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Where the best designers go to find photos and graphics

Where the best designers go to find photos and graphics
This is my collection of the best websites to find free photos, icons and patterns. If you’d like to suggest a resource, send me an email. Photo Blogs Quality over quantity. Photo blogs are all about quality (not quantity). Wondering how to search all these blogs in one place? You might also be interested in Splashbox, a way to sync new photos with your Dropbox. Photo blogs like Unsplash are all about quality. Photo Search Engines Quantity over quality. Photo search engines such as Pixabay are all about quantity over quality. Icon Collections My favorite spot for icons is Icon Monstr. Otherwise, there are a number of other great icon spots that I hear about: Font Awesome, The Noun Project, Find Icons and Icon Sweets. Patterns I love Subtle Patterns. If you’re looking for patterns that are a little less subtle, you’ll want to check out The Pattern Library, which has 50 patterns available. Unusual but Awesome Tools Here’s a few awesome tools that are a bit unusual. Placeit is awesome.

Clic images - CRDP de l'académie de Dijon Clic images 2.0 est une banque de plus de 1000 illustrations indexées et libres de droits. Licence : Toutes les images sont mises à disposition sous licence Creative Commons niveau paternité 2.0En conséquence vous pouvez utiliser les images en citant la source de cette manière : Illustration provenant de Clic images 2.0 - Réseau Canopé Chaque image vous est proposée en trois formats (petite, moyenne et grande taille). Illustrations : Manuel TrahardRéalisation : Réseau Canopé L’interface L’ensemble des commandes est regroupé à gauche de l’écran avec une commande « Recherche » vous permet de retrouver des images en saisissant un mot. Les formats d’image Chaque image est disponible sous six formes différentes : Faire connaître Clic images 2.0 Vous pouvez télécharger les images ci dessous pour faire un lien sur le site de Clic images 2.0 Haut de page

13 Unbelievable Facts About Google Most people know the general story behind Google. The company was first established by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The two met at Stanford University, when Sergey was assigned as a welcoming party to the newly accepted Larry. They became friends, and started a search engine on the Stanford edu network. At first, the page was a sparse and simple tool. Neither founders knew HTML, and so opted for as easy a layout as possible. The rest is history. While they are a controversial company, due mainly to privacy policies and, more recently, one of their acquisitions, they continue to grow today. Here are some facts you might not have known about Google. 1. Rather than use lawn mowers, Google has chosen to “mow” their lawn using goats. 2. …The Imaginary Language Spoken By The Swedish Chef From The Muppets Image source Other interesting language choices include “Elmer Fudd”, “Hacker”, and “Klingon”. 3. This was by August 26, 2014, and so it might have changed since then. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

PHP statt Frames | EasyBytes Suchmaschinen mögen nicht besonders gern Seiten, die mit Hilfe von Frames gemacht sind. Ach wie schade, denn eigentlich ist es sehr bequem, beim Anlegen einer neuen Seite, den neuen Menüpunkt in nur einer Datei einzutragen, und nicht in jeder bereits existierenden Seite. Das Gleiche gilt z.B. auch für Projekte, die einen Newsblock oder Ähnliches auf jeder Seite eingebunden haben, der ständiger Aktualisierung bedarf. PHP schafft Abhilfe mit der include Funktion. Hier die grundsätzliche Syntax: Man kann so gut wie alles includen. An der Stelle, wo wir das nun einsetzen, wird der Inhalt der datei.php in unsere Seite eingebunden. Zu beachten ist, dass der Parsemodus für die include Dateien automatisch auf html geschaltet ist, und somit müssen wir den vorhandenen PHP Code der include Dateien wieder mit php kennzeichnen. Der html Code kann einfach in die Datei geschrieben werden. Hier ein kleines Verdeutlichung-Beispiel: Die Ausgangsdatei: Datei Nr. 1 head.php: Datei Nr. 2 footer.php: <?

Images pour la classe nos photos, gravures et cartes à usage pédagogique Coccinelle communePhoto Pierre Kessler, mai 2011 Coordination Mathias Treffot Les documents qui vous sont proposés ici sont regroupés en séries thématiques cohérentes, comportant habituellement de 12 à 48 photos. Contrairement à une banque d'images traditionnelle, ils ne sont donc pas accessibles individuellement. Ces albums sont les héritiers de nos anciennes planches de diapositives. Une large partie des albums figure dans la Base Numérique du patrimoine d'Alsace, que nous vous recommandons de consulter. Nouveaux albums Découvrez sans plus attendre les nouveaux albums mis en ligne ! Sélections thématiques Albums pour la maternelle Découvrir le monde, agir et s'exprimer avec son corps… Albums bilingues Une nouvelle série, aux légendes traduites en langue étrangère… Histoire Préhistoire et Antiquité L'Égypte, la Syrie-Palestine, le monde greco-romain, l'Antiquité en Alsace et dans le Rhin supérieur. Le Moyen Âge Dans les châteaux d'Alsace, à l'ombre des cathédrales, dans les villages et les cités…

Top 5 Useful Website Development Tools you should Definitely Try Web development has become as challenging as it is exciting of late, thanks to a variety of tools and utilities that are at a developer’s disposal. With a significantly improved and efficient workflow, courtesy these tools, developers can now make their work much more productive and produce powerful web applications and websites that have much more features and work much better than before. There are tools available for almost every aspect of web development, and with the right set of tools, the life of a developer can become significantly easier. Let us take a look at some of these- Coda - All developers need an interface or an “editor” application which they can use to write program code and markup language code. In a single window, Coda combines the power of a text-based live code editor, a design editor, and various other features which can be used for code-testing, referencing commands and code syntax, tweaking design elements and uploading code to a server via FTP.

Common layout codes | HTML and CSS tutorials | inObscuro printer friendly version Note: if you came here through a search engine looking for premade designs to use on your website, proceed to designs. This is a turorial on how to code a layout yourself. If you're just starting out with HTML, you might wonder how to make div or table layouts. In this tutorial codes are avilable for the following layout types: Preparation If you followed my tutorial about designing a layout now you have some pretty header image to use. Header/footer images can be inserted into your website as image tags, but it's better to set them as backgrounds like described in my code samples, because first: this way you're separating the content from visual appearance; second: background images load after the content is loaded, and this is the correct order of loading - you should let your visitors read the introduction and see some content on the index page while they wait for all images to load. Table layouts Here are two most common table layouts. Div (layer) layouts

50 New CSS Techniques For Your Next Web Design Advertisement CSS is almost certainly one of the best developments in web design since the first graphical web browsers were adopted on a wide scale. Where tables created clunky, slow-loading pages, CSS created much more streamlined and usable web pages. One of the best parts of CSS is that it’s so simple once you know the basics. Below are 50 fresh CSS tricks, techniques and tutorials that will help you to improve the quality of your next web design. 1. While CSS is often thought of as merely a styling language, there are ways you can use it to add security to your site. Make your pages load faster by combining and compressing javascript and css files This tutorial shows you how to create a PHP script to compress and combine multiple CSS and/or JavaScript files with gzip when they’re called for by a browser. Informal testing showed that a group of JavaScript files were reduced from 168Kb (and 1905 ms to transfer) to 37Kb (and 400 ms). The Definitive Post on Gzipping Your CSS 2. 3. 4. 5.

15 great HTML5 and CSS3 generators HTML5 and CSS3 are great languages to start off learning with, and I’ve always thought that one of the best ways to start learning is to just dive in and manipulate the code. As you could probably tell, this is where generators step in. They are a great way to generate some code, play with it, and learn. Not only that, they are incredibly useful because often times as a developer or designer we find we are doing things over and over again. Well, generators can take off that edge and do those small things for you each time. As an example, I have a text-expander snippet that creates an HTML5 template that I wrote about here. I will say that most of this list is going to focus on CSS3 generators, simply because they are in demand more than HTML5 generators, and we will learn why. CSS3 Generators There is a somewhat negative connotation when it comes to these generators, and I have to say that as a designer and developer there is nothing negative about using one. General Generators
