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Science and technology news │New Scientist

Science Home - CSIRO blog Må detektivene tenke nytt? En undersøkelse av hvordan insekter koloniserer lik har skapt tvil om påliteligheten til en av de viktigste teknikkene man har for å anslå dødstidspunkt. Harald Aastorp frilansjournalist Torsdag 08. april 2004kl. 05:00 Hercule Poirot løser påskekrim på NRK1. Påsken og påskekrimmen nærmer seg. En ny undersøkelse som er gjengitt i New Scientist , tyder på at selv de mest intelligente må tenke på nytt. Patologer og entomologer Nedbrytning og forråtnelse av kroppen har sammen med insektanalyse vært de vanligste metodene for å anslå dødstidspunkt. Ut fra sammenligninger med insekter som lever på en død gris eller et annet lik lagt ut i samme omgivelser, kan entomologer (entomologi = læren om insekter) finne ut hvor lang tid liket har ligget der. Insektanalyse Ofte hevdes det at man slik kan anslå hvor lenge liket har ligget der med ganske stor nøyaktighet, helt ned til få dager om liket har ligget i kort tid. Uventede variasjoner Archer fant uventede variasjoner. Påskekrim Referanse: New Scientist

RSC Journals Home Jump to main content Jump to site search Publishing Advanced Log in / register The Royal Society of Chemistry’s Journals <div class="noscriptmsg"><div class="info_img"> &nbsp; </div><span style="padding-top: 4px;"> You do not have JavaScript enabled. Filter results Current journals About our journals The Royal Society of Chemistry publishes 44 peer-reviewed journals that cover the core chemical sciences including related fields such as biology, biophysics, energy and environment, engineering, materials, medicine and physics. Open access We provide authors with the option to make their article gold open access in any of our journals. Open access information for authors Spotlight Advertisements

ScienceDaily: Your source for the latest research news Nettbutikk for jakt, fiske og friluftsliv Improbable Research Winners of the Ig® Nobel Prize For achievements that first make people LAUGH then make them THINK "The Ig Nobel awards are arguably the highlight of the scientific calendar." —Nature ImprobableAdvertisers The 2018 Ig Nobel Prize Winners The 2018 Ig Nobel Prizes will be awarded at the 28th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize ceremony, on Thursday, September 13, 2018, at Harvard's Sanders Theatre. The 2017 Ig Nobel Prize Winners The 2017 Ig Nobel Prizes were awarded on Thursday night, September 14, 2017 at the 27th First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony, at Harvard's Sanders Theatre. PHYSICS PRIZE [FRANCE, SINGAPORE, USA] — Marc-Antoine Fardin, for using fluid dynamics to probe the question "Can a Cat Be Both a Solid and a Liquid?" REFERENCE: "On the Rheology of Cats," Marc-Antoine Fardin, Rheology Bulletin, vol. 83, 2, July 2014, pp. 16-17 and 30. WHO ATTENDED THE CEREMONY: Marc-Antoine Fardin WHO ATTENDED THE CEREMONY: Milo Puhan, Christian Lo Cascio, Markus Heitz, Alex Suarez. REFERENCE: "Is 'Huh?'

Astronomy Blogs The normally faint quasar CTA 102, once thought to harbor an advanced civilization and made famous in a 1967 song by the Byrds, is currently bright enough to see in an 8-inch telescope. In the history of SETI, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, there have been two great false alarms. The first occurred in 1963… There's a good chance to catch a rocket launch at dusk on Saturday night, when an Atlas V rocket with GOES-R takes to space. With our eyes often glued to the bright classical planets, Uranus is easy to overlook. Human history has always been linked to the influence of distant orbits, from climate change (past and present) to our exploration of the solar system. An innovative technique sheds new light on what doomed Britain's Beagle 2 spacecraft when it tried to land on Mars in 2003. You won't want to miss the biggest, brightest full Moon in more than 68 years. Did you know that the brightest part of the Merope Nebula in the Pleiades is also the hardest to see?

Test av hodelykter til trening og sykling - Kraftige hodelykter lyser opp høstmørket - Helse - GLIMRENDE AV/PÅ KNAPP: Lupine Betty X Pro har en enkel og grei bryter. © Foto: John Arne Tungen Slik har vi testet Lyktene har vært praktisk testet både som sykkellykt og hodelykt. Dette er for å kunne si noe om: Opplevd brukervennlighetKomfortOpplevd lysstyrkeOpplevd kvalitet Når en kjøper en lykt er det for å få lys. Vi har f. eks syklet med flere lykter montert på sykkelstyret samtidig for å kunne variere underveis på testrunder. I tillegg til at lyktene har vært brukt på individuelle turer i testteamet har vi gjort de endelige vurderingene i samlet team med alle lyktene samlet. Vi har samtidig sett på de ulike løsningene for feste/bæremuligheter, først og fremst festemulighet på sykkel og som hodelykt. Les våre kommentarer under hver lykt og finn den som passer for deg. Testutvalg De beste hodelyktene og sykkellyktene koster flere tusen kroner og det burde derfor ikke være nødvendig å kjøpe en lykt til sykkelen og en egen til bruk som hodelykt. Hvor mye lys er nok? Les mer:

Biology News -- ScienceDaily Flavins Keep a Handy Helper in Their Pocket Apr. 24, 2018 — Researchers show for the first time in detail how a flavin-containing enzyme interacts with ... read more New Take on Early Evolution of Photosynthesis Apr. 24, 2018 — Scientists have begun re-thinking the evolutionary history of photochemical reaction centers (RCs). Their analysis describes a new pathway that ancient organisms may have taken to evolve the great ... read more Wiping out the Gut Microbiome Could Help With Heart Failure Apr. 23, 2018 — The bacteria that reside on and within our bodies are known to have a significant influence on our health. Earth BioGenome Project Aims to Sequence Genomes of 1.5 Million Species Apr. 23, 2018 — Scientists is proposing a massive project to sequence, catalog and analyze the genomes of all eukaryotic species on the planet, an undertaking the researchers say will take 10 years, cost $4.7 ... read more The Role of 'Extra' DNA in Cancer Evolution and Therapy Resistance

Science - National Geographic Science is the study of the organisation and behaviour of the physical world through observation and experimentation. Or in more simple terms, discovering how things in the universe work. While there are many ways to group the fields of science, they are commonly divided into three groups – formal sciences (such as mathematics), natural sciences (such as biology) and social sciences (such as anthropology). Science existed in a general sense in historical civilisations, but it wasn’t until the 19th century that modern science began to transform our view of the universe. One of the great early scientists was Galileo Galilei, an Italian thinker whose pioneering observations laid the foundation for modern physics and astronomy, who was referred to as the father of modern science by no less than Albert Einstein. The leading scientific figure of the 17th century was Sir Isaac Newton, who determined the theory of gravity and the three fundamental laws of motion. - Norges fremste på teknologi - Teknisk Ukeblad Chemistry News -- ScienceDaily Feb. 15, 2024 — Scientists have developed a new method to measure and remove sulfate from water, potentially leading to cleaner waterways and more effective nuclear waste ... Feb. 14, 2024 — Researchers have succeeded in biomanufacturing from chemically synthesized sugar for the first time in the world. With refinement of this technology, one can envision a future society in which the ... Feb. 13, 2024 — Since the turn of the century, six new chemical elements have been discovered and subsequently added to the periodic table of elements, the very icon of chemistry. Feb. 13, 2024 — The properties of supramolecular polymers are dictated by the self-assembled state of the molecules. Feb. 13, 2024 — Scientists have discovered that a known practice in information technology can also be applied to chemistry. Feb. 12, 2024 — You can mend a broken heart this valentine s day now that researchers invented a new hydrogel that can be used to heal damaged heart tissue and improve cancer ... - Smart Shopping Anytime, Anywhere
