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10 Ways To Explain Things More Effectively

10 Ways To Explain Things More Effectively
April 1st, 2008 By Calvin Sun In the course of your work, you may sometimes need to explain technical concepts to your customers. Having them understand you is important not only for technical reasons, but also to ensure customer satisfaction. The ability to explain things clearly and effectively can help you in your career, as well. #1: Keep in mind others' point of view You've probably seen the famous illusion that looks like either a young woman or an old woman. #2: Listen and respond to questions It's easy to become annoyed when someone is asking questions. #3: Avoid talking over people's head When you explain things to people, do their eyes glaze over? The same goes for acronyms. Even within IT, the same acronym can mean different things. #4: Avoid talking down to people Avoid the other extreme as well. Greek mythology has references to two monsters, Scylla and Charybdis, who sat on opposite sides of a narrow strait of water. #5: Ask questions to determine people's understanding

How effective is nonverbal communication?" Does this scenario seem familiar? You're talking to a friend about an upcoming social event and you don't want to tell him you're skipping it. You tell him how great it's going to be and that you'll definitely be there. At the end of your conversation, your friend says, "So you aren't going to be there, are you?" You did your best to convey interest. What happened here is a great example of nonverbal communication, or metacommunication. This is an example of how nonverbal cues can give away a fib and work against you. To consider how effective metacommunication can be, let's look at a few scenarios. Even silence is a form of metacommunication. These are just a few examples of nonverbal cues humans use every day to effectively communicate something.

Suspenso El suspense[1] o el suspenso[2] (del latín suspensus, a través del francés y éste a su vez del inglés) es un recurso utilizado en obras narrativas en diferentes medios (cine, historieta, literatura, etc.) que tiene como objetivo principal mantener al lector a la expectativa, generalmente en un estado de tensión, de lo que pueda ocurrirle a los personajes, y por lo tanto atento al desarrollo del conflicto o nudo de la narración. Los géneros en los que más se ha utilizado este recurso han sido, tradicionalmente, el policíaco y el de terror. En líneas generales el suspenso es un sentimiento de incertidumbre y/o de ansiedad, consecuencia de una determinada situación que es vivida u observada, y que como ya se dijo con frecuencia se refiere a la percepción de una determinada audiencia respecto de un trabajo dramático. Desarrollo en la historieta[editar] Narrativa tensional[editar] Aristóteles[editar] La paradoja del suspense[editar] Suspense en el cine y en la televisión[editar] R.

9 Communication Tips to Help Improve Your Life Many people struggle with learning to fight fairly. What needs to be said (and how to say it) and what not to say are just a few of the challenges facing those who can't seem to argue appropriately. Learning to state your needs without adding fuel to the fire is a relationship necessity. Here some communication tools for resolving disagreements and making your interactions easier and more satisfying. Verbal attacks, bad language, and continually criticizing someone are ways of deconstructing your connection to your team . These words chip away at the foundation of your relationships by weakening your loved ones or your team mates self-esteem and ability to see what it is that really needs healing. By staying on topic, you can avoid having a conversation disintegrate into an uncomfortable argument. Clarity can be difficult when emotional issues arise. Learning to never terrorize your loved ones or business associates is one of the most valuable communication tools you can use. Dr.

52 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers Being an effective teacher largely boils down to being able to diagnose problems early, roll with changes, and straddle a line between being a ruler and being a leader. Whether you’ve been in the industry for years or are just now studying education at an online university, these habits will help you focus your teaching and have a bigger impact on your students. Some are about attitude, while others are basic approaches to class structure, but they’re all helpful. Take a look: Habits for Communicating These habits will help you build better avenues of communication between you and your students. Build a student’s confidence: Low self-esteem is a problem for many students, which is why effective teachers work to build that confidence through reinforcement and encouragement. Habits for Building Relationships These tips will help you strengthen your relationships with your students. Habits for Classroom Management Lead by example: Want your students to treat others with respect?

1. Get Anyone to Like You, Instantly Get anyone to like you - Instantly - Guaranteed If you want people to like you, make them feel good about themselves. This golden rule of friendship works every time - guaranteed! The principle is straightforward. If I meet you and make you feel good about yourself, you will like me and seek every opportunity to see me again to reconstitute the same good feeling you felt the first time we met. The simple communication techniques that follow will help you keep the focus of the conversation on the person you are talking to and make them feel good about themselves. The Big Three Our brains continually scan the environment for friend or foe signals. Eyebrow Flash The eyebrow flash is a quick up and down movement of the eyebrows. Head Tilt The head tilt is a slight tilt of the head to one side or the other. Smile A smile sends the message "I like you." Empathic Statements Empathic statements keep the focus on the other person. Example 1 George : I've been really busy this week. Example 2 Flattery

10 Reglas de Oro de la educación financiera | Arte Contable Étape suivante: S'il vous plaît sélectionner un prix, entrez votre adresse courriel et de remplir vos informations de livraison pour avoir une chance de gagner! Quantité restante: 8 Quantité restante: 4 Quantité restante: 7 Date d'attribution: January 22, 2012 réclamation 116.8 secondes © 2012Tous droits réservés.

6. Mistakes Introverts Make We are all so very wonderful and yet--I'm sorry, but it must be said--we are not perfect. This blog has focused mostly on staking out turf in our culture for introverts , but now it's time to consider some things related to our introversion that might be interfering with our relationships and accomplishments. Many or most of us have probably made some of these mistakes at one time or another. Sure, some people need more social interaction than others, but we all need some. Yes, we hate the phone, and it's OK to ask that people respect and honor this. OK, if someone obstinately refuses any other form of communication and insists on frequent time-sucking phone calls, then you get some leeway to make your point. As much as we prefer deep conversation, plunging straight into your worldview over the onion dip at a party can be off-putting to others. Ah, the dreaded babble. If you suddenly realize you've careened into a long monologue, take a breath and look around.

10 Reglas de Oro de la educación financiera Principios básicos en la educación de tu cachorro. ¿Por qué es necesario poner LÍMITES y establecer REGLAS?Es fundamental que haya reglas para lograr una buena conducta.Al ponerle límites, tenés que tener en cuenta de que él pueda cumplirlos, es decir, que sean pensados en función de lo que él puede llegar a hacer o no.Los límites que le pongas a tu perro no deben hacer que él se sienta humillado, ridiculizado o ignorado.• Cuando haga algo mal, decíselo con pocas palabras y claras.Para ponerle límites a tu perro y que él los cumpla, tenés que ser firme, y cuando se los digas, tenés que hacerlo de forma tranquila, no gritándole. ¿Qué podemos hacer? Cuando no se respetan los LÍMITES, habrá consecuencias, las cuales serán proporcionales, directas e inmediatas a la situación que las provoca. ¿Cómo hacer para que tu cachorro aprenda bien y de forma clara cuáles son los límites? Finalmente recordá:

12. How Your Greatest Insecurities Reveal Your Deepest Gifts In my decades of practice as a psychotherapist, this is the insight that has inspired me most: Our deepest wounds surround our greatest gifts. I've found that the very qualities we're most ashamed of, the ones we keep trying to reshape or hide, are in fact the key to finding real love. It's so easy to get lost in the quest for self-improvement. Over the years, I realized that the characteristics of my clients which I found most inspiring, most essentially them, were the ones which frequently caused them the most suffering. Some clients would complain of feeling like they were "too much"; too intense, too angry, or too demanding. Other clients said they felt that they felt like they were "not enough"; too weak, too quiet, too ineffective. Clients would describe lives devastated by codependency, and I would see an immense generosity with no healthy limits. Again and again, where my clients saw their greatest wounds, I also saw their most defining gifts! © 2011 Ken Page,LCSW.

Crash course in learning theory « If pets could design user experiences... | Main | Crash Course in Learning Summary » Crash course in learning theory One formula (of many) for a successful blog is to create a "learning blog". A blog that shares what you know, to help others. Even--or especially--if that means giving away your "secrets". It's what I try to do here because--let's face it--you're just not that into me ; ) But I assume (since you're reading this blog) that you ARE into helping your users kick ass. So, as promised in an earlier post, here's a crash course on some of our favorite learning techniques gleaned from cognitive science, learning theory, neuroscience, psychology, and entertainment (including game design). This is not a comprehensive look at the state of learning theory today, but it does include almost everything we think about in creating our books. Crash Course in Learning Theory The long version... • Talk to the brain first, mind second. Learning is not a one-way "push" model. • Use visuals!

13. Six Clues to Character Seconds after Tamara was ushered into his office, Michael knew she was right for the creative staff of the advertising team he ran. Within a year, they were not only a productive duo professionally, they were dating. She soon jumped to another agency largely so they could live together openly. A year later, they were married and enacting their plan to start a boutique agency together. The harder she worked, the more Michael's praise got under Tamara's skin; she grew to hate being viewed as indefatigable. It's taken over two rocky years for the shame , the anger , and the disappointment to subside. Does any one of us know who our lovers, our friends, our business partners, our children—and even we ourselves— will become, especially when tossed into a new set of circumstances? Even with children, development is not a mystery, says Susan Engel, a psychologist at Williams College. Some are traits, more or less wired into personality—such as basic level of interest in others.
