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‪Chaîne de howtoarchitect‬‏

Architecture 13. Beijing National Stadium Also known as Bird’s Nest, this phenomenal stadium was built for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. The idea for this amazing structure was the result of cooperation of Chinese and international architects and artists. As soon as man realized he is in the need of a shelter, architecture started developing. Over a long course of human history the art of building has conjured up many grand, beautiful and astounding structures, monuments to the perfect marriage of science and art. Disegno e Design - Design Lo spazio della Rotonda della Besana è sempre difficile per chiunque vi si misuri, l'architettura s'impone con forza. Questa mostra (la terza edizione dopo Roma e Shanghai) con il suo allestimento semplice, tradizionale vien da dire, con le pareti che reggono i disegni incorniciati, stretti l'uno all'altro, pochi oggetti poggiati su pedane bianche, qualche manifesto pubblicitario e ancor meno video, dialoga con lo spazio molto meglio di altre che hanno cercato di misurarsi con l'edificio e hanno preteso di annullarne la potenza. Questa modestia finisce, involontariamente, per interpretare persino il nuovo stile italiano: un po' il Presidente del Consiglio a tempo e un po' la crisi! Del resto è prodotta dalla Fondazione Valore Italia e dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico. Le pareti sono organizzate per temi, i principali del design italiano: dalla moda, all'arredo, dal cibo ai mezzi di trasporto alle invenzioni industriali. Disegno e Design.

interiorscreation | Le 1er magazine des professionnels et des passionnés d'architecture d'intérieur A Conceit of Architects What do we call a gathering of Architects? When animals gather in groups, we refer to them by an array of elegant terms: a Flock of Birds, a Herd of Sheep, a Swarm of Bees, a Smack of Jellyfish, an Array of Hedgehogs, a Pack of Elephants, a Clan of Bears, a Troop of Chimpanzees, an Exultation of Lark, an Unkindness of Raven, a Murmuration of Starlings, a Building of Rooks, a Fling of Sandpipers, a Wreck of Seagulls, a Gulp of Swallows, a Mutation of Thrush, a Brace of Ducks, a Piteousness of Doves… Piteousness? damn, the birds get the really good ones… But, what do we call a collection of Architects? I think we need a name for it…. A Wandering of Architects A Happenstance of Architects A Coincidence of Architects A Cluster of Architects An Opposition of Architects A Diametric Opposition of Architects An Irony of Architects A Ludwig of Architects A Shrug of Architects An Ennui of Architects An Arrangement of Architects An Argument of Architects (via @anthonylingwood) A Hierarchy of Architects umm,

Habitables Architecture | Because great architecture doesn’t design itself! Human Thinking: Is it Rational or Creative? For a long time we have been taught to think in a specific way, and that is the rational way of thinking. Rational is a word that originated from the Latin rationalis. This way of thinking was, somehow, created mostly by Europeans, Rene Descartes being the most famous in the group, but actually this kind of thinking dates far back in the days when the Greeks gave birth to logic and coherent thoughts. Thinking Logically An example of a logical thought would be to say if A is B, and B is C, then C is A. Another would be, if Socrates was a human, and all human were beautiful, then Socrates was beautiful. The Brain Prefers Multi-dimensional Thinking Now, here’s the problem. With your brain let loose, you are actually dreaming. I always think of my brain as a Kubrick movie. Think in a Way that Suits You This makes a lot of people miserable, thinking they had acted on their emotions. However, you should think in a way that suits you and not force a different kind of thinking on yourself.

A Daily Dose of Architecture Instituto Art Déco Brasil, Rio de Janeiro This is the headquarters of the Instituto Art Déco Brasil near the Jardim Botânico in Rio de Janeiro. Order, Formulas, and Rules by Frank Cunha III It seems like when you finally get it right in Architecture, Art, Music, Fashion, etc, you become a “sellout.” So what is Right? How can we get it right? Like many other Architects, I subscribe to hard copies and digital copies of various Art & Architecture magazines. I am pretty sure I did not miss class the day they taught the secret formula to creating great Architecture – Which leads me to ask, What is great? Although Architecture is filled with Order & Rules (figuratively and literally) should there be a Formula to producing great works of Architecture? I would think that a world without figurative Order & Rules of today’s contemporary Architecture (that results in the “Same” different Architecture, the same way someone dyes their hair pink or blue to be different, to be like their friends) would result in a more meaningful, natural world of Architecture filled with unique projects emulating real emotion and artfulness. Like this: Like Loading...

Cloud Computing: Architectural Limbo When abstraction becomes a distraction, cloud computing becomes a realm of architectural limbo… Cloud. It sounds so grand in NIST’s description; full of promises with respect to the ability to provision and manage resources without having to muck around in the trenches. Compute! Network! Storage! Differing slightly from the original meaning, in colloquial speech, "limbo" is any status where a person or project is held up, and nothing can be done until another action happens.-- Wikipedia The problem is, unfortunately, at the root of all architectures – the network. ARCHITECTURE and the NETWORK Architecturally, from a “stack” point of view, the network always resides at the bottom. upper layers of the stack, but rather that it is the foundation upon which all other layers are ultimately laid. A strong foundation is critical to the resilience of the rest of the architecture. That is not to say that cloud computing environments have weak foundations. Note the use of the term “approximation”.

