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The 50 pictures in perfect timing

Highly Educated, Highly Indebted: The Lives of Today's 27-Year-Olds, In Charts A new study by the Department of Education offers up a statistical picture of young-adult life in the wake of the Great Recession. What are today's young adults really like? For those who've spent too much time gazing into the dark recesses of Thought Catalog or obsessing over "Girls," the Department of Education has a new report that offers up some enlightening answers. In the spring of 2002, the government's researchers began tracking a group of roughly 15,000 high school sophomores—most of whom would be roughly age 27 today—with the intention of following them through early adulthood. Like myself, many of those students graduated college in 2008, just in time to grab a front-row seat for the collapse of Lehman Brothers and the economic gore fest that ensued. (One important note: I've shorthanded this group as "today's 27-year-olds." 1. Ever hear someone say that "a college degree is the new high school diploma"? 2. 3. But school was easier if your mom and dad had money. 4. 5. 6. 7.

75 Stunning Photos That Made You Appreciate Earth In 2013 Ulua Beach, Maui Photo source: imgur / Photographer: Unknown. If you know the photographer please contact us so we can credit. Seychelles Melissani Cave located in Kefalonia Island, Greece Horsetail Fall Fireflies in a Japanese forest Photo taken by Japanese photographer Yume Cyan. Zion National Park in southern Uta The Isle of Skye, situated off the West Coast of Scotland The eruption of Reventador in the eastern Andes of Ecuador Sunrise over the Superstition Mountains in Arizona Split Pinnalcle, Hunnan, China Skogafoss Falls in Iceland Sister mountains with the full moon setting at sunrise west of Bend, Oregon Senja, Norway Salt. Odle range. Photo by: Max Rivea Natural Bridge, KY Mount Fuji, Japan Lions Rock in Sri Lanka Libyan Desert Lands End in San Francisco, California Lake Tahoe, NV Lake Moraine, Banff Alberta CA Kilauea K2, the worlds next highest mountain after Mount Everest Havasupai, AZ Drake Passage, Palmer Peninsula, Antarctica Angel Falls, Venezuela A beach in Iceland Sabino Canyon, AZ Norway Mt.

The Perks Of ‘Being’ — Culture Club I REALLY HATED it when my friends drove back home for long weekends. Every time it happened, it was a pressing reminder that I only got to go home twice a year. On one such weekend, the kind that’s too short to fly anywhere but too long to stay put, I moped around the empty campus, conversing cautiously with the handful of other international students that had been left behind. I associated “home” with finding myself, just like I had connected boarding school with my intellectual enlightenment. Nope. As I sat in our family kitchen, speaking to my grandmother in my now-broken Chinese, I started crying. Here I was, in my kitchen, stuck in that limbo between two disparate cultures. “Stop.” In her crumpled hands, she held a pork bun, a delicacy where I’m from. She brandished the other half of the bun in my face. It wasn’t the first time I had been compared to a pork bun, but this was undoubtedly the most flattering instance. Did I end up hating boarding school?

Andre Amador's Playa Paintings are Sandy Works of Art If you live in San Francisco, California, then you may be lucky enough to come across the art of Andres Amador. He doesn't paint or sculpt. He prefers a medium that is temporary but absolutely beautiful: a sandy beach at low tide. For Andres, his art is "more about the process and less about the result." He knows that it will all be temporary. While making his beach mural explorations, he uses a rope as a guide so that he can make the geometric patterns. When asked WHY he does it, Andre gives the best answer... "The unanswerable question! Consider yourself lucky if you happen to stumble across one of his playa paintings, because it won't be there long. By raking up the wet sand at low tide, he is able to make contrasting sand colors. He even offers his services, helping people propose. Or even teaching others to create these beachscapes as part of a team building exercise. According to Andres, it only takes a couple of hours once the tide is low enough to create the designs.

Photos That Will Make Your Stomach Drop If you love to do something that is uncommon, and what people do just few times in the whole life, than you must try to do something like this on these photos below. Maybe you will feel strange while you looking at these photos, but who knows, maybe that’s exactly what you need. P.S Whatever you do, don’t look down, and make you sure you have a Life Insurance before you scroll down! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.Dean Potter slacklining in Yosemite 18.On the Edge, Mount Blanc, France. 19. 20. 21. 22.Bruce Peninsula National Park 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.China’s mt Huashan Death trail 29. 30. 31 This outrageous example of extreme skiing If you enjoyed this post we definitely recommend: These 28 Photos Exist For The Sole Purpose Guaranteed to Make You Feel Better About Life FlipThank you for visiting, we hope you find our site, enjoyable, informative and educational. What do you think ? comments

A Lonely Quest for Facts on Genetically Modified Crops KONA, Hawaii — From the moment the bill to ban on the island of Hawaii was introduced in May 2013, it garnered more vocal support than any the County Council here had ever considered, even the perennially popular bids to decriminalize marijuana. Public hearings were dominated by recitations of the ills often attributed to genetically modified organisms, or G.M.O.s: cancer in rats, a rise in childhood allergies, out-of-control superweeds, genetic contamination, overuse of , the disappearance of butterflies and bees. To see the full article, subscribe here. Another Council member favored razing every genetically modified papaya tree on the island. But under Ms. “You’re exempted,” Mr. Even so, Mr. Many of the island’s papaya farmers, descendants of immigrants who came to work on sugar plantations, have links to the Philippines, as does Mr. If Mr. Japanese as well as American regulators had approved the papaya. Photo Mr. Superweeds and Rats But a vast majority were there in support. Mr. Dr. Dr.

Wind Map An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future. This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US. The wind map is a personal art project, not associated with any company. If the map is missing or seems slow, we recommend the latest Chrome browser. Surface wind data comes from the National Digital Forecast Database. If you're looking for a weather map, or just want more detail on the weather today, see these more traditional maps of temperature and wind.

How to Become a Professional Photographer: 10 Steps Edit Article Focusing on Your PhotographyManaging Your Business Edited by kate, Eben Visher, Sondra C, Nicole Willson and 53 others Professional photography is an excellent career choice for anyone who wants to get paid for using their creative talents. Ad Steps Method 1 of 2: Focusing on Your Photography 1Know your gear. 3Decide on your forte. Method 2 of 2: Managing Your Business 1Get your documents in line. 7Advertise your business. Tips Invest in good photo editing programs for your computer.

This 4-Year-Old Makes Paper Dresses With Her Mom -- And They Keep Getting More Amazing By Ilana Wiles, Mommy Shorts I started following @2sisters_angie a little over a year ago. Back then she was posting the typical stuff you see from moms on Instagram -- pics of her daughter at the park, pics of her daughter eating breakfast and lots of photos of her daughter playing dress-up. You know, the same stuff I post. Then, about nine months ago, Angie's feed started to change. It became clear Angie's daughter (she calls her "Mayhem") was more interested in fashion than the average 4-year-old. Then one day Angie got tired of finding her clothes in Mayhem's toy box and suggested they make a dress out of paper. I've been continually amazed every time Angie's pictures pop up in my feed. And over the last few months, I've watched them evolve to this: Having a 4-year-old daughter of my own, whose biggest fashion moment was putting a red bow around the waist of her green Super Soccer Stars t-shirt and calling herself "Peter Pan," I had a few questions for Angie. Most of the time.

No Sew, Tee-Shirt Halter #3 I have the exciting opportunity to head to the beach for a couple of days, to relax and soak up a little of that beautiful Florida sunshine. I wanted to do one more halter top to take to wear with my jeans and this is what I came up with. It can be changed in so many ways let's just say this is a 3 in one shirt. Video Tutorial Things You Need. Tee-Shirt~ mine is a mens mediumScissorsChalk Front Cut where the red lines are. The back cut the red lines Back Cut down the middle of the back cut out.. Front after cutting NOTE* you cut one continuous line from the front to the back. Back After cutting now tie the front wrap around your neck and tie to the two straps in the back. If you want to trim off the excess off the straps. I am leaving mine so I can play and change it up some more.. or tie them into a bow. For those of you who need to watch it being made Like me Here is a video just for you:)Click me>VIDEO Just one more way to change up a Tee Shirt.. Happy Monday. Lots of <3,
