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Community Policing & Neighborhood Crime Statistics

Les cartes du crime: Jean-Luc Besson, Alain Bauer Baking Soda: Another Wonder Substance | A while back, I wrote a piece extolling the virtues of vinegar. I want to focus some attention on another inexpensive multipurpose agent- sodium bicarbonate. Nearly everyone has a box or two of this humble stuff hanging around. 1. Baking soda can be used to clean things all over the house. It boosts your detergent in the wash.It loosens burned food - either use as a non-scratching scouring agent moistened on a dish scrubber or dissolve in hot water and allow to soak before scrubbing.Make a toothpaste out of it- it is great for cleaning teeth and freshening breath, though it will be more pleasing to the palate with a drop of peppermint oil mixed in.Get the strong smell of onions, garlic, and other potent things off your hands by scrubbing them with some baking soda, soap, and warm water.Use it in place of scouring powder when cleaning sinks and tubs. 2. Sodium bicarbonate gives off carbon dioxide when heated. 3. Also, some say it makes the soak time go faster, especially in hard water. 4.

Background Burner - Instantly Remove Backgrounds from Images and Photos - Bonanza Metropolitan Police Service - Crime mapping Life Hackery » 30 Uncommon Uses for Aluminum Foil » Print Posted By lifehackery On April 22, 2008 @ 7:06 pm In Home, Life, Money | 26 Comments We’ve already seen that something as simple as a tennis ball [1] can be put to lots of uses other than just playing a friendly game, but not everyone has a ton of tennis balls just lying around. What about common household items? Aluminum foil is found in nearly every kitchen, and it’s surprisingly useful - but not only for its traditional purpose. From the cookbooks of grandmothers and the journals of contemporary internet homemakers, here are 30 new uses for that most unassuming of all shiny flexible metals: aluminum foil. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Bonus Tip: In many locations, aluminum foil can be recycled along with all of the other household recycling. URL to article: [5] Make interesting Easter eggs:

Humble Card Game Bundle (pay what you want and help charity) Étude : L’état de la blogosphère en 2011 Dans le discours d’ouverture vendredi dernier au BlogWorldExpo à Los Angeles, Shani Higgins, le PDG de Technorati, a présenté une enquête sur l’état de la blogosphère en 2011. Vous pourrez retrouver le rapport complet ici. Je vais essayer de vous résumer les idées principales dans cet article. Technorati a interrogé 4114 blogueurs dans 45 pays. Les personnes interrogées sont pour la plupart des amateurs (61%) qui ne publient pas tous les jours. Pour la plupart, les blogueurs ont suivi un cursus universitaire, sont mariés, et ont entre 25 et 44 ans. 80% tiennent un blog depuis plus de deux ans, et la moitié depuis plus de quatre ans. Le terme « blogosphère » regroupe de nombreuses choses : les blogs, les micro-blogs, les réseaux sociaux, etc… WordPress est le service de blogging de choix, avec 51% des blogueurs qui l’utilisent. Les blogueurs professionnels utilisent plus généralement Twitter, et 90% des pros l’utilisent pour promouvoir leur contenu. Que pensez-vous de ces statistiques ?

Public Alerts We welcome partnerships with agencies, domestic and international, who publish authoritative alerts. In order to get a head start, you can follow the steps below: Get your alerts into the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP 1.2) standard. Here are some resources we created to help you with this process. Most commercial alert publishing tools support CAP already. Validate that you've set-up your feeds correctly and that your CAP is correct. After performing the steps above please fill out this contact form. If we want to move forward with your organization and your data, we will proceed to a data evaluation stage. Once we evaluate your data, and if we determine that your data is a match for Public Alerts, we will continue to work with your team to integrate your data into Public Alerts.
