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Amazon's Dynamo

Amazon's Dynamo
In two weeks we’ll present a paper on the Dynamo technology at SOSP, the prestigious biannual Operating Systems conference. Dynamo is internal technology developed at Amazon to address the need for an incrementally scalable, highly-available key-value storage system. The technology is designed to give its users the ability to trade-off cost, consistency, durability and performance, while maintaining high-availability. Let me emphasize the internal technology part before it gets misunderstood: Dynamo is not directly exposed externally as a web service; however, Dynamo and similar Amazon technologies are used to power parts of our Amazon Web Services, such as S3. We submitted the technology for publication in SOSP because many of the techniques used in Dynamo originate in the operating systems and distributed systems research of the past years; DHTs, consistent hashing, versioning, vector clocks, quorum, anti-entropy based recovery, etc. The official reference for the paper is:

Java NIO Comme nous l’avons déjà évoqué sur le blog, à l’occasion du challenge USI 2011, nous nous sommes intéressés à différents serveurs et framework web NIO en Java. Le principe était simple en mettant à plat la spécification du challenge, nous avons identifié quelques besoins techniques : Une solution pour le marshalling JSONUn serveur web NIO supportant le long pollingUne solution pour la persistence et le partage des données Notre démarche a été de réaliser des POCs implémentant la création des utilisateurs et le long polling pour retenir la meilleure solution. La solution devait être simple et rapide à implémenter, et tenir une charge conséquente en la testant à l’aide de ab l’outil de benchmark Apache et de la librairie Async Http Client. Pourquoi NIO ? Revenons d’abord à l’essentiel, nous ne pouvons justifier notre choix sans expliquer ce qu’est cette API Java. Le test Tour d’horizon des implémentations NIO Restlet Tomcat 7 Grizzly Deft Netty Conclusion

Extracción de imágenes, vídeo y audio en formato original, de Microsoft Power Point Nos encontramos en ocasiones con alguna presentación de Power Point de la cual nos gustaría tener alguna imagen, audio o video incluida en ella, si deseamos conseguirlos en formato original sin que se pierda resolución (para documentos hechos en PowerPoint 2007 y archivos PPSX y PPTX de 2010)podemos conseguirlo realizando los siguientes pasos: 1.- Cambiar la extensión del fichero PPSX o PPTX a ZIP:Change File Extension Shell Menu, pequeña aplicación totalmente gratuita que nos permite cambiarle la extensión a un archivo. Una vez instalada, pulsar con el botón derecho sobre el fichero al que le queremos cambiar la extensión, si nos damos cuenta aparece una nueva opción, que en el caso de haber seleccionado un archivo RAR por ejemplo, se llamara “RAR Change File Extension”, lo único que tendremos que hacer al pinchar sobre ella e introducir la nueva extensión.

The LMAX Architecture LMAX is a new retail financial trading platform. As a result it has to process many trades with low latency. The system is built on the JVM platform and centers on a Business Logic Processor that can handle 6 million orders per second on a single thread. Over the last few years we keep hearing that "the free lunch is over"[1] - we can't expect increases in individual CPU speed. So I was fascinated to hear about a talk at QCon London in March last year from LMAX. Given the shift to multi-core thinking, this kind of demanding performance would naturally suggest an explicitly concurrent programming model - and indeed this was their starting point. Processing lots of transactions with low-latency and none of the complexities of concurrent code - how can I resist digging into that? Overall Structure Figure 1: LMAX's architecture in three blobs At a top level, the architecture has three parts business logic processor[5] input disruptor output disruptors Business Logic Processor Tuning performance

WiseStamp, personaliza la firma de tus correos desde Firefox, Chrome o Safari Si eres de los que le gusta dejar su firma siempre presente en sus correos, WiseStamp es un complemento altamente recomedado. Disponible para Firefox, Chrome y Safari, WiseStamp es una extensión para navegadores que nos permite añadir una firma personal o profesional totalmente personalizada, integrándose en cualquier servicio de correo electrónico: Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL, etc. Con WiseStamp reemplazarás la firma tradicional y la convertirás en una firma totalmente personalizada, con la posibilidad de añadir nuestra propia imagen o logo, descripción, fuente RSS, perfiles sociales o incluso el timeline de nuestra cuenta de Twitter, entre otros tantos de extras que harán nuestra firma mucho más interesante. Además WiseStamp nos ofrece diferentes plantillas gratuitas, para así evitar diseñarlas desde cero. Únicamente tendremos que configurar WiseStamp a nuestro gusto, con el diseño que deseemos y las modificaciones que creamos convenientes.

Facebook's Realtime Analytics System Recently, I was reading Todd Hoff's write-up on FaceBook real time analytics system. As usual, Todd did an excellent job in summarizing this video from Engineering Manager at Facebook Alex Himel, Engineering Manager at Facebook. In this first post, I’d like to summarize the case study, and consider some things that weren't mentioned in the summaries. This will lead to an architecture for building your own Realtime Time Analytics for Big-Data that might be easier to implement, using Facebook's experience as a starting point and guide as well as the experience gathered through a recent work with few of GigaSpaces customers. The second post provide a summary of that new approach as well as a pattern and a demo for building your own Real Time Analytics system.. The Business Drive for real time analytics: Time is money The main drive for many of the innovations around realtime analytics has to do with competitiveness and cost, just as with most other advances. Why now? Technology advancement

playground - LibraryList A collection of contributed libraries. You can add your own libraries here. The standard library page is located here. Navigation Audio SimpleSDAudio Play audio files with your Arduino in decent quality from SD card, only very few additional hardware required, easy to use library. Cloud Exosite send and receive data to/from the cloud by using Exosite's Cloud Data Platform. menu Libraries that simplify implementing a menu. Code.Menu by Alexander Brevig M2tklib Menu Manager documentation; download. Communications ArduinoJsonParser - An efficient JSON parser for Arduino RestClient - RestClient makes RESTful HTTP requests simple from the arduino using the EthernetShield. Cryptography Arduino MD5:An easy-to-use MD5 library for the Arduino, for all your hashing needs. Data Structures and Algorithms Home Automation and IoT Input / Output

High Scalability PICTURE TO ASCII CONVERT - PICASCII Assinar - Bruno Torres ponto net Faça uma assinatura de por um ano e receba 4 meses de graça. Apenas 6x de… Bom, claro que isso é brincadeira. Você não precisa pagar nada pra assinar o conteúdo deste blog. Índice Como assim assinar? Quem já usa RSS e ATOM pode pular direto para os feeds. RSS e atom são formas alternativas de acessar o conteúdo de um site ou blog. Blogs e sites de notícia publicam conteúdo periódico, ou seja, são atualizados freqüentemente. Podemos comparar a assinatura do RSS ou ATOM de um blog como uma assinatura de uma revista. Ou seja, a informação vem até você ao invés de você ter que ir até ela. Tá, mas como isso funciona? Diferente de uma assinatura de revista, você não precisa pagar para assinar um blog. Sem entrar em detalhes técnicos, para assinar um blog você precisa de duas coisas: a URL (endereço) do arquivo de feed RSS ou ATOM do blog e um agregador ou leitor de feeds. Vamos definir o que são essas duas coisas: Arquivo de feeds RSS ou ATOM Agregadores ou leitores de feeds .

3 Great High-End Smartphones with Cheap, No-Contract Wireless Service Not long ago, if you wanted a high-end smartphone, you had to sign a contract with a major wireless carrier and play by their rules. That meant multi-year service agreements, expensive monthly bills and new fees. Now, Verizon is forcing even more expensive shared data plans on new subscribers, and AT&T is preparing to tout similar plans. Fortunately, these days you can avoid the big guys and still get some of the best smartphones, with no contract, and save money in the long run by paying a lower monthly bill. (MORE: 50 Best iPhone Apps 2012) Here are three of the best phones you can get without a traditional $70-and-up monthly bill. Unlocked Samsung Galaxy Nexus with T-Mobile Value Plan Specs: 4.65-inch display (1280-by-720 resolution), dual-core processor, 5-megapixel camera, 16 GB storage; runs Android 4.1 Phone Price: $349 Service Cost: $45 per month for unlimited data (slowed down after 2 GB), 500 minutes, pay-per-text Samsung Galaxy S II with Ting Phone Price: $435 (white model)

Mea Poulpa: Pour Linux 64 bits (Ubuntu... Decision REPORT Decision Report 16/08/2011 A Stefanini comemora o 15º ano de atuação em Minas Gerais com investimentos de RS 1,2 milhão na operação. Uma das novidades é a criação do CETIMS – Centro Tecnológico para Indústria, Mineração e Siderurgia, com sede em Belo Horizonte. Atenta a um dos mercados que mais cresce no país, a consultoria está dedicando um time de 55 profissionais qualificados para atender as necessidades de venda consultiva para estas verticais de negócio. Todas as atividades do CETIMS são orientadas pela norma ISO/IEC 62264/ISA 95 e melhores prática recomendadas pela MESA(Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association). Outras iniciativas compõem o investimento da Stefanini na capital mineira, onde a consultoria já atua há 15 anos. Dentro de sua estratégia a Stefanini também está anunciando, em Belo Horizonte, o Centro Compartilhado de SAP e BI. *Por Josiel Santos

OwnCloud 3 sur un serveur Debian / Nginx Par ces temps de dématérialisation des espaces de stockages, les services en ligne comme Dropbox et SpiderOak focalisent à la fois des commentaires admiratifs (facilité d'utilisation, fiabilité) et réticents (protection de la vie privée, pérennité du service à moyen et long terme, prix). Du bon coté de la force, les alternatives libres et auto-hébergées commencent à pointer le bout de leurs nez. Une de ces solutions a eut droit à son petit buzz ces dernières semaines: OwnCloud. J'apporte donc ma petite pierre à l'édifice en vous proposant une installation et une configuration de OwnClound version 3 sur un serveur Debian Squeeze sous NGinx. OwnClound (en version 3 au moment de l'écriture de ce billet) se présente sous la forme d'un serveur à héberger sur une machine GNU/Linux. Une fois installé, ce dernier propose les services suivants: Installation de LESP La plupart des articles sur OwnCloud se base sur une couche LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP). [cc] mkdir ~/installowncloud sudo . [/cc]

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