039;s snippets and Outlook&#039;s AutoPreview - Campaign Monitor Blog Inspired by Jeanne Jennings great write-up on designing emails for Gmail's snippets and Outlook's auto-preview, I decided to run a few tests of my own. First things first, a Gmail snippet is that small chunk of light grey text immediately following your email subject in the Gmail inbox. It usually includes the first few lines from your email to give the recipient a sample of what's to come. Outlook's AutoPreview feature is a very similar concept. Yes, you can simply place your fabulously engaging snippet/AutoPreview phrase at the very top of the e-mail where all will see it. What a top idea! Gmail The alt text version now gives the recipients a much better idea about what to expect from our newsletter. Outlook For some reason Outlook was inserting a weird line-break in our alt text that we couldn't avoid.

Too Long in the Sun - Richard Rives - Christmas - Easter - Sunday Rest - Sabbath Les 6 concepts fondamentaux d’une organisation parfaite… | Organiser - Reussir Parmi les différente méthode d’organisation personnelles, GTD a pris une part importante mais peut être parfois longue et laborieuse a mettre en oeuvre. Voici a mon sens les 6 concepts fondamentaux d’une organisation optimale, a mettre en place de toute urgence! Le choix du système Dans un premier temps il est important de choisir un système, quel qu’il soit (papier, Iphone,…), et surtout de s’y tenir! Le moins de temps passé dans le système, le plus d’actions on accomplit. Plus sérieusement, la multitude et la diversité des possibilités d’implementation de la méthode GTD ou de liste de tâches quelles qu’elles soient nous donnent parfois l’impression que passer du temps a nous organiser nous rend productif. La collecte des idées C’est un concept important de la méthode GTD. Le traitement des idées Parce que les idées collectées ne constituent pas forcément des actions réalisables en l’état, il faut organiser ces idées. Commencer à agir Maintenant! Organiser les projets La revue des altitudes

Online Dictation: Have Your Speech Converted to Text Online Typing long passages is not something that people are fond of. This is precisely why we have various computer applications that convert speech to text for your convenience. Here to offer you the same service online is a web app called Online Dictation. Online Dictation is a free to use web tool that converts your speech into text. All you have to do is visit the site and click on the microphone icon on the homepage, next to the page’s title. Next you speak a sentence into your microphone; the speech is processed, converted to text, and displayed. The service also offers instructions on how to add speech-to-text recognition on your own website. Features: A user-friendly web service.Can convert speech to text.Converted text can be edited and copied.Shows instructions on how to use speech-to-text on your website.Similar tools: TalkTyper, Stop Typing and PaperPort.Also read related article: How To Dictate Writing On Your Mac: Apple’s Dictation vs DragonDictate.

Email design and spam testing just got easy with Campaign Monitor Email Screenshots See screenshots of exactly how your email will look in more than 20 of the most popular desktop, web and mobile email clients like Outlook 2007,, Gmail, Lotus Notes, iPhone, BlackBerry and many more. Over 20 email clients See your email with images blocked View browser variations Rigorously spam tested Spam Tested Getting your email delivered isn't just about choosing a great email service provider. Instead of just scanning your content for "spammy words", we’ll pass your email through real spam filters and tell you which ones it passes, and which failed (though unfortunately we can't find out why). We’ll also run your email through a number of key spam firewalls - the gatekeepers for most ISP’s and large corporations. In over 20 clients... Desktop Email Clients: Apple Mail 3 Apple Mail 4 Lotus Notes 6.5.4 Lotus Notes 7 Lotus Notes 8 Outlook 2000 Outlook 2003 Outlook 2007 Outlook 2010 Outlook 2013 Outlook XP Thunderbird Web-based Email Clients: Mobile Email Clients:
