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What is Content Curation?

What is Content Curation?

6 Ways to Use Curation for B2B Social Media One of the continuing trends in B2B social media is curating content from other sources and presenting it to your followers and subscribers. Depending on the medium you use to present it, this may include your own comments about the curated articles. While it is important to create your own original content for your company’s social media outlets, one way to broaden the amount of content your provide to your network is to share content of others. Curation is all about compiling and reviewing content and only sharing the best of it. Another way to curate content is to present content that is all about a single theme. Again, this would only be the best content about the theme, or maybe the most interesting or thought-provoking. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are some other ways you have curated content and shared it with your network?

How today’s college students use Wikipedia for course-related research | Head Findings are reported from student focus groups and a large–scale survey about how and why students (enrolled at six different U.S. colleges) use Wikipedia during the course–related research process. A majority of respondents frequently used Wikipedia for background information, but less often than they used other common resources, such as course readings and Google. Architecture, engineering, and science majors were more likely to use Wikipedia for course–related research than respondents in other majors. The findings suggest Wikipedia is used in combination with other information resources. Wikipedia meets the needs of college students because it offers a mixture of coverage, currency, convenience, and comprehensibility in a world where credibility is less of a given or an expectation from today’s students. ContentsIntroductionMethodsResultsDiscussionConclusion Introduction Want to stir up a room full of college faculty and librarians?

Content Curation versus Content Creation | Uptown Treehouse Blog As many of us know, in the social media marketing game content is king! Without anything to Tweet about or post about on Facebook our communities would fall by the wayside and our customers would stop listening to us. For most brands, the first question that must be answered before starting a social media strategy is “Where do we find good content to post about?” Creating content can be very expensive and time consuming. Most marketers cannot rely on their own content alone to fill an editorial calendar and to keep the conversation moving forward. Instead, you have to play the role of curator to ensure people find value in following your brands’ feeds. At Uptown Treehouse, we are responsible for reaching technologists and software developers on behalf of our Microsoft clients. Amongst the two communities that we manage on behalf of Microsoft we are responsible for 20 Tweets and 5 Facebook posts every day. RSS Feeds: Twitter Lists: Google Alerts: Facebook Lists: Twitter Searches:

Crowdsourcing: Crowdsourcing: définition Late last week I pointed to a Wikipedia entry as evidence that crowdsourcing had become a bonafide neologism. A stronger argument for the term's adoption, however, is that the it's starting to appear without reference to me or the original article in Wired. I couldn't be happier with this development, but I'm also noticing that the word is being used somewhat interchangably with Yochai Benkler's concept of commons-based peer production. Mindful that language is slippery, and meaning itself largely determined by the crowd, I'm content to allow the crowd define the term for itself (in no small part because I'm powerless to stop it.) But I would be remiss if I did not play my own role in that process. Bruce Sterling, a fellow writer at Wired and one of the biggest brains in the business, rightfully pointed out yesterday that it's a mistake to treat crowdsourcing as a synonym for peer production: And indeed, there's no hair-splitting about it.

How to use content curation to add value to your own website If you are responsible for adding high-value content to your website, you are constantly being challenged to find page or post topics which are new, shareable, helpful and original. As Google’s recent Panda update taught us, quick and easy content is not going to get our pages listed on page one of the search results. Besides which, quick and easy content does little to impress, engage or retain our readers. So, given that you are now going to focus on high-value content, are there ways and methods you can use to deepen your expertise as a real-time expert? I believe there are. Being a curator means seeking out the best of the best, wherever it is being published, and then collecting it in one place. No, I’m not suggesting you have to publish curated content on your own site or sites, although you can. Let’s look at how various content curation tools and services can help you do that. 1. When you sign up at, you will be asked for your Twitter and Facebook account information. 2.

Manifesto For The Content Curator: The Next Big Social Media Job Of The Future ? Every hour thousands of new videos are uploaded online. Blog posts are written and published. Millions of tweets and other short messages are shared. To say there is a flood of content being created online now seems like a serious understatement. Until now, the interesting thing is that there are relatively few technologies or tools that have been adopted in a widespread way to manage this deluge. The real question is whether solutions like these will be enough. What if you were to ask about the person that makes sense of it all? The name I would give it is Content Curator. In an attempt to offer more of a vision for someone who might fill this role, here is my crack at a short manifesto for someone who might take on this job: In the near future, experts predict that content on the web will double every 72 hours. After writing this, I can't help but wonder if there might already be people out there with this title. Interested in hearing more about content curation?

Why Attention is the New Currency Online Like many digital marketers, I consume and create large amount of content daily. Whether it’s doing research or analyzing data, I’ve come to realize the economic value of attention. It’s relatively easy to create and publish content nowadays because technology has made it cost-effective and efficient. This isn’t the case when it comes to consuming content because our attention simply doesn’t scale. As more and more businesses and individuals continue to produce digital content, one trend is starting to emerge as the explosion of content proliferates – the role of curators. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: The Future of Marketing: Social Listening + Action Moving forward, it’s important to look beyond the value that content creates but also how it gets consumed. The gatekeepers to quality: Content curators Think of it as a filter for personalized content from trusted sources. This is different than competing for page ranks in search engines or displaying authority in social media.

La Curation, la branlette intello du moment Je suis sidérée aujourd’hui par le foin que font les gens du Web autour du mot « curation » ! Je sens que je ne vais pas me faire des amis en écrivant ça, mais bon sang remettez les choses à leur place et arrêter de croire que vous avez redécouvert la lune, et surtout une nouvelle façon de travailler ! La curation n’apporte rien de nouveau. Bref, pour moi la curation n’est pas un poste à part entière, ce n’est pas un nouveau métier. Bref ! En tous les cas, on est très fort pour réinventer la poudre ! WordPress: J'aime chargement…
