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TweetEraser - login with Twitter, filter your Tweets, delete them! Comment gagner 11 435 abonnés sur Twitter en une semaine | Richard Hétu, collaboration spéciale | États-Unis «Je viens de faire des commentaires au gouverneur Brownback et je lui ai dit qu'il était pourri, en personne», a écrit Sullivan sur son compte Twitter le 21 novembre, lorsqu'elle assistait avec d'autres élèves de son école secondaire à un discours du gouverneur républicain de son État, Sam Brownback, connu pour ses positions très conservatrices. Le directeur informé Ce message ne correspondait pas à la réalité. Emma Sullivan n'a pas insulté le politicien en personne. Mais son gazouillis a été lu par un membre du personnel du gouverneur, qui l'a retransmis au directeur de l'école de l'adolescente de 18 ans. Petite précision: quand le directeur de l'école, Karl Krawitz, a pris connaissance du message d'Emma Sullivan, celle-ci n'avait pas encore franchi le cap des 100 abonnés sur Twitter. Entre-temps, la soeur de la twitteuse impertinente a confié les détails de cette histoire à un journal local, attirant aussitôt l'attention des médias nationaux. Message reçu

TWEE-Q Can watching Twitter trends help predict the future? There’s been a lot of talk recently about Twitter trending topics, and how they fail to reflect evolving events such as the Occupy Wall Street movement (although some argue that this is the fault mainly of our inflated expectations, rather than Twitter’s algorithms). But despite those kinds of setbacks, there is an emerging industry aimed at using the tweetstreams of millions of people to help predict the future in some way: disease outbreaks, financial markets, elections and even revolutions. According to new research released today by Topsy Labs — which runs one of the only real-time search engines that has access to Twitter historical data — watching those streams can provide a window into breaking news events. Predicting markets and the spread of disease Could Twitter have predicted revolution in Egypt> [A]s his tweets were retweeted and mentioned more than 30,000 times, his exposure grew to a whopping 82.68 million unique tweets within 21 hours.

How Far Did Your Tweet Travel? | TweetReach If you were previously a Union Metrics customer, you should have received an email with your new login credentials. If not, please email us at If you were previously a Union Metrics customer, you should have received an email with your new login credentials, if not please email us at Falcon Listen lets you have an ear on what the world is talking about right now. With Listen, you can: Discover trends in real time. Explore the voices of billions of people. Social listening and monitoring Benchmark I Social benchmarking Benchmark against regions, industries, competitors, and brands you admire. Track the moves your competitors make on social and learn from their successes, innovations, and mistakes. Competitive benchmarking Automated reportingContent ideation Listen I Social listening Know what the world is talking about right now. To power your decision-making, you need to know what people are saying about your brand. FAQs

What Most Biotechies Are Missing on Twitter: A Huge Networking Opportunity Luke Timmerman9/12/11 Twitter is coming to biotech, it’s only a matter of time. And this is a truly wonderful thing. This thought occurred to me as I sat in my Seattle office, watching a video from a panel discussion of eight people in Boston—journalists, executives, venture capitalists, a PR person—who were talking about how biotechies can get the most out of Twitter. I bring up this example because one of the biotech’s best tweeters, Stromedix CEO Michael Gilman (@michael_gilman), said on this panel that Twitter has helped him build a better network. So I figured maybe I could help by offering a glimpse of what I have experienced on Twitter lately. Gautam Kollu, (@gautamkollu) VP of marketing at South San Francisco-based Exelixis. Back in the old days of media, like the mid-aughts, I probably never would have interviewed someone like Kollu, at the VP level of a small biotech. John LaMattina, (@John_LaMattina) senior partner of Puretech Ventures, former president of R&D at Pfizer.

Draw random Twitter followers, retweets and hashtags - Twitterdraw Twitter becomes latest tool for hedge fund managers It takes a random 10% of all Twitter feeds and uses two methods to collate the data. One compares positive with negative comments and the other uses a program designed by Google, the internet giant, to define six moods calm, alert, sure, vital, kind and happy. In a study published last October, Bollen used the social networking site to predict the direction of the movement of the Dow Jones in New York with 87.6% accuracy. Mr Bollen’s algorithms flag up key emotive words when they appear in a certain order. He told the Sunday Times: "We recorded the sentiment of the online community, but we couldn't prove if it was correct. So we looked at the Dow Jones to see if there was a correlation. "But we realised it was the other way round — that a drop in the mood or sentiment of the online community would precede a fall in the market. "That was a eureka moment. It meant we could predict the change in the market and that gives you a considerable edge." It is not the only such tool on the market.
