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FreeFrontend - Free HTML, CSS and JS examples

FreeFrontend - Free HTML, CSS and JS examples

wwwhere Créer un menu sticky avec JavaScript et CSS - CSS / CSS3 | Creative Juiz J’ai bossé récemment sur plusieurs sites web, et la requête d’un menu sticky était quasiment systématique. Parfois elle était justifiée, parfois je me rapprochais du contre-exemple ergonomique stéréotypé. (Dois-je utiliser un sticky menu ?) Mais quand même ! Concept du menu sticky J’aime bien partir d’une idée et poser quelques éléments par écrit pour ne pas partir tête baissée dans le code. Je veux bien diviser le fond (HTML), la forme (CSS) et les interactions (JS), et dans cet ordre là précisément. Le comportement attendu est celui-ci : J’ai un en-tête avec un logo et un menu qui sont « classiquement » positionnés. Nous aurons à la fin quelque chose dans ce goût : Démonstration La structure de notre menu sticky Je vous invite à utiliser cette structure de menu, et éventuellement à copier/coller le Lorem Ipsum de ma page de démonstration pour avoir du contenu et pouvoir scroller dans votre page. J’utilise l’élément <header> avec le role banner pour définir l’en-tête de ma page.

CS-Script HEAD - A free guide to <head> elements How To Create a Web Design Style Guide - Designmodo Creating websites is getting more and more complex and is usually not a one person job. It is important to ensure that design is consistent and optimized to meet business objectives and create enjoyable experiences for users. One of the ways to ensure that team is on the same page when designing separate parts of the website or saving designs from developers is to create design documentation or a web design style guide. It is beneficial to have a style guide in order to create a cohesive experience among different pages. Luke Clum has touched the surface of using style guides as your first step in web design last year and I would like to take a more in-depth look on how to create a usable web design style guide for your projects. What is a Style Guide? A style guide is a collection of pre-designed elements, graphics and rules designers or developers should follow to ensure that separate website pieces will be consistent and will create a cohesive experience at the end. Why Is It Important?

Bootstrap 3 Tutorial Free jQuery Plugins and Tutorials - jQuery Script Useful :nth-child Recipes I get a little giddy when I come across perfect uses for :nth-child or :nth-of-type (read about the difference). The better you understand them, the more css nerdgasms you get to have! In these simple “recipes” (really: expressions) I’ll arbitrarily use a flat list of list items and randomly chosen numbers. Select Only the Fifth Element To select the first element, you can use :first-child, or I bet you can guess how to alter the above to do it as well. Select All But The First Five If there were more than 10 elements here, it would select all of them beyond 5. Select Only The First Five Select Every Fourth, Starting At The First Select Only Odd or Even Select The Last Element Selects the 10th because we have 10 elements here, but if there was 8 it would select the 8th, or if there were 1,290 it would select the 1,290th. Select the Second to Last Element Selects the 9th because we have 10 elements here, but if there were 30 elements it would select the 29th. Wanna play? Try the tester.

Fudgegraphics | for lovers | graphic design resources + inspiration + personal portfolio of Franz Jeitz Fancybox - Fancy jQuery lightbox alternative 21 CSS & JS Tuts, Plugins & Experiments 2014 is almost over and what a great year it has been for CSS & JS goodies thanks to awesome sites like Codrops, CodePen, CodyHouse, CSSDeck & Tutorialzine. It's amazing what a bit of code can do when clever peeps get creative with it, as these examples demonstrate. Enjoy! Expandable Image Gallery by CodyHouse An image that expands on click, going full-width and turning into a gallery.Inspiration For Dialog Effects by Codrops A small collection of dialog effects using CSS animations for your inspiration.
