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The Infinity Burial Project

The Infinity Burial Project

Storium — The Online Storytelling Game by Storium / Stephen Hood Storium is a web-based online game that you play with friends. It works by turning writing into a multiplayer game. With just your computer, tablet, or smartphone, you can choose from a library of imaginary worlds to play in, or build your own. You create your story’s characters and decide what happens to them. Storium uses familiar game concepts inspired by card games, role-playing games, video games, and more. “Story and Game had a baby, and it’s Storium. The following three-minute video gives you a glimpse of our current beta playtest: What makes Storium special? Total freedom: You decide what happens in your story.Multiplayer: Write and play with your friends, online.Asynchronous: Play at your own pace.Worlds: Pre-made playsets that help you tell stories in different settings and styles.Something for everyone: You can tell any kind of story you want! This campaign funds the work that’s needed to launch Storium to the general public. There are key features that Storium still needs. 1.
