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Pricing and Account Types
Related:  Facilitation

Vagrant - VirtualBox 가상머신 관리 도구 소개 :: Joohyun's BLOG 1. Vagrant? 개발을 진행하다보면, 개발환경 구성에 굉장히 많은 시간이 필요하다. 또한, 참여하는 개발자의 수만큼 개발환경 구축에 드는 시간은 배가 되어 비효율적이며, 구축된 개발환경마다 버전 관리하기도 쉽지 않은 일이다. vagrant는 ruby스크립트로 작성되어 있으며, VirtualBox의 가상머신을 관리할 수 있도록 도와준다. * vagrant 홈페이지 : * VirtualBox 홈페이지 : 2. 2.1. 다운로드는 에서 받는다. 현재 vagrant 1.0.5 버전이 지원하는 virtualbox 버전은 4.0.x ~ 4.2.x 이다. 2.2. 다운로드는 에서 받는다. 2.3. box 이미지 추가 아래의 커맨드로 박스를 추가한다. vagrant box add lucid32 2.4. vagrant init 명령으로 Vagrant 설정 파일을 생성할 수 있다. 2.5. Vagrant 설정파일을 기반으로하여 VirtualBox 가상머신을 시작할 준비가 됬다. vagrant up 명령으로 수행한다. 아래와 같이 VirtualBox에 해당 가상 머신이 추가되었음을 확인할 수 있다. 2.6. Linux 가상머신의 /vagrant 폴더가 호스트 PC와 공유폴더로 연결되어 있다. 3.

Home Release Management White Paper and Assessment I work at ThoughtWorks Studios, where I am product manager for Go (our continuous integration and release management platform, of which more in a future post), and a general big mouth about build and release management. As part of the launch of the book and of Go 2.0, we’ve created some collateral you might find useful – a white paper on release management and a build and release management assessment. The white paper, “Agile Release Management: Towards Frequent, Low-Risk Releases” (warning: registration required, but it’s free) is actually a pretty good summary of many of the things Dave and I discuss in the book, so worth checking out if you want to have a brief overview of our approach to the problem of getting software live in medium and large organizations. It’s also a useful summary if you’re trying to introduce continuous delivery to management. Although they’re created by ThoughtWorks Studios, both the white paper and the assessment are vendor neutral.

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ Facilitation Kit Teamwork is the Single Most Untapped Strategic Advantage Introducing The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ based on Patrick Lencioni’s best selling book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Team data is combined with an Everything Disc profile to help the participants link team behavior with style preferences and priorities It has a simple goal: To create a learning experience that helps individuals and organizations discover what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team. Trust one another Engage in Constructive Conflict Commit to Decisions Hold One Another Accountable Focus on Achieving Collective Results Free Tutorial A 6 minute introduction to The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team. Free Assistance Is The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team right for you? Contact Sue Annis Hammond, MOD (, 888.316.9544) , with any questions. How It Works The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team is a team development intervention, not a training program. Facilitation Kit Contents

Facilitation Wiki Whispers — The Thiagi Group (First published, July 2001) You can use Whispers as a follow-up activity to any interesting experience among a group of friends. It's my favorite game to informally debrief my colleagues at the airport or during the drive back after a conference. Purpose To reflect on a common experience and share insights with each other. Participants 3 - 7. Time 10 - 30 minutes, depending on the number of questions Supplies A prepared set of debriefing questions. Flow Brief participants. Add additional details. Encourage reflection. Ask the first question. Ask for predictions. Ask for responses. Score the prediction. Continue the game. Conclude the game. Variations Bored of predicting the same person's responses? Sample Set of Questions Here are the types of questions that I use for debriefing participants at the conclusion of a professional conference: What one word best describes your overall reaction to the conference?

untitled The point of having a good synergistic team is so that when times are tough, the team really pulls together and are able to pull themselves out of tremendous challenging situations. Other reasons for having team and trust building activities as a regular part of your meetings and or organizational culture initiatives include: – People will enjoy coming to work because they feel valued and appreciated– Projects get done more expediently– Creativity abounds when the solutions are not apparent– It is much less work for you, the leader, because people are not complaining about each other but rather are supporting one another– Work feels like fun rather than a chore. Passion abounds Here are ten ways we’ve “borrowed and begged” from other colleagues or created ourselves to help your creative juices start flowing, whether you are the outside or inside facilitator or a leader that needs to be more vigilant about creating conditions for great teams. Here’s one I created: Show and Tell Frisbee Toss

untitled MastheadOur mission statement, copyright notice, and cast of characters. Training DesignContinuous Improvement of TrainingKeep on tweaking. Structured SharingGuidelinesBe inclusive. FramegameThirty-FiveEverything you'll ever need to know about this framegame. Guest GamerInterview with Christie StearnsHer approach to training makes cents! Another FramegameRapid Fire by Christie SternsHandling objections. Learning ActivitiesLearning Activities Revisited - 1Textra games and replay activities. Brian's WordsA Perfect Smile by Brian RemerReading between the lines? 99 Words TipBlend Formal with InformalPractical ideas for integrating these approaches. Check It OutInteractive Lectures ( )Other points of view. Single Item SurveyMore Suggestions for BlendingLet's do some informal brainstorming. Masthead Mission To increase and improve the use of interactive, experiential strategies to improve human performance in an effective, efficient, and enjoyable way.
