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Ancient Greek Myth: The 12 Labors of Hercules for Kids - Ancient Greek Myths for Kids Hercules was half man and half god. His mother was a mortal. But his father was a king - a very special king, the king of all the gods, the mighty Zeus. Right from the beginning, Hera, Zeus' wife, was very jealous of Hercules. Zeus loved his little son. The rest of the story of Hercules is a bunch of little stories that together tell the tale of how Hercules earned his way into the heavens, to take his place with the gods. As the story goes..... Hercules had a cousin named Eurystheus (Eury for short). Hera helped Eury design 12 Labors (missions or tasks) that Hercules had to complete. Hercules was no fool. Hercules not only lived, he had great adventures, discovered true friends, and rid the world of some really nasty critters. The 12 Labors of Hercules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

5 Awesome Resources for Badges in the Classroom Save Pinterest Gamify Your Classroom With Digital Badges!Adding game mechanics to your classroom doesn’t have to be complicated. There are several different approached to using badges in the classroom. Credly allows teachers to create badges, upload their own designs, and give credit through their platform. Mozilla Open Badges Mozilla Open Badges are NOT proprietary like most systems. For All BadgesFor All Badges is an iOS app that works in conjunction with For All Rubrics to align your rubrics with badges. EdmodoEdmodo is a full, social learning platform with over 35 million users. Class BadgesClass Badges is one of the more popular badging platforms. Be sure to check out these related posts: Summary Article Name 5 Awesome Resources for Badges in the Classroom Description Gamify Your Classroom With Digital Badges! Author Kasey Bell © Shake Up Learning 2018. 18 Challenges for Teachers in 2018 FREE eBook! Get the FREE eBook: 18 Challenges for Teachers in 2018! Success!

Songs and Activities for English Language Learners | (ELL, ESL, and EFL) Teach English Whether you are new to English language teaching, or whether you are taking the next steps in your career and development, you will find valuable help and opportunities here. These links will take you to essential information; expert advice; teaching tips and materials; articles; discussions; and support networks to help you achieve your goals. ELTons The ELTons, sponsored by Cambridge English, are the only international awards that recognise and celebrate innovation in the field of English language teaching. Professional development and networks We offer a full range of training materials, classroom resources and networking opportunities to meet the needs of teachers of English throughout their careers. English Language Assistant programme Spend a year abroad, develop transferable skills and immerse yourself in another cutlure.

The Labors of Hercules The Labors of Hercules The goddess Hera, determined to make trouble for Hercules, made him lose his mind. In a confused and angry state, he killed his own wife and children. When he awakened from his "temporary insanity," Hercules was shocked and upset by what he'd done. He prayed to the god Apollo for guidance, and the god's oracle told him he would have to serve Eurystheus, the king of Tiryns and Mycenae, for twelve years, in punishment for the murders. As part of his sentence, Hercules had to perform twelve Labors, feats so difficult that they seemed impossible. His struggles made Hercules the perfect embodiment of an idea the Greeks called pathos, the experience of virtuous struggle and suffering which would lead to fame and, in Hercules' case, immortality. To read more about Eurystheus and the reasons for Hercules' Labors, see Further Resources. This exhibit is a subset of materials from the Perseus Project and is copyrighted.

How to Motivate Students: Top 12 Ways If there is one thing we know about kids, it’s that they have short attention spans and prefer now to later. This is especially true at the beginning of the year. Teachers, more than any district or schoolwide programs, have the most power to know how to motivate students because they’re on the front lines. ***Obviously, not enough can be said about parent involvement, but that’s a Top 12 list for another day*** How to Motivate Students In Your Classroom or School 1. Recognize work in class, display good work in the classroom and send positive notes home to parents, hold weekly awards in your classroom, organize academic pep rallies to honor the honor roll, and even sponsor a Teacher Shoutout section in the student newspaper to acknowledge student’s hard work. 2. Set high, yet realistic expectations. We offer up some new classroom activities for Groundhog Day, and a few twists... Our look at the cutting-edge technology in the classroom concept known as... 3. 4. 5. Classroom Job Examples 6.

Ideas for songs to teach English grammar - ESL and EFL teachers looking for inspiration for lesson planning will find this list of songs to teach English grammar we’ve compiled a useful resource. Highlighted are songs available as complete ESL song lesson plans here on Songs for teaching present simple Eric Clapton / Wonderful Tonight (lyrics) The Beatles / She Loves You (lyrics) Bette Middler / From A Distance (lyrics) Songs for teaching present continuous Rod Stewart / Sailing (lyrics) Fool’s Garden / Lemon Tree (lyrics) Suzanne Vega / Tom’s Diner (lyrics) Songs for teaching past simple The Beatles / Yellow Submarine (lyrics) Gloria Gaynor / I Will Survive (lyrics) Celine Dion / Because You Loved Me (lyrics) Songs for teaching past continuous John Lennon / Jealous Guy (lyrics) Oasis / Champagne Supernova (lyrics) Aerosmith / Cryin’ (lyrics) Songs for teaching present perfect Songs for teaching present perfect continuous Songs for teaching past perfect Songs for teaching used to Songs for teaching going to future

I am you are he is pronouns song Page in Japanese Target Language: pronouns / verb "to be" Target Grade: kindergarten to Junior High 1 This song is on vol. 9 and the Download Pack. And in the new curriculum Level. In the first several lessons of an English course you should always start off with "I" and "You" for the very simple reason that these are pronouns that kids use the most. But once you've done several "I" themes e.g. How to teach... In the previous lessons make sure you've at least done How are you? "hungry" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. For "He" you point to one boy in the class, for "she" point to one girl, for "we" point to lots of people and include yourself, for "they" point to people away from yourself, and for "everybody" try and include the whole class in your gesture. 6. 7. 8. 9. Recommend Game: I am a dinosaur game For the 2nd lesson, review the song and put up all the How are you? 1. Here's a video of the game in action. Anyway this is one of the best Genki English songs and is hugely popular with the kids. Be genki,

New Year’s Resolutions for the Teaching Profession The start of the new year is the perfect time for us in the teaching profession to make a few attainable teacher resolutions. When school starts in the late summer or early fall, we’re energized, excited, and ready to go. We can’t wait to implement all of our new ideas that we thought of over summer break. Then, before we know it, the new year is upon us. January is the time to take a moment and think about what we want to accomplish in the teaching profession. Take this month to refresh and start anew. Clean Up and Get Organized in the Teaching Profession This is usually everyone’s first to-do at the start of the new year, and it’s probably because everyone knows that when your things are organized, it makes your life easier. Keep Your Life Balanced For many teachers, trying to keep their work/home life balanced is a struggle, especially when they return to work from winter break refreshed and ready to go. Get to Know Your Students Better

stellaELM 21 Simple Ideas To Improve Student Motivation 21 Simple Ideas To Improve Student Motivation by TeachThought Staff The best lessons, books, and materials in the world won’t get students excited about learning and willing to work hard if they’re not motivated. Motivation, both intrinsic and extrinsic, is a key factor in the success of students at all stages of their education, and teachers can play a pivotal role in providing and encouraging that motivation in their students. Even the most well-intentioned and educated teachers sometimes lack the skills to keep kids on track, so whether you’re a new teacher or an experienced one, try using these methods to motivate your students and to encourage them to live up to their true potential. 1. While guidance from a teacher is important to keeping kids on task and motivated, allowing students to have some choice and control over what happens in the classroom is actually one of the best ways to keep them engaged. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not all students will respond to lessons in the same way. 6. 7. 8.

Using Games to Teach Parts of Speech These two games are great for teaching nouns. You could choose either of them, do them on different days, or maybe do one for common nouns, and one for proper nouns. For I Spy...Find an item from the classroom to "Spy" and then give clues like "I spy something green (plant), or I spy something moving (clock). In I'm Thinking of Someone Who (or of a place that...) for proper nouns, you can describe students in the classroom using clothing or physical appearance kinds of clues, or you could describe them using things you know about them, like which musical instruments the child plays or which sports he/she enjoys. Okay, here's one my kids LOVE to do, the little hams... and it's charades! Here's one I really like. For this game, you need another acting kind of volunteer (never hard to find in my classes!). This one can be played two different ways. For this listening game, I have all of the kids start by standing behind their desks. Other Resources That I Use for Grammar:
