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Augmented Reality

Jewel Collector: El primer juego de realidad aumentada para Layar | Netambulo :: Curiosidades y Noticias sobre Internet, Ocio y Tecnología :: DESCUBRIMIENTOS DE UN NETAMBULO Layar, la aplicación de Realidad Aumentada para teléfonos con Android, acaba de presentar en… ¿dónde va a ser? Venga todos: ¡¡en el Mobile World Congress!!, el primer juego para Layar: Jewel Collector. Cuando actives la capa de Jewel Collector en Layar verás, a través de la pantalla, joyas virtuales en la calle que tendrás que coger pasando físicamente por encima de ellas y así obtener puntos, en plan come-cocos. Cuidado a partir de ahora si ves a gente con el móvil en la mano y comportándose de modo extraño. Web oficial: Jewel Collector Descubierto en seetio

Free Christian E-Cards for Every Occasion and for Everyone Send a FREE Birthday eCard to a friend or family member! Send free Birthday ecards to your friends and family quickly and easily on Share an animated Birthday eCard or a cute and funny ecard with your family and friends, it’s easy! Send A Free Augmented Reality Christmas Card Home » News , web When I was about 12 years old, I gave my mother a blank card and wrote “Happy Christmas, Happy Birthday, valid until 2010”. That was probably the last greetings card I sent. Ingloble Technologie s have released the first ever augmented reality greetings card service which is a dream come true to people like me. Your recipient gets an email with clear instructions on how to view the card, eg print and hold in front of the webcam and they’ll love you forever. If Christmas is not your thing they have cards for Birthdays and New Year. Did you like this? Related posts you may like: Augmented Reality Business Cards Happy Christmas To All Our Readers New Augmented Reality Trading Cards Are Topps Best Yet Augmented Reality Business Cards Augmented Trading Cards Demo 35 Awesome Augmented Reality Examples on BannerBlog News If it wasn't for Twitter and social media as a whole grabbing all the headlines Augmented Reality would be the most talked about "technology" of 2008/2009. While the roots of the technology have been around since as early as the 1990's (remember VR games!) it's only in the last 12 months has the interactive industry taken to it like moths to a flame. The technology has it's limitations though. If you know of any interesting applications for AR please comment below. Augmented Reality!? Below are 35 great examples of where Augmented Reality and their applications to the commercial and art world. Correction Update: Apologies to Metaio who I incorrectly forgot to credit as the technology behind the Mini and Lego examples.

Top 10 Augmented Reality Concept Games – Part I Home » Desktop , News , Opinion , Technology Having just finished another xBox 360 game I’m thinking about my next game purchase. Augmented Reality has the potential to revolutionize gaming so today we’ll look at the top 10 list of augmented reality games that I really want to play. The caveat is none of these games are available, some of these are still concepts, some are in beta, and others… well have disappeared. So think of this list as my top 10 wish-list. {*style:<b>10: Pacman </b>*} Yes it’s retro but it makes the list because everyone who grew up in the 80s loves Pacman {*style:<b>9: Skreek Station I have no idea what this game is about, it looks interesting but more importantly it looks like one of those games that could change the board game genre. The simple games are the best and what can be simpler than a game of memory. {*style:<b>7: Marbles Another nice simple game, get the marble to the exit. Did you like this? Related posts you may like: iPhone Markerish Augmented Reality Games

Top 10 Augmented Reality Concept Games – Part 2 Home » Desktop , News , Opinion , Technology So we come to the nuts and bolts of the top 10 augmented reality games concept list as we continue the count down from 5 to 1. ( part 1 of the list ) Remember this list includes concept and beta games. Essentially games I want but am unable to play because they are not publicly available. Kweekies feels like it’s been coming for a long time, it’s probably been one of the most hyped augmented reality games around. The website says coming this Fall which is any time now. HIT Labs is one of those names like Total Immersion or Metiaothat when they do stuff you tend to sit back and listen because you know its going to be good. {*style:<b>3: Spacecraft Racing </b>*} OK this one is not the most visual augmented reality application and may be a strange entry for number 3, but it makes me think of a cross between scalectrix and micro machines. {*style:<b>ARhrrrr Zombies The other candidate for first place is PIT Strategy. {*style:<b>PIT Strategy

Tres vídeos sobre la realidad aumentada en la educación Por empezar desde el principio, la realidad aumentada es una nueva tecnología que permite añadir contenido virtual 3D en un entorno físico, de forma interactiva y en tiempo real. A diferencia de lo que ocurre con la realidad virtual, la aumentada no sustituye a la realidad física, sino que sobreimprime datos informáticos sobre el mundo real, de modo que el usuario tiene la sensación de estar presente físicamente en el escenario que ve reflejado en su pantalla. Así se puede ver en el famoso vídeo Augmented Reality by Hitlab. Para ello, este tipo de tecnología suele requerir un ordenador y una webcam a la que se muestre la imagen física que se quiere enriquecer. En ocasiones, dependiendo de la aplicación, se emplean también ciertas tarjetas que se deben imprimir antes de empezar, o determinados dispositivos como móviles, cascos o gafas especiales con sistemas de GPS que permiten que la experiencia resulte más creíble. e-Learning with Augmented Reality Augmented Reality in the Classroom

3 Reasons Why Games Are The Killer App For Augmented Reality We all are great believers in the potential of Augmented Reality (AR). Within the next 10 years, we say, it will totally change the way we interact with the world. But what industry will be the first to bring AR to the masses? When you co-found a company that focuses on Augmented Reality games – and especially – when it secures an investment from a venture capital firm – you have some deeper explaining to do. Here are 3 key (business) reasons why games will be the first industry to spearhead augmented reality into the mainstream: Reason #1 Games are the killer app for emerging technologies Games Accelerate the Adoption of New Technologies by the Mainstream Games have a history of pushing the envelop of new technologies and bringing new inventions to the masses: computer graphics, memory, silicon, screens, 3D animation, interactive story telling, immersion…and the list goes on and on. Nolan Bushnell (the legendary founder of Atari) wrote back in 1996: Was the first PC a video game console?

La realidad aumentada llega también a los museos Entre las disciplinas que más fuerte han apostado por la realidad aumentada se encuentra la museografía, que ha querido aliarse a esta nueva tecnología para ofrecer entornos más verosímiles que permitan al visitante una mayor inmersión. Los siguientes 13 vídeos reflejan varias de las posibilidades actuales, y apuntan también a un futuro que cada vez parece más cercano. AUGMENTED MUSEUM – museo aumentato Augmented Reality Volcano Kiosk (Virtual Mirror) Museum Augmented Reality Quest – Expedition Schatzsuche Museum Augmented Reality kiosk Gulf Coast Exploreum The Getty Museum’s Augmented Reality Demo MovableScreen at Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam Augmented Reality of the Transept in Cluny France Imaginality: Discover the Planets LumEnActive: projected augmented reality for museums Extreme Mammals at AMNH – Extreme 3D Augmented Reality in Museums Augmented Reality Museum App Y para relajar un poco… Night At The Museum 2 augmented reality teaser

18 vídeos de realidad aumentada aplicada al marketing y a la publicidad Todavía no sabemos si éste está siendo “el” año de la realidad aumentada. De lo que no cabe duda es de que cada vez son más las disciplinas que se apuntan a las ventajas que ofrece esta nueva tecnología. Hace poco hablábamos de la educación, o del periodismo. También lo han hecho la museografía, la arquitectura, o la tecnología de mapas. Mientras a algunas de estas disciplinas les basta de momento con “saber que se puede” otras parecen tener ya claro que parte del futuro irá por ahí. Éste es el caso de la publicidad, que ha querido aprovechar el potencial de la realidad aumentada para llamar la atención sobre todo tipo de productos. Los siguientes vídeos presentan algunas de las posibilidades que ya ofrece este nuevo concepto. Tissot Augmented Reality in Selfridges 3D interactive touch screen window in London Interactive product catalogue – duo schreib & spiel Animated Lego Digital Box at Downtown Disney Orlando Lego Augmented Reality Burger King $1 Augmented Reality Wine in augmented reality

Data Life of the Future It's fun to imagine the future. Every few months, someone takes a stab with a concept video or a proof of concept prototype, providing a glimpse into human-computer interaction and data visualization in a decade or two. What will it really look like? Embedded Data If there's anything uniform across all the ideas, it's ubiquity. Most recently, Frog Design, came up with some of their own concepts (which accompanied a fine series of articles on Life in 2020 in Forbes). In this one a girl sees a jacket that she likes on someone else. Next, a man grabs a meal at his favorite fast food burger joint. Finally, in the the third, a married couple, Andrew Kendel and Jenny Daniels, sit down for a nice cup of coffee. I kid, I kid. Okay, so your first thought is probably that the world would be a very cluttered space with floating displays on top of everyone's head. We've seen this before. Microsoft has a boatload of concept videos for what they've envisioned for 2019. Fantasy World Looking Ahead
