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The Rise of the Social Food Truck [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Rise of the Social Food Truck [INFOGRAPHIC]
If the average person was told five years ago that she could nab a delicious and buttery lobster roll from a truck without getting food poisoning, she may have scoffed. Nowadays, chefs across the world are delivering some of the most scrumptious, affordable and delightfully fun food straight to the sidewalks — and social streams. Although food trucks existed well before the early 2000s, many sources pinpoint 2008 as the unofficial onset of the food truck phenomenon. Since then, food truck entrepreneurs and chefs alike have used social media to familiarize the world with previously obscure flavors like grits or peppadew. We've put together another tasty little treat for you: a visualization of the social food truck journey. Infographic design by Lindsey McCormack

What a Global Food Crisis Looks Like [INFOGRAPHIC] Oxfam is putting the world food crisis right under your mouse. The organization has just released an interactive map showing how countries the world over are being hurt by high and volatile food prices. The Food Price Pressure Points Map is more than just a global snap shot of the food crisis. As part of Oxfam's GROW campaign, the map helps illustrate which countries are at most risk and how users can help. There are four main sections to the interactive map. A world map displays countries that are highly vulnerable to price spikes. Food prices have been hitting record peaks since 2010. In Yemen, one-third of the population suffers from acute hunger. The map is banking that educating the general public will lead to action. What do you think? Image courtesy of Oxfam

Infographic: A Cheat Sheet For Grilling Out It’s surprisingly easy to cook a single piece of meat perfectly every time. If you can’t eyeball it, you can simply use a thermometer. But what can get quite a bit more difficult is juggling a few different proteins--bone-in chicken breasts, brats, and burgers--on a jam-packed grill for a bunch of friends. Click to enlarge. Luckily, this infographic by Column Five Media makes grilling as easy as looking at infographics. But where it gets interesting is in the graphic’s simplicity of quick comparison. Now I know, you’re a big-time grill master. [Image: Joel Gustaffson/Shutterstock]
