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A Little Tipsy

A Little Tipsy

DIY Candle Hacks - 5 Awesome Tutorials Posted by on lördag, mars 31, 2012 · 1 Comment Today is the day when electric lights go out over the world during Earth hour. So I figured I’d gather some hacky D.I.Y Candle Ideas from crafty corners of the blogosphere. I found 5 awesome ideas where old-school candlelight meets new-school creativity, involving everything from plastic dinosaur toys to satsumas. Links to awesome D.I.Y tutorials under each pic – Enjoy!

20 minute crafter I've been creating these cute little masterpieces as a way of relieving stress lately! Something about focusing on something so small makes the BIG things in life I am dealing with a little less burdensome to carry! They are simple enough to create, just take a little time and patience. I've been posting them on my Instagram account (@littlebitfunky) and several people requested a tutorial, and well, here it is! To make these tiny pin cushions you will need some fabric scraps, an iron and a cutting mat and ruler. Start by fussy cutting your center square. so. ...and cut the other two sides. Like so. Next cut eight additional squares. Next I like cut (freehanded) some larger scraps. You will work with the squares missing from this photo and your star scraps (yellow fabric here). Start by laying your yellow fabric on top of your background fabric like shown above. Sew like this... Then fold back. Repeat with the other corner... so. Then fold back and press. And press! Feather DIY - Ideas Posted by on tisdag, oktober 16, 2012 · Leave a Comment I’ve been experiencing somewhat of a writers block lately, meaning no posts on the blog for a while. However, I’ve been pinning daily doses of D.I.Y onto Pinterest and Facebook, so make sure to connect over there to stay tuned! Anyways, what better way to celebrate ridding the shackles of writers block than with some free flyin’ feather D.I.Y? Awesome paper feathers cut out from heavy paper that had been covered in pastel crayon drawings, for the full story, check out crafty Rachael Rice’s DIY TUTORIAL over at FreePeople “The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly”/ Friedrich Nietzsche Feather headdress Pic sources gathered here Fringed, watercolored feathers (carefully) Work your nail scissors to give paper feathers a fine fringe. Let the supercute feather gift tags from FellowFellow inspire you, D.I.Y or buy? Feather Mobile via here ”Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?” via here

Top 12 Websites For Crafting And DIY Projects Over the past few months we have been bringing you lists of top blogs for social media, small businesses, writing, aspiring entrepreneurs, photographers and food lovers. And I can't imagine how I missed out on bringing you best craft and DIY blogs, considering their increasing popularity and love for creativity. Personally, I love to read crafting ideas and there are a lot of creative people out there who can make some amazing products from the most surprising elements. Therefore, I set out to look for best blogs from bloggers who have relentlessly dedicated themselves to their website and their loyal readers. Crafting bloggers have a lot more to do than merely coming up with post ideas for their blog. Brown Paper Packages "This is a place to find DIY projects of all kinds--my favorite things! "I’m a bargain hunter, design lover, and incurable DIYer. Craftzine "CRAFT is dedicated to the renaissance that's occurring within the world of crafts. Dabbled - experiments in art, craft & food

GIVERSLOG New Life for Ladders, 10+ DIY Ideas Posted by on måndag, juni 4, 2012 · 19 Comments Ladders are versatile structures that can be tweaked into pretty much anything…Suspend them from the ceiling, hang them on the wall or let them stand naturally tall…then add a pinch of creativity to score amazing new functionality and style in an instant! Here’s a selection of 10+ hacky ideas to get those DIY juices flowing…Enjoy! Beautiful D.I.Y project involving a ladder +2 wooden brackets from Italian daily ‘Corriere della Serra’, DIY TUTORIAL HERE Pics, clockwise from top left: HomeMadeSimple, Shelterness, Stylizimo, RedOnline Sculpture made from reclaimed ladders, by Dutch Artist Chris Ruhe, spotted via Make Suspended ladders provides great options for party décor, pics via here, here & here Julie of blog ‘Less Than Perfect life of Bliss’ shows you the way to score stylish ladder shelves in no time, DIY TUTORIAL HERE Another set of D.I.Y Ladder shelves, spotted on ‘RealSimple’, DIY TUTORIAL HERE Pics via here & here

Vintage Revivals kirtsy Room for Color 2012 U.S. Winner Kellie's "Bright & Beachy" Room Kellie lives in Marina Del Rey, so it's no surprise that she looked to the beach as a point of inspiration for her living room decor. The bright red walls help define the fireplace as the focal point of the room, but the drama doesn't stop there. View Kellie's Entry » International Winner Jane's "Comic Strip " Room Jane's room is all about a fearless, joyful use of color! The bold combination of colors is done with skill. View Jane's Entry » The Power is in the Palette! The Room for Color contest is our annual celebration of beautiful rooms where the stylish use of color is key. Or, if you are just thinking about adding more color to your interiors but don't know where to begin, this is a perfect way to gather inspiration and color confidence. Enter to win or discover wonderful new rooms for your inspiration file, either way, join us! Schedule

Grandma’s Camp Book Chances are our grandma is more fun than your grandma! Okay, she’s not my grandma, but she is my mom, which makes my boys super lucky because she is their grandma. A few years ago she started Grandma’s Camp, and it is now the most talked about–most anticipated event of summer (I think after this year she’s starting to wonder what she’s got herself into!) To announce the theme and dates for Grandma’s Camp she mails each family a book to read. And then on the designated day we hand the kids over to Grandma for days of fun! As a little thank you for the great memories my boys have made with Grandma I made her this Grandma’s Camp book that I hope turns from a scrapbook into a year book that the kids will sign as they get older. To get started all I did was print the pages off on double sided matte photo paper (my favorite!) Apply Mod Podge to both sides, even if you only need it on 1 side. That’s it. Once I had the cover Mod Podged I used The Cinch to put it all together.
