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ITS - About ITS - Overview of Services for Students USC provides students 50 MB of network drive space to create personal web pages on the USC web server. This page provides setup information for creating a personal web page as well as information on uploading content to the USC web server. To transfer files between your computer and the USC server, you must use a secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) client such as FileZilla (for Windows users) or Fetch (for Mac users) to transfer files from your computer to the server. UNIX users can use command line SFTP. For detailed information on using secure file transfer protocol, see Secure File Transfer (SFTP and SCP) Overview. Policy Students are responsible for creating the content of their personal web pages. The university reserves the right to cease publication of any documents that violate the law, contractual agreements, or the university’s computing policies. Requirements In order to publish personal web pages at USC you must have: A Student Computing Facility (SCF) account from ITS

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