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Related:  After Effects

Daniel Gies -Tutorials ELEMENTED is an original animated adventure story that needs your help to break through the status quo. Please watch and share our concept trailer. Your views count! Find yourself immersed in a world of science, intrigue, and adventure on a curious, beautiful planet where 12 year old Wren, her best friend Ash, and her secret accomplice Memoir investigate the mysterious big and small happenings around them and learn about the periodic table of elements along the way. Although the story and setting are fictional, the applied science is real and vetted by subject matter experts in the field. Music credit: Safe Now (Captain Phillips) Henry Jackman - 2014 Liked what you saw?

10 top After Effects resources | After Effects The web is a wonderful thing. It's full of endless resources and tutorials for people wanting to learning the art of After Effects CS6 (and previous versions). But, sometimes too much choice can be confusing so we've picked nine top sites that will really help you get to grips with the compositing software. 01. If you want to learn After Effects, who better to learn from than the guys who created the software? 02. Creative Cow doesn't have the most intuitive UI we've ever seen but it does have many pages of links to After Effects tutorials. 03. This giant online training library has a brilliant selection of After Effects tutorials. 04. VideoHive is a library of royalty free motion graphics, footage and After Effects projects. 05. If it's After Effects training you're after then Video Copilot is a fantastic place to start. 06. Part of the Tuts+ network, this website offers a wealth of After Effects training from beginner to advanced. 07. 08. 09.

Mattrunks - Formations vidéos créatives sur le Motion Design - main page 10 Free After Effects Assets Is anything truly free anymore? You bet. And to prove the point, we’ve rounded up an awesome list of free After Effects assets! These assets cover a wide range of solutions from lighting, tracking, overlays, and lightsabers. Yes, lightsabers. So, let’s check out how these free After Effects assets can help you with your next project, whether it be an independent film or motion graphic job. After Effects Templates RocketStock The gang over at RocketStock has an ever-growing Free Stuff section that’s loaded with free After Effects templates. After Effects Presets Video Copilot After Effects rock star Andrew Kramer offers a wide range of free presets that can be found on his Video Copilot website. VFX Bro Real Camera Shake Pro is a preset developed by VFX Bro that allows you to add realistic camera shake to your tripod footage. Ouroboros The Ouroboros preset allows for users to create a new shape layer that has a stroke and effects attached to it. After Effects Plugins Ugly Box Normality

The 9 Best Places to Find Motion Design Inspiration Motion design isn’t just about After Effects and Cinema 4D — it’s also about finding inspiration and inspiring others. Let’s gun the creative engines with a tour of nine websites where you can find motion design inspiration. Be sure to bookmark these sites and check in frequently! 1. Art of the Title Art of the Title is a curated website that focuses on the art of film and television title sequences. 2. Vimeo is an incredible resource for finding motion design inspiration. 3. Mograph is a website/forum dedicated to mograph artists. 4. If you’re a designer, then From up North should already be bookmarked in your browser. 5. After Effects templates are a great way to discover new looks and techniques. 6. Behance is a fantastic site for artists looking to share their creative work with others. 7. Abduzeedo is a web site dedicated to all things inspiring when it comes to design. 8. Inspiration Grid is exactly what you think it is. 9. Dribbble offers great inspiration for all designers.

Motion graphics y diseño generativo En este curso te enseñaré distintas técnicas de animación mediante el uso de expresiones en After Effects. Tus animaciones podrán cambiar de forma, color o movimiento usando sencillos controladores. Parece increíble, pero modificando cuatro ajustes podrás generar distintas versiones de un mismo logotipo de forma fácil en un tiempo récord. ¿Qué incluye este curso? Haremos un breve resumen de las posibilidades que nos brinda el uso de la programación en el terreno gráfico. Daremos una pequeña introducción a la programación con algunos conceptos básicos y sencillos. ¿CUÁL ES EL PROYECTO DEL CURSO? ¿A quién está dirigido? Este curso va dirigido a todo aquel que quiera iniciarse en la programación aplicada al diseño, la animación o el arte generativo, así como el que quiera aprender nuevas técnicas de animación en After Effects. Requisitos La verdad es que los requisitos no son muchos, deberas saber utilizar el After Effects (CS5 o superior), Illustrator o Photoshop.

Cool Photoshop Actions La mayoría de los que disponemos de Photoshop en nuestro ordenador no lo estamos utilizándolo en todo su potencial. Photoshop es una herramienta con la que puedes conseguir unos resultados creativos impresionantes, tanto en el campo del procesado y edición de la fotografía como en trabajos de carácter más creativo, publicitario o industrial. En Photoshop hay una cosa que llaman “Acciones”. El día en que las descubrí se produjo un cambio importante en la forma en que usaba Photoshop. En el artículo de hoy te voy a explicar qué son las acciones de Photoshop, qué consigues con ellas, cómo puedes crear las tuyas, y dónde puedes encontrar acciones ya listas para usar. ¿Qué es una acción de Photoshop? Las acciones son una funcionalidad de Photoshop que nos permite, mediante un solo clic, recrear una serie de pasos. Ejemplo práctico de una acción de Photoshop Como este ejemplo, en Photoshop puedes crear una acción con cualquier tipo de ajuste o pasos de edición que se te ocurra. Tormenta de arena

Peder Norrby on Vimeo Upload User Stats Profile Images User Bio Creator of the Trapcode External Links Following + See all 184 Related RSS Feeds Featured Videos Clip ID:134354016 Delivery:progressive Playing:720p@25 Embed size: CDN:fastly TM + © 2016 Vimeo, LLC. Made with k in NYC. Coolorus - the best color wheel for Photoshop After Effects Expression examples Dan Ebberts provides example expressions and tutorials for learning how to work with expressions on his MotionScript website. For example, Dan provides an excellent page about collision detection. Trish and Chris Meyer provide a series of articles about expressions on the ProVideo Coalition website. These articles contain many useful examples. Colin Braley provides a tutorial and example project on his website that show how to use expressions to make one layer repel others in a natural-seeming manner. The AE Enhancers forum provides many examples and much useful information about expressions, as well as scripts and animation presets. Rick Gerard provides an example on his website that demonstrates rolling a square object along a floor so that the sides stay in contact with the floor plane. Carl Larsen provides a video tutorial on the Creative COW website that demonstrates how to use expressions and parenting to relate the rotation of a set of wheels to the horizontal movement of a vehicle.

True Painters Wheel Beta by PVproject on DeviantArt Where to Find the Best Explosion Elements There’s no need to blow up your backyard! These explosion elements can be dragged into any video project to create a realistic VFX sequence. Let’s take a look at a few of the best places to find explosion elements and discuss how to integrate them into your work. 1. Image via VFX Central VFX Central is an awesome place to find 2K, 4K, and 6K explosion elements for video. 2. Not only is Shutterstock the best image and video library on the internet, but it’s also home to some of the best explosions for video editors. 3. When it comes to explosion elements, there really aren’t a lot of products that can equal Video Copilot’s Action Essentials 2. 4. In addition to being an all-around great guy, Mitch Martinez offers free downloads of 4K stock clips to anyone who wants them. Working on a microscopic budget?

PictureCode: Noise Ninja legacy downloads Version 2.4.1 For Photoshop CS3/CS4/CS5, Elements 6-10 Please note: The Noise Ninja plug-in only works with in 32-bit mode on Mac. Download instructions: For OS X 10.5 and later (Leopard, Snow Leopard, and Lion), click here to download the plug-in.
