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William Turner - The complete works

William Turner - The complete works

The William Blake Archive Homepage A hypermedia archive sponsored by the Library of Congress and supported by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Rochester, and the Scholarly Editions and Translations Division of the National Endowment for the Humanities. With past support from the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities at the University of Virginia, the Getty Grant Program, the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, the Preservation and Access Division of the National Endowment for the Humanities, Sun Microsystems, and Inso Corporation. Editors Morris Eaves, University of Rochester Robert Essick, University of California, Riverside Joseph Viscomi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Technical Editor Michael Fox, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Project Manager Joseph Fletcher, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Project Coordinator, University of Rochester Laura Bell, University of Rochester Bibliographer Mark Crosby, Kansas State University

Theodore Gericault Theodore Gericault (Francia, 1791-1824) Obras: Biografía: Pintor francés muy influyente en su época y uno de los principales y primeros artistas del romanticismo del siglo XIX. Windows Media Player | Libreto (Historia y Personajes) | Aumentar | Fotos Interiores 100 Ideas That Changed Art by Maria Popova From cave paintings to the internet, or how art and cultural ideology shape one another. On the heels of yesterday’s 100 Ideas That Changed Photography comes 100 Ideas That Changed Art (public library) — a succinct account of the most influential developments in the history of art, from cave paintings to the internet, compiled by art historian and broadcaster Michael Bird. Bird writes in the introduction: What does it mean to ‘change art’? On Trajan’s Column in Rome significant moments in the story of Trajan’s Dacian campaign are grouped to align vertically, so that they make sense from several standpoints when viewed from the ground. Whereas stories are diachronic — they take time in the telling and involve the unfolding of events through time — visual images work synchronically, being interpreted almost instantaneously by the viewer. Polykleitos was credited with 'the idea that statues should stand firmly on one leg only.' Images and captions courtesy of Laurence King

La Balsa de la Medusa, Théodore Géricault | Apuntes sobre Historia del Arte La Balsa de la Medusa, Gericault Comentamos La Balsa de la Medusa, monumental óleo sobre lienzo realizado por Théodore Géricault hacia 1819. La obra podemos visitarla en el Museo del Louvre de París. Contexto Histórico La obra se basa en un hecho real: el dos de junio de 1816 la fragata “medusa” naufraga frente a la costa oriental africana. Y es que…el capitán y sus oficiales emplearon las barcas salvavidas abandonando a los 149 marineros que les acompañaban, ya que los consideraron socialmente inferiores. Rescatados finalmente por un carguero, es en el otoño del año siguiente cuando los supervivientes publican el relato de lo sucedido, pero, la reacción de la sociedad, sorprendentemente, ¡es de repulsa! Tumba de Theodore Gericault, cementerio Pere-Lachaise, París La Balsa de la Medusa (análisis de la obra) “Ni la poesía ni la pintura podrán jamás hacer justicia al horror y la angustia de los hombres de la balsa”. Composición Piramidal Formas piramidales, La Balsa de la Medusa Consulta

List of most visited art museums - Wikipedia This article lists the most visited art museums in the world (significant museums where art is the major focus; i.e., some museums that contain art are not included such as the Natural History Museum) based in part on an attendance survey for 2014 compiled by The Art Newspaper.[1] Many of the most visited art museums also feature on the overall list of the most visited museums in the world. Figures may be unreliable due to conflicting sources or self-reporting. List[edit] Notes[edit] ^ii Getty Center: 1,356,381; Getty Villa: 372,434)^iii M. H. de Young Memorial Museum: 1,304,339; California Palace of the Legion of Honor: 385,739)^iv Scottish National Gallery: 933,296; Scottish National Portrait Gallery: 261,937; Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art: 265,091^v Queensland Art Gallery: 597,157; Queensland Gallery of Modern Art: 627,807^vi includes the Seattle Asian Art Museum and the Olympic Sculpture Park See also[edit] References[edit]

Théodore Géricault. Biografía Théodore Géricault. Biografía y obra Introducción a la obra de Théodore Géricault Théodore Géricault nace en 1791 en el pequeño pueblo francés de Rouen en el seno de una familia acomodada. De vida intensa y muerte violenta, Géricault comienza sus estudios artísticos con diecisiete años, haciendo de su carrera y su vida una línea poco continua, más bien repleta de altibajos que, por otra parte, no podía tratarse de otra forma si hablamos del Romanticismo y es que Théodore representa en su misma existencia la esencia del espíritu romántico. Sus cuadros, expuestos en diferentes países, no fueron, en general, bien acogidos por la crítica y es que sus obras muestran las rebeldía tanto las temáticas tan alejadas del clasicismo que elige Géricault para sus obras tanto las que representan una crítica contra la sociedad o el poder como la de dementes y enfermos que refleja los rostros de personas comunes con expresiones más realistas que idealistas.

Why Virtual Galleries Could Help Shape a Different Future for Artists | Artsy Shark by Chris Davies Virtual art galleries may be an emerging concept for many, but there are several good reasons why these could provide an exciting new avenue for artists working in all mediums. Ever-advancing technologies, combined with radical changes in consumer trends and how art collections are curated, could all point the way towards an exciting digital future for creatives. But what are these changes, and how can artists get involved? What is a Virtual Art Gallery? A virtual art gallery is more than just a website featuring images of artists’ work. Examples include: New York’s New Museum This innovative gallery has been commissioning artists specifically for its New Art Online series for the past few years. This latter project involved turning the museum’s collection of sculptures into interactive 3D scans that can be viewed, appreciated and downloaded by anyone, regardless of where they are in the world. Virtual Art Space The Infinity Pool Petrella’s Imports WHERE Gallery Light and Wire

Análisis de la pintura: “El dragón rojo y la mujer vestida de sol” de William Blake. María Florencia Rossi | Taller de Semiótica / Mag. Mónica Bueno El gran dragón rojo y mujer vestida de sol / William Blake - c.1806-1809 “Y apareció en el cielo un gran signo: una Mujer revestida del sol, con la luna bajo sus pies y una corona de doce estrellas en su cabeza.” Apocalipsis, capítulo 12 Cuando nos situamos frente al grabado de William Blake (1757-1827), compuesta entre los años 1806 y 1809, nos encontramos con una escena impresionante: nada más y nada menos que una lucha entre el bien y el mal. En la pintura, lo primero que capta nuestra atención es un ser mitológico de espaldas, el personaje principal que describe el autor en el título como “el gran dragón rojo”, sin embargo la imagen no responde a la tipología de dragón más conocido, el oriental, sino que se presenta una figura de musculatura humana, a excepción de las alas, la cola y los cuernos. Al contrario, la figura de la mujer, como se ha mencionado, se caracteriza por estar relegada del centro del cuadro hacia la parte inferior, literalmente debajo del dragón. Bibliografía:

The Real and the Virtual Art Museum Screenshot of Google Art Project featuring Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night So much of the press and discussion around the Google Art Project has focused on comparing the experience of the virtual gallery with the real, in-person experience. The question seems to be, will the Google Art Project replace or somehow despoil the experience of the museum visit? But I think this commentary overlooks an important part of the Google Art Project: the way it allows users to—in a way—remix and share their experience of so many great works of art. At the recommendation of a colleague and fellow teacher, I began reading On Beauty and Being Just by Elaine Scarry, Walter M. We’ve all felt this, right? James McNeill Whistler. For me, what is most pleasurable about the Google Art Project is how it lets me do what Scarry describes. So what do you think?

Las Alucinaciones Mentales de William Blake como Base de su Obra Literaria y Artística: ¿Genialidad O Locura? {*style:<i>Por Iñigo Sarriugarte </i>*} Este poeta, dibujante, pintor y grabador inglés fue considerado por muchos como un prerromántico, que anticipó las teorías de este movimiento cultural en una época en que las tendencias eran clasicistas. De hecho, su posicionamiento fue siempre crítico frente a la razón y la religión. El 28 de noviembre de 1757 nace William Blake en el Soho de Londres. Más adelante, se matricula en la Royal Academy of Arts, donde su director, Sir Joshua Reynolds, le profesó una auténtica aberración. A la edad de 25 años, comienza a trabajar como grabador, lo que le supone una fuente de ingresos necesarios para subsistir. En 1818, conoce al mecenas, retratista y paisajista John Linnell, que le presentó a un círculo de jóvenes pintores idealistas que habían mitificado su figura y lo consideraban el único practicante de un arte espiritual. Ningún miembro familiar creyó ni quiso asumir las supuestas excentricidades de este imaginativo niño. Angrill, A. Banda Monroy, V.

Online Tours Go to content Go to navigation Go to search Change language Accessibility Support the Louvre Home>Collection & Louvre Palace>Online Tours Online Tours Visit the museum's exhibition rooms and galleries, contemplate the façades of the Louvre... Items per page:5 -10 -15 Sort by: Publication date - Title Egyptian Antiquities Collections from the Pharaonic period are displayed on the east side of the Sully wing, on the ground floor and 1st floor. Egyptian Antiquities Launch virtual tour Remains of the Louvre's Moat The Louvre was originally a fortress built by the French king Philippe Auguste. Medieval Louvre Launch virtual tour Galerie d'Apollon The Galerie d'Apollon, situated above the Petite Galerie, was destroyed by fire in 1661 and rebuilt by Le Vau. Decorative Arts Launch virtual tour Practical information The Louvre is open every day (except Tuesday) from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Night opening until 9:45 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays Closed on the following holidays: January 1, May 1, December 25 Buy tickets

The world's best secret art galleries | The Independent Matt Carey-Williams International Director, Haunch of Venison, London IBID Projects is located on Hoxton Square, and stands in the shadow of the much larger gallery there, White Cube 2 – sometimes interesting things take place in the shadows. The space is deliberately unfinished and this physical rawness allows for an interesting dialogue between space and object which heightens our experience of their exhibitions. IBID Projects, 35 Hoxton Square, London N1. Simon de Pury Auctioneer, Philips de Pury & Co Raoul La Roche was a young banker from Basel who moved to Paris in 1911. While a building of modest proportions, it is an extraordinary demonstration of Le Corbusier's genius. Villa La Roche, 10 Square du Docteur-Blanche, 75016 Paris; visit Bice Curiger Curator, the Venice Biennale There's a new space in Switzerland called New Jerseyy, which is run by artists, critics and curators. New Jerseyy, Hüningerstrasse 18, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland ; Anne L Poulet
