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Smithsonian: Fun Stuff for Kids and Teens

Smithsonian: Fun Stuff for Kids and Teens
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Welcome to Wyoming's OERs Wyoming is dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality units, lessons, and resources that have been aligned to current Wyoming State Content Standards. We want to ensure that all resources shared with our educators are of superior quality, are easy to download and customize for their students, and serve as a tool to increase student engagement and achievement. Collections- sets of resources that have been curated. Groups- collaborative workspaces where hub members can get together to organize, create, remix, and share resources. Contribute to the community (1) Join a working groupTo get started, join one of the working groups below by clicking on the group and then clicking on the "Join this group" button. (2) Submit contentCreate new content or suggest a resource. (3) Share with othersOnce published, your content will be shared within the Open Range community here and also searchable and accessible by anyone via OER Commons.

åk 7 | Art med Artale Grattis du har precis blivit anställd på Reklambyrån Sunnerby! Du har fått ett uppdrag av ett stort designföretag. De vill lansera en ny parfym och de behöver din hjälp. Ditt uppdrag består av: Du ska ge namn till en ny parfym.Du ska utforma en logotype.Du ska skriva en slogan.Du ska designa en förpackning.Du ska utforma en annons där allting ovan finns med. Deadline v. 15 (veckan före påsklovet). Tänk på målgrupp. Slutligen hur ska annonsen som senare kommer att synas i dagspress, annonspelare etc. se ut? Lycka till! Eleverna får göra en förstoring av en bild. Bilduppgiften går sedan ut på att försöka följa originalbilden ruta för ruta. Ska publicera bilder vartefter de blir färdiga. Uttrycket skyddande eller beskyddande hand används ofta för att beskriva något man vill ta extra hand om. Du ska gestalta vad du tycker är värt att beskydda. Vad vill du skydda i din hand? Hur ska du göra? Börja med att fundera och göra skisser på vad du tycker är värt att beskydda, vad du vill ta hand om.

Virtual Pet Games | Free Online Games | Neopets Virtual Neopets Games has tons of pet games, whether you're looking to dive into a world of adventure or just relax with some quick entertainment. You'll meet new Neopets in our games, along with their companions, Petpets, and of course the faeries of Neopia also make an appearance. There are plenty of action games for when you want to run around and test your arcade skills. Leap for doughnutfruits with adorable Petpets in Hasee Bounce or travel to outer space in Freaky Factory and control vats of goo to make plastic toys... but watch out for the thief, because he'll run off with your products! On the other hand, try one of our puzzle games if you want more thinking and less crazy clicking. Acara Eyrie Gelert JubJub Kacheek Kougra Lupe Shoyru Uni Xweetok Popular Neopets Games

PBS KIDS ScratchJr Mobile Downloads Create interactive stories and games featuring PBS KIDS characters! More + With PBS KIDS ScratchJr, kids can create their own interactive stories and games featuring their favorite characters from Wild Kratts, Nature Cat, WordGirl and Peg + Cat! The storytelling possibilities are endless with this creative coding app for children ages 5-8. By snapping together colorful programming blocks, children can make characters move, jump, dance and sing. Features: Colorful Programming Blocks - Snap together the color-coded motion, sound, look, trigger and control blocks to create sequences of actions that cause characters to animate and interact in fun and exciting ways.PBS KIDS Characters and Backgrounds - With 150+ PBS KIDS characters, children can create projects based on their favorite shows and can mix-and-match as much as they’d like! For more PBS KIDS apps, visit For more on ScratchJr, visit Our support email is

OER Commons JuNa Art - Куклы и Мишки Юлии Назаренко: Мастер класс/ Master class Мне часто задают множество вопросов на предмет создания куклы из паперклея, и вот я, руководствуясь принципом "поделись с миром, и мир поделится с тобой", решила провести базовый МК. Только сразу оговорюсь: ремеслу этому я нигде не училась, ни на какие МК к маститым кукольникам не ходила, информацию черпала из всемирной паутины, дорабатывала, подгоняла её "под себя", эксперементировала с материалами..Короче, сплошная самодеятельность. Так что если не боитесь связываться с самоучкой - тогда поехали! ;) 1. 1. 2. Места соединений частей тела ( ну, там где ручки и ножки соединяются с туловищем) я дополнительно хорошенечко обматываю тонкой проволокой (4) (на фото этого не видно), дабы ещё более усилить и укрепить конструкцию. 3. Получился вот такой вот космонавт. ;) 4. 5. К тому же, у этого материала очень хорошее сцепление с паперклеем ( по фольге и синтепону папер "скользит", что очень затрудняет процесс лепки) 6. Давайте для начала разберёмся что же такое Паперклей? 7. 9. 10. 11. И, ах!

Welcome to Neopets! Score Count - Free Online ScoreBoard App Turnitin: Promote Academic Integrity | Improve Student Outcomes Foliegubbar De här foliegubbarna var riktigt roliga att göra. Med relativt enkla medel kan man få till figurer som kan vara utgångspunkt till diskussioner i många olika riktningar. När man gör gubbarna är det lätt att tankarna går till Giacomettis verk. Hans verk kan vara en utgångspunkt för arbetet. Själva "skulpterandet" - att skapa och få fram olika uttryck kan vara ett annat. Att studera skuggor kan vara ett mål i sig. Gubbarna gör man i helt vanlig aluminiumfolie. Armarna sätts fast genom att en remsa av folie surras ett varv runt kroppen: När man sedan har stommen är det bara att bygga på med folie och forma gubben på det sätt man vill. Sedan är det dags för skuggan. Ett annat alternativ (som jag gjort på gubben med blått papper) är att låta skuggan falla på ett svart papper.

Videos for Kids -- National Geographic Kids Videos Russia: Father Frost - Ep. 65 Get a sneak peak of Are We There Yet? World Adventure! At a St. Savanna Kwanzaa Get a sneak peak of Mama Mirabelle's Home Movies! Happy Holidays from NG Kids! Celebrate with chipmunk cheer. Ice Sculptures - Season 2 - Ep. 43 Get a sneak peak of Making Stuff! Toot and Puddle: I'll Be Home for Christmas Christmas is for sharing! Mission Animal Rescue: Polar Bears Learn all about polar bears and how you can help them! prev next Chris P. More Farley the Red Panda - Ep. 94 Polar Bear - Ep. 8 More Blue Whale - Ep. 1 November 2014 Editor's Picks More Amazing Animals Red-Bellied Piranha - Ep. 12 Frogfish - Ep. 3 Bottlenose Dolphin - Ep. 4 African Elephant - Ep. 18 Harpy Eagle - Ep. 11 Tiger - Ep. 20 Shrimp - Ep. 19 Animals & Pets Emperor Penguin Families - Ep. 30 Raccoons - Ep. 28 Searching for the Spirit Bear - Ep. 17 Mountain Lion - Ep. 2 Backyard Raccoon - Ep. 27 Adelie Penguin Camera - Ep. 31 Elephants Play Soccer - Ep. 6 Awesome Places Brazil - Ep. 3 Gulf of Mexico & Caribbean - Ep. 6 x

Open Educational Resources - UEN Utah's Open Textbook Projects Effective resources are available to provide Utah teachers, students, and parents with materials that support the Utah Core Standards, instruction, and teaching. These resources are created by groups of content and teaching experts, including university faculty, district and school specialists, teachers, and The Utah State Board of Education staff. OER Web Collections Science New Science OER textbooks are now available for K-5 and 9-12 and align to the new Science with Engineering Education Standards. The Utah Science Open Educational Resources (OER) textbook project was started to bring Utah teachers together to create a resource that aligns to Utah core science standards. The OER textbooks are available in digital formats for free under a creative commons license. The project will continue to be revised every year through the support of teachers using community feedback and data. K-12 Science with Engineering Education (SEEd) Standards 2020-21 Chinese Books

Art at Becker Middle School: Project updates- Zentangle Still Life Zentangle Still Lifes What a successful project! We used Sharpie for our Zentangle backgrounds and chalk pastel for our still lifes.
