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Let's talk about the ENVIRONMENT worksheet

Let's talk about the ENVIRONMENT worksheet
Related:  Speaking

Task-based Learning | Förstelärare i Svedala ”How often do we as teachers ask our students to do something in class which they would do in everyday life using their own language? Probably not often enough.” Vardagskonversationer kring köksbordet, en shoppingrunda eller varför inte kvällen då du och dina kompisar bestämde er för att fixa ett party. Det var precis vad mina sjuor fick göra, planera ett party. an jag hunnit reagera hade några av grupperna tagit fram färgat papper, tuschpennor, lim och saxar. Om vi kan få språksituationerna i klassrummet att bli meningsfulla, självklara, som om vi faktiskt inte befinner oss i klassrummet, utan utanför. Task-based Learning ska helt enkelt så långt det är möjligt återspegla det verkliga livet för att flytta fokus från språket till uppgiften som ska lösas. Enligt Jane Willis (1996) finns det också ett femte steg i modellen (Post-task activities), ett steg som fokuserar på språket, och specifika språkfunktioner som omedvetet tränats på i ett autentiskt TBL-sammanhang. Att diskutera: 1.

101 Persuasive Essay and Speech Topics | Ereading Worksheets 101 Persuasive Essay Topics By: Mr. Morton Whether you are a student in need of a persuasive essay topic, or a teacher looking to assign a persuasive essay, this list of 101 persuasive essay topics is a great resource. I taxed my brain to create this huge list of persuasive essay topics relevant to today’s society, but I believe it was worth the effort. Download this list in RTF formatDownload this list in PDF format Should students be allowed to have phones in elementary and high schools? Looking For Something Else?

Love/ Wedding - Crossword Labs Across 2. brud 4. make 6. ring 9. frieri 11. vänner 13. ungkarl 15. slöja 16. förlovning 18. gifta 19. kostym 20. fru 21. brudgum 22. familj Down 1. kyrka 3. giftemål 5. bukett 7. tärna 8. romatisk 10. smekmånad 11. fästman 12. klänning 14. kapell 17. gång venue mottagning Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These PagesIf you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Home | Articles | Lessons | Techniques | Questions | Games | Jokes | Things for Teachers | Links | Activities for ESL Students Would you like to help? If you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. If you would like to suggest another topic, please send it and a set of questions to begin the topic. Copyright © 1997-2010 by The Internet TESL Journal Pages from this site should not be put online elsewhere.Permission is not required to link directly to any page on our site as long as you do not trap the page inside a frame.

Muntlig träning inför NP år 9 Vi ska börja med att titta närmre på ord som ni behöver använda för att kunna argumentera och diskutera på engelska. Dessa ord kallas på engelska Linking words. Här är en länk till Quizlet Linking words 1. Mobile phones are dangerous and disturb people Agree? 5. Smoking should not be allowed Agree? What do your friends think? 6. 7. / Sara

Engage Now - Student Interactions - teacher heath Do you hear your students say things like: "No! That's Wrong!" "What are you talking about?" "Stop being so bossy!" Students Learn MORE when they discover new ideas from each other. I created 4 posters to hang on the wall, model, practice and constantly refer to during lessons. PROBLEM 1: Students weren't LISTENING to each other: First and foremost, I created a list of things that I wanted to 'see and hear' my kids doing that showed they were LISTENING to each other. PROBLEM 2: Students weren't STATING their thoughts clearly: Then, I created a list of idea 'stems' that would encourage students to use evidence to back up claims - this way, other students can see why a student made a claim. PROBLEM 3: Students were ARGUING and DISAGREEING: I created a list of 'respectful' ways to disagree. PROBLEM 4: Students weren't ASKING EACH OTHER FOR CLARITY: This was so weird to me. Here's a Music Video that shows each of the 4 topics in the posters:

ESL Debates Should young children be allowed to work in the performing arts or professional sports? Child performers (actors, singers, figure-skaters, gymnasts etc.) often form an exception on the ban on child labour existing in most countries. Provided with on-set or on-pitch tutors they can train or perform for many hours each week on top of their schoolwork. For some this results in Olympic medals or multi-million dollar movies before they reach adulthood. Control Alt Achieve: Video Dubbing Learning Activities for Students When I was a kid, we used to find creative ways to keep ourselves entertained. One of our favorites was the Dubbing Game. Basically we would turn on the TV, find a good show, and then turn off the volume. As an adult, I have seen the same idea done on the show “Whose Line is it Anyway?” Although dubbing a video can be a great source of entertainment, it actually can be very educational as well. See the rest of the blog post below for ideas on how video dubbing can be used for student learning and creativity, and a free and simple technology tool they can use to create the dubbed videos.Uses for Video Dubbing There are many creative ways video dubbing can be used by your students. Just as there are many educational uses for video dubbing, there are also many different technology tools that could be used to do the dubbing. Although all of those programs would work fine, there is another tool that is totally free, and super easy to use, which may be a perfect fit. Sample Dubbed Video

Show me what you can do - Mia Smith Vi har alla varit där. Du ska hålla en muntlig presentation inför klassen. På ett annat språk. Svetten lackar. Att få bedömningsunderlag för muntlig produktion är en logistisk mardröm. Jag har tidigare bloggat om vikten av att plocka in den extramurala engelskan i undervisningen för att öka motivationen och visat exempel på hur eleverna får uttrycka sig genom olika mer nydanande textformer. Mina 7or fick en liknande uppgift, dock med mindre uttalad mottagare. Elevernas filmer blir bara någon minut långa, men det räcker gott för att jag som lärare ska hinna bilda mig en tydlig uppfattning om hur deras talade engelska låter. En bonus är att eleverna lär sig hantera ytterligare funktioner på sin dator, vilket ju också ligger inom ramen för skolans uppdrag. En ytterligare effekt är att jag lär känna mina elever ännu bättre.

5 great zero preparation lesson ideas When the pressure is on and there are only so many hours on the week, you need a repertoire of zero preparation go-to activities which promote input and/or practice. Here are five you might well find useful. 1. We know that listening is the most important yet often neglected skill for language learning. You tell the class you are going to recount what you did last weekend and that they have to make notes in English. You then make some true or false (maybe not mentioned too) statements in the target language about what you said in your account. 2. Pupils work in small groups. This is definitely an "output" task but one which can encourage students to speak fearlessly with an ear on fluency rather than accuracy. 3. For intermediate to advanced level. • My brother has twin sons. • I have three cats. • If I’d been a boy, I would’ve been called George. • My family was brought up in Spain. • My favourite movie is The Sound of Music. • My father was an extra in Star Wars. 4. What's her name? 5.

13 Must-Watch TED Talks to Spark Student Discussions - WeAreTeachers TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to sharing important ideas on a variety of topics. TED brings together the world’s most innovative people to deliver short, powerful talks on issues that matter. At 18 minutes or less, these TED Talks can be a phenomenal classroom resource. TED Talks can engage students and spark meaningful conversations. 1. “Where do you go to find out how to make an app?” 2. “Read critically. 3. How do movements gain traction? 4. Go behind the scenes with Danielle Feinberg, Pixar’s director of photography, to see what happen when science and art collide. 5. While only a tiny percentage of online videos go viral, they become part of a cultural phenomenon that fascinate and mystify us. 6. “Who controls articulation?” 7. Angela Lee Duckworth explains the power of “grit” from the perspective of student learning. 8. Everyone needs a little whimsy in their lives. 9.George Takei: Why I love a country that once betrayed me 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

5 of My Favorite English Games for ESL Students I saved the best for last. My students requested this game more often than any other game we ever played. It's based on the old drinking game "Ring of Fire," modified for the classroom. Materials needed:A standard deck of playing cards, a whiteboard, 20-30 small slips of blank paper, and a bowl. The setup:Almost none! The activity:Before you start the game, hand every student two small slips of paper. The students will take turns pulling a card. Here are the actions I assign to cards and the penalties involved: K: Ask anyone. Q: Ask a girl. J: Ask a boy. 10: Ask your teacher! 9: Bunny ears! 8: Words. 7: Pick again. 6: Touch your nose! 5: Answer one question. 4: Ask the person on your left. 3: Ask the person on your right. 2: Answer two questions. A: Free card. Note: This is just an example of a setup I use for intermediate university level classes.

"Som Berlin på DDR-tiden" - but I have a dream... - Sara Bruun Den tredje måndagen i januari är en nationell helgdag i USA. Då hedrar man minnet av Martin Luther King Jr och lyfter fram vad han stod för, nämligen alla människors lika värde oavsett bakgrund. I år är Martin Luther King – dagen den 18 janauri. Med tanke på vad som pågår i Sverige just nu och i Skåne i synnerhet önskar jag att vi också stannar upp och tänker till. Svenska Dagbladet rapporterar om att det är Som Berlin på DDR-tiden och Människosmugglare står redo med båt för att ta flyktingar till Sverige. Går det ens att göra en jämförelse med Berlin på DDR-tiden? Förtydligande (5/1): Jag menar självklart inte att ATT det är samma sak i Hyllie och Kastrup som i Berlin på DDR-tiden. Jag hittade en uppgift på som knyter an till Martin Luther King Jr . Jag tror att uppgiften ovan skulle kunna bli en bra inledning till ett större arbete om människors lika värde med de äldre eleverna. Här kan ni se Rasmus tal. Ta chansen att diskutera mänskliga rättigheter med era elever.
