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GNU Radio - WikiStart -

GNU Radio - WikiStart -
Introduction¶ GNU Radio is a free & open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement software radios. It can be used with readily-available low-cost external RF hardware to create software-defined radios, or without hardware in a simulation-like environment. It is widely used in hobbyist, academic and commercial environments to support both wireless communications research and real-world radio systems. GNU Radio is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or later. Content¶ 0. Registration for GRCon16 is now open! I. If you've never touched GNU Radio before, these pages will get you started with a running installation of GNU Radio and will show you how to take your first steps with this software radio tool. II. GNU Radio has two manuals: one for the C++ API and another for the Python API. The Sphinx documentation fills in some holes in the C++ docs where there is Python-only code: Sphinx-based Documentation III. IV. V. VI. Related:  Projetos

New Roles and Skills for Cloud Computing - AdVoice: Microsoft - Cloud Power This article is commissioned by Microsoft Corp. The views expressed are the author’s own. Clearly, cloud computing requires new skills inside of organizations that are moving to the cloud. We all get that. However, many companies have difficulty understanding exactly what those skills are, the scope required, and the timing. There are several ways this can play out. My take on all of this is that before we ignore the problem, or toss money at it, perhaps this a good time to put some lines in the sand around what skills are required as the cloud creeps into our IT universe. When considering what skills are needed to thrive in the cloud, I like to use a role-based approach, with the new roles being: Cloud Architect Cloud Security Specialist Cloud Developer Cloud Infrastructure Manager Provider Specialist Cloud architect is the No. 1 job posting that I see from any company or consulting organization looking to move into cloud computing.

data structures and software dependability | Software / Snoopy latest update: April 14, 2014, at 01:02 PM Please use the following reference to give credits to Snoopy:M Heiner, M Herajy, F Liu, C Rohr and M Schwarick:Snoopy – a unifying Petri net tool;In Proc. PETRI NETS 2012, Hamburg, Springer, LNCS, volume 7347, 398–407, June 2012 News Downloads Windows version snoopy-stable-windows-2014-04-01.msiafter download finished double click on the *.msi and the installation starts start snoopy, e.g. by double click on the icon on your desktop Linux version Mac OS X version (10.5+, Intel only) snoopy-stable-macosx-intel-2014-04-01.dmgopen the dmg and drag snoopy to your favorite location start snoopy, e.g. by double click on the name For our faithful long-term friends, who want to transfer their PED-files, we provide here a ped2snoopy converter, and some useful hints to use it. Here are some examples to get used to the tool: There is no all-covering manual available, but you will hopefully not miss it. General Description Basic Properties Main Features Upcoming

Técnicos dizem que futuro da transmissão por satélite está ameaçado Luiz Xavier Diretora da Secom da Câmara, Sueli Navarro disse que a nova faixa de frequência vai interferir no sinal da TV Câmara. Durante seminário realizado nesta terça-feira para debater o futuro da recepção do sinal de TV por satélite no Brasil, técnicos das emissoras de televisão se manifestaram contra o edital do leilão da faixa de frequência de 3,5 GHz, aprovado pela Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel). Eles afirmam que essa nova faixa de frequência vai interferir no sinal de televisão captado por antenas parabólicas instaladas no País. Na avaliação do engenheiro de comunicações da Rede Record André Felipe Trindade, o futuro da transmissão por satélite corre risco depois que a Anatel decidiu colocar em leilão a faixa de 3,5 GHz para ofertar serviços de WiMAX, tecnologia de banda larga sem fio. Ele citou como situação em que haverá interferências a recepção de eventos internacionais como a Copa do Mundo de Futebol e os Jogos Olímpicos.

Meet Snoopy: The DIY drone that tracks your devices just about anywhere Seven months ago, Ars documented CreepyDOL, a low-cost, distributed network of Wi-Fi sensors that stalks smartphone-toting people as they move about neighborhoods or even entire cities. As each node is small enough to be slipped into an overlooked nook at the nearby gym, cafe, or break room, the system can assemble a shockingly detailed dossier of personal data, including the schedules, e-mail addresses, personal photos, and current or past whereabouts of the person or people it monitors. Now, CreepyDOL—short for Creepy Distributed Object Locator—is about to be outdone by a newly updated DIY stalker device that has the potential to collect orders of magnitude more data from people. Dubbed Snoopy, it can track not only Wi-Fi, but also signals based on radio frequency identification (RFID) and the Bluetooth and 802.15 specifications. Digital terrestrial footprint It was also possible to know if any devices within range of Snoopy had previously visited other monitored locations. Densidade de Banda Larga do Brasil está abaixo da média mundial O Brasil terminou 2008 com 10 milhões de acessos Banda Larga (fixa) e está entre os 10 países com mais acessos Banda Larga no mundo. Já em termos de densidade de Banda Larga (acessos/ 100 hab.) o Brasil está abaixo da média mundial (UIT), ao contrário do que ocorre com a densidade de telefones fixos e celulares. Nota: não inclui banda larga móvel O Brasil é o 67º país em densidade de Banda Larga no Mundo atrás do México (7,1 acessos/100 hab.) e da Argentina (8,0 acessos/100 hab.). O mapa abaixo, que detalha a densidade de cada estado no 1T09, ajuda aentender melhor as causas desta baixa densidade. Pode-se dividir o Brasil em duas regiões: As sete unidades da federação com densidade de 8,9 acessos/100 hab., superior à média mundial, que concentram 72,1% dos acessos Banda Larga do país e representam 45,5% da população. Esta divisão é agravada pela baixa cobertura geográfica com que é oferecida a Banda larga no Brasil.

RFID IO tools News October 2012: Migrated source code to I realised one of the reasons I haven't been doing many updates is because it's always such a faff getting a new tarball together, updating the webpage etc., etc. Now, should you be vaguely interested, you can simply watch the project on github and get notified whenever a change is committed... I will follow my usual practice of 'commit early, commit often', so whenever I'm working on something, expect daily updates... September 2011: Added Throwing Star LAN Tap to shop. March 2011: Added ubertooth-one to shop. December 2009 : Beta release 1.0b-beta integrates new version of libnfc wrapper (pynfc ver 0.2), which works with the latest libnfc SVN repo (r245). November 2009: Release 1.0a - Started integrating Nick von Dadelszen's libnfc wrapper so we can support the new generation of usb stick readers which are practically given away with digital cash products such as Snapper. Contents What is RFIDIOt? Hardware

Austrian breakthrough in quantum cryptography: Record in the transmission of entangled photon pairs (Update) Austrian physicists say a breakthrough in next-generation quantum cryptography could allow encrypted messages to be bounced off satellites, the British journal Nature reported Sunday. A team from Austria's Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) managed to send entangled photons 144 kilometres (90 miles) between the Spanish islands of Las Palmas and the Balearics. Because of the success of the test, the IQOQI team said it was now feasible to send this kind of unbreakable encrypted communication through space using satellites. Quantum cryptography works by sending streams of light particles, or photons, making it entirely secure, as any eavesdropping would leave traces and immediately be detected. In quantum cryptography, photons are used as the key for the encrypted communication -- just as mathematical formula are used in conventional cryptography. (c) 2009 AFP Update: Please find IQOQI's press release below: Provided by IQOQI

How to block attackers IP with null route This article is described how I find out the Attacker’s IP and null route it, to solve the high load issue on my server. 1. High Load Recently, server hits an abnormally high load, CPU usage hits average 15-20%. #top load average: 15.08, 18.30, 20.63 2. Not sure if this a DOS attack, or just a single IP abuse the connection? #netstat -tn 2>/dev/null | grep :80 | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head 215 189 156 38 37 37 31 30 29 29 Below 3 IPs are taking 150+ connections, which is really abnormal, what are they trying to do? P.S Google above IPs, 2 are from India, 1 from Pakistan. 3. null route I believed above 3 IPs are the root cause of the high load issue, let null route those IPs, so that all incoming connections from those 3 IPs will be dropped or ignored. null route command #top load average: 1.08, 5.30, 30.63 Done. 4.
