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50 examples of logo design that cleverly use negative space in typography

50 examples of logo design that cleverly use negative space in typography
Logos are symbols used to quickly communicate a brand to an audience, just one small logo design can communicate so much. Many people choose to use letters and typography as the foundation for their logos. However, this can be tricky – you don’t want your typographic logo confused as normal text. If you choose to use text as the basis of your logo, you’ve got to set it apart as an image. Typography is the art of the letterform and typographers closely analyze and carefully craft every detail of each character – even the negative space, called the counter. This logo design cleverly uses the image of its namesake to form the first two letters. Even without the words underneath, you’d know that the company behind this logo does something with electronics. Again, Wiesinger Music hints to their services through making their typography into an image. Two Giraffes plays with the counters of the 2 and makes them into giraffes. Elefont Effective Sports AG Low is a construction company. Gecko Human

20+ Inspirational And Informative Resources For Logo Creation Being a logo designer and finding ideas to design a stunning yet effective logo is not an easy task. Sometimes we have to check out what logo trends are going on in the current year, and seek the inspiration sources as well. Today, to find such informational and informative resources for logo is as easy as you snap your fingers. However, if you know which sites to go to, it will save more of your time rather than searching for them one by one on Google. Therefore, we have provided you with 23 of best sites for you to look for logo creation ideas. Logo Galleries Websites On sites below, you will find various and hundreds of different logos around the globe. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Informative Logo Websites Sometimes, looking at the logo galleries is not enough. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. More Logo Creation Resources So, which website do you usually explore to get logo inspirations? If you enjoyed this article, get email updates (it's free).

Personal MBA (PMBA): Influence & Manipulations, de Robert Cialdini. Avec plus de 250 000 exemplaires vendus dans le monde, Influence & Manipulation s'est placé au premier rang des ouvrages publiés sur le thème de la manipulation. Le célèbre psychologue Robert Cialdini y explique pourquoi certaines personnes sont douées d'un remarquable don pour la persuasion et comment il est possible de les battre sur leur propre terrain. Ce document nous dévoile les six secrets psychologiques qui se cachent derrière notre dangereuse tendance à nous laisser influencer, ainsi que les moyens employés par les spécialistes de la persuasion pour les exploiter à notre insu. Il nous apprend a nous en défendre - en tournant ces secrets a notre avantage. Très intéressante lecture que ce livre construit autour des six secrets de la manipulation que sont la réciprocité, l’engagement et la cohérence, la preuve sociale, la sympathie, l’autorité et la rareté. Si vous maîtrisez ces six secrets vous avez le pouvoir remarquable d’influencer les gens qui vous entourent.

5 Great, Easy to Use Tools for Infographics An infographic is a great way to go viral, earn links and social media shares as well as to give your content wings by re-packaging it. When done well, infographics work like magic for driving traffic and exposure. From presentation data, to visual resumes and just fun items to share through social networks, you can make intricate infographics in minutes. These five tools are an excellent way to do so. Tools for Data Visualization One of the most frequent questions I get is “How can I start creating infographics? If you are worried that creating an infographic will be too hard, you should be pleasantly surprised by these tools. Utilized frequently by high school students who want visuals for projects as well as by website owners who are looking for dynamic blog charts, this is a great infographic creator. Creately If you want a more basic – but still attractive – style of graph without registering for a site, Creately is probably more your style. Vizify Re.Vu Conclusion

60 Highly Clever Minimal Logo Designs Depending on the flavor of your business, your logo may appear big and flashy, bold and colorful or just plain simple and clever. In this roundup, I’ve turned the spotlight towards the more simple and clever logo styles that leave a strong impression. As simplistic as they may appear, there is genius behind these 60 highly clever minimal logo designs. OneFund Filmaps Folder back Bipolar Backspace Stairs Fence v.2 Walk Unarmed Frankenstein Films Thinktank Pelican eveva Love Clip SewPerfect Wave Pendulum Sex Lovers City Direct FishLine Up Straight UP elefont Rocket Golf Illusion Circus of Magazines CodeFish Zip Mummy Foot Missing Helium Killed Productions Bird Giraffe minimum Catch 5 ascus HandsUp Pencil James Forbes Plumbing Wine Searcher Ed’s Electric LocKey Handmade Pictures upside down productions More Wine Kingdom brand Twins Horror Films Ross Poultry Half Crown Jump Atack Tulipart Have a Favorite? When putting a showcase of inspiration together, I often find myself picking a couple of favorites out of the bunch. Written by Shawn Ramsey

Conseils du Lundi (60) : Eloge de la Fluidité Quand nous voulons démontrer ou expliquer quelque chose à quelqu’un (un projet, un mécanisme, un comportement….) nous sommes la plupart du temps victime de ce qu’on peut appeler « l’effet miroir ». Et cet effet miroir sévit autant dans le domaine professionnel que dans le domaine personnel. L’effet miroir agit sur nos perceptions : il nous donne l’illusion que notre interlocuteur a le même mode de pensée que nous, le même rythme d'absorption, qu’il nous suit allègrement dans nos démonstrations, qu’il les comprend au fur et à mesure que les développons, qu’il nous suit dans tous les méandres et digressions de notre raisonnement, etc. C'est loin d'être la cas et après quelques minutes d’échanges, nous nous apercevons que l’attention de notre interlocuteur s’est échappée, qu’il n’a pas tout compris (et même parfois qu’il n’a RIEN compris), et finalement faut tout recommencer. Recommencer, certes, mais d’une autre manière, sinon les mêmes causes produiront les mêmes effets.

OBlog: Design Observer First published in 1928, Jan Tschichold's Die Neue Typographie ("The New Typography") revolutionized the way we thought about design by privileging clarity over beauty, though Tschichold showed us that both were, in fact, achievable: why, then, can't writing in general — and theory in particular — be seen as a boon to making great design? When I first began to study graphic design in the early 1980s, I was puzzled as to why there was no theory, no substance or depth to the discussions that seemed so overwhelmingly grounded in formal language. Back then, we didn't speak of social missions or sustainable goals; there was no "user" and when we spoke of audience, it was our way of nodding gratuitiously to the demands of broad-based demographic research. (Obviously, long before the facility with which Google makes this achievable, this meant a trip to the library. Usually on foot.) In truth, it made absolutely no difference in my chances to find employment.

50 Clever, Creative Logos Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now If you’ve browsed through any logo design galleries, you’ve probably noticed some that take a very creative approach. In this post we’ll feature 50 clever logos for your design inspiration. Uptown Cowbra Typeface Shy Child Mary and Andy Push the Bottle Cafe Click Iron Duck Threesome Pain White Crimson Sushi Wine Kingdom Strategical Office Solutions Natuur 2000 Shocked Broken Goggles Steers Restaurant American Culinary Foundation Egg Eco-Cities Families Fenz-it Plated Rentzilla Miskeeto Doghouse Brewing Company Exitive Forkwire Mind Over Math Catalyst Construction Umbrellar Modani Wiesinger Music Playground Elephant Talk African Film Club Twins DJ Loop Oil Shelter Shift Creative Look Killed Swing Studios Unpugged Mr. Peace Rebels Shirt Pepper Bar Code For more logo inspiration please see: About Steven Snell Stephen Snell is the owner and editor of Vandelay Design.

Comment préparer la sortie d’un produit ? Nous avons eu plusieurs demandes de lecteurs qui souhaiteraient obtenir des informations sur le processus à mettre en œuvre pour réussir le lancement d’un nouveau produit dans le cadre d’un réseau de distribution. C’est pourquoi nous avons rassemblé dans cet article les principales étapes pour réaliser la sortie d’un produit à la fois en ventes directes et via un réseau de distributeurs. Avant de commencer, voici quelques remarques sur l’élaboration d’un plan marketing de manière générale : – Il n’est pas nécessaire de tout détailler, le plan marketing doit servir de guide et d’aide mémoire pour le chef de produit et l’équipe, cela ne doit pas être une encyclopédie qui va repousser la lecture. Au final le plan marketing et les documents de lancement doivent permettre de structurer le lancement d’un nouveau produit pour anticiper les problèmes et donner une cohérence à une sortie produit. Etape 0 – Testez votre concept Etape 1 – Réalisez des outils de communication.
