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A la rencontre des Bretons du monde broccoli parmesan fritters Last week, it was pointed out to me that among the 750 recipes in the archives, there is but a single recipe that utilizes broccoli. Just one! (It’s a great one, though.) For comparison, there are 11 recipes that use cauliflower and 26 with mushrooms. What terrible oversight could have led to this? I buy broccoli (and its friends) approximately once a week, year-round but this wasn’t always the case.

Top 10 Short Films Available Online Short films rarely get major releases these days, so it’s no surprise that even serious movie fans often neglect them. But with the rise of websites like YouTube, shorts have finally found a viable exhibition platform. The following are ten of the most famous short films available online. Whether they’re art pictures, the early works of visionary directors, or new movies by up and coming filmmakers, these films can serve as an introduction to the wealth of material now on the web. » Get Off Your Butt: 16 Ways to Get Motivated When You’re in a Slump By Leo Babauta Even the most motivated of us — you, me, Tony Robbins — can feel unmotivated at times. In fact, sometimes we get into such a slump that even thinking about making positive changes seems too difficult. But it’s not hopeless: with some small steps, baby ones in fact, you can get started down the road to positive change. Yes, I know, it seems impossible at times.

Wim Wenders to make 3D Documentary on Architecture Since Wim Wenders’s new documentary “Pina” hit the theaters this month, the online world hasn’t stopped talking about the German film director’s plan to create a 3D documentary film on architecture. In a recent interview with the Documentary Channel, Wenders revealed his plans stating, “I have actually already started a long-term project, another documentary in 3D. It will take several years, but it’s going to be about architecture. I have always wanted to do a film about architecture, and I have a lot of architect friends.

50 paginas para descargar vectores gratis Los proyectos realizados en vectores requieren mucho tiempo y paciencia por lo que una buena opción es guardar nuestros archivos por si los necesitáramos más adelante. Otra opción es buscar recursos en la red, existen muchos lugares algunos mejores que otros pero finalmente nos pueden salvar de un apuro. Dzineblog realizo una recopilación de 25 sitios donde podemos descargar vectores gratis, posteriormente agregue algunos hasta completar la lista. Espero que esta lista te pueda ser de ayuda en tus proyectos: 1. 123Vectors:

Bridge Film Découverte de cet excellent court-métrage intitulé « Bridge » et réalisé par Ting Tey dans le cadre de son film de fin d’études à l’Academy of Art University 2010 de Los Angeles. Il met en scène 4 personnages et animaux essayant de traverser le pont, avec plusieurs obstacles. Before I Die What matters most to you Interactive public art project that invites people to share their personal aspirations in public. After losing someone she loved and falling into depression, Chang created this experiment on an abandoned house in her neighborhood to create an anonymous place to help restore perspective and share intimately with her neighbors. The project gained global attention and thanks to passionate people around the world, over 1000 Before I Die walls have now been created in over 70 countries, including Kazakhstan, Iraq, Haiti, China, Ukraine, Portugal, Japan, Denmark, Argentina, and South Africa. The walls are an honest mess of the longing, pain, joy, insecurity, gratitude, fear, and wonder you find in every community, and they reimagine public spaces that nurture honesty, vulnerability, trust and understanding.

5 Free iPhone Apps You Need for Family Travel Photo: Britt Reints With iPad apps to keep kids entertained and GPS systems to keep Mom and Dad from getting lost, today's family vacation has gone high-tech. We're not complaining. Gulp Voici Gulp, une court métrage créé par Sumo Science chez Aardman. Le plus grand stop motion monté à partir de clichés d’un Nokia N8. Découvrez ce pecheur attrapant une prise qui va l »‘entrainer à 20.000 Lieues sous les mers…

Guerrilla Crochet More info. More info. More info. More Yarn Bombing and Guerrilla Crochet: 1) B-Arbeiten 2) Agata Olek 3) Yarnbombing 4) Stickkontakt Leave a reply Las mejores frases que te motivan a viajar…- Todo lo que tenes que saber para tu próximo Viaje Esta lista es un conjunto de frases que he ido recolectando de varias páginas en Internet. Frases que hacen entender que el viajar ayuda a romper barreras, mitos y prejuicios. Los viajes te forman como persona, endurecen el caracter y te hacen madurar. Ser un “viajero” no es solo tomar la mochila y cambiar de código postal sino que hay que mimetizarse con el lugar donde uno está, conocer sus costumbres, respetarlas, probar su comida, charlar con los residentes… en unas palabras tratar de dejar de ser un extraño para formar parte del destino elegido. * La mejor universidad es el viajar. (Paulo Coelho, escritor contemporáneo brasileño)

Trailer viral: le grand saut 2.0 En mai 2011, une mystérieuse vidéo émanant des archives de l’Air Force américaine débarquait sur Internet. Datée des années 1960, en noir et blanc, elle montrait des scientifiques aux prises avec une créature extraterrestre. C’était en réalité la bande-annonce de Super 8, le nouveau film du wonderboy d’Hollywood J.J Abrams (Star Trek, Lost, Alias…), en salles ce mercredi 3 août. Une bande-annonce tellement elliptique qu’elle a rapidement alimenté toutes sortes de théories et de décryptages sur son sens occulte. On y reviendra. Le but, en tout cas, a été atteint: titiller l’imagination. Limpieza suelos trucos Limpieza suelos trucos, según tipo de suelo. ¿cómo limpiar un suelo de madera, de corcho, o de terrazo? Hay gran variedad de suelos, algunos más delicados que otros, en Bloghogar te contamos trucos para hacer una buena limpieza de suelos según tipos de suelos con vídeo.

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