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Convirtiendo la tinta en bits

Convirtiendo la tinta en bits

PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative CCE CHILE - Camara de Comercio Electrónico Superman-strength bacteria produce 24-karat gold At a time when the value of gold has reached an all-time high, Michigan State University researchers have discovered a bacterium's ability to withstand incredible amounts of toxicity is key to creating 24-karat gold. "Microbial alchemy is what we're doing -- transforming gold from something that has no value into a solid, precious metal that's valuable," said Kazem Kashefi, assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics. He and Adam Brown, associate professor of electronic art and intermedia, found the metal-tolerant bacteria Cupriavidus metallidurans can grow on massive concentrations of gold chloride -- or liquid gold, a toxic chemical compound found in nature. In fact, the bacteria are at least 25 times stronger than previously reported among scientists, the researchers determined in their art installation, "The Great Work of the Metal Lover," which uses a combination of biotechnology, art and alchemy to turn liquid gold into 24-karat gold. "This is neo-alchemy.

TaskRabbit connects you to safe and reliable help in your neighborhood. Crear Páginas Web | Gratis y Rápido - Webnode ¿Cuál es la neurona más larga del cuerpo? – Ciencias (general) – Noticias, última hora, vídeos y fotos de Ciencias (general) en lainformacion ¿Cuál es la neurona más larga del cuerpo? Para conocer la longitud de una neurona nada como verla sobre el terreno. "Aquí hay una neurona del área motora", nos explica Alberto Rábano, director del banco de cerebros de la Fundación CIEN, sobre una corteza cerebral recién diseccionada. "El axón sale de aquí... y si es la neurona que controla el dedo gordo del pie, viene hasta los segmentos lumbares. Y así millones de neuronas que tienen sus prolongaciones. La longitud de todos esos cables en un solo cerebro es como ir a la Luna y volver". La distancia de la Tierra a la Luna es de unos 370.000 km, y aunque algunas estimaciones son algo menores que las que hace Alberto Rábano, siguen siendo igualmente impresionantes. El nervio más largo y más ancho del cuerpo humano es el nervio ciático, que se extiende de los pies hasta la pelvis y puede medir más de un metro. Extendiendo estos cálculos, Voytek prevé que el axón más largo es este mismo nervio pero en otro mamífero, la ballena azul.

Zilok - Rent anything online from individuals and business. Zapatos Ropa de Moda y Zapatillas Online | Dafiti Chile Whatever Happened To Acid Rain? This article titled “Ethical living: whatever happened to acid rain?” was written by Lucy Siegle, for The Observer on Saturday 12th May 2012 23.03 UTC I agree that planet green has a tendency to be a little one-note. For a long while it’s been singing a plaintive song (more of a wail, actually) about climate change. But you can see why this preoccupies us. Inevitably eco issues remain “hot” until they are solved and we all have a vested interest in making as much noise as possible in the meantime. There are historical precedents. Some say this proves that big environmental causes are a mix of hot air and needless worrying. The answer was indeed blowing in the wind: sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, which reacted with water and came to earth as rainfall. Similarly some policymakers refused to acknowledge a substantial hole in the ozone layer until it was very nearly too late. What does this tell me? “I’ve become a tent aficionado,” says Radio 6 DJ Nemone Metaxas.

