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Daniel Firman Daniel Firman est un plasticien français né en 1966 à Bron, il vit et travaille à Paris. Daniel Firman, Bubble Style, 2006 © Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Paris Daniel Firman, Andréa (airless), 2006 © Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Paris Daniel Firman, Grey Matters, 2009 © Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Paris Le questionnement et la démarche de l’artiste s’ancrent dans le corps, dans l’espace et dans le lien qui unit les deux. Le mouvement et ses forces, avec toutes les conséquences qu’il peut engendrer sur l’espace environnant, traverse ses oeuvres. Daniel Firman, Black Hole, 2009 © Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Paris Daniel Firman, Color Safe, 2003 © Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Paris Daniel Firman, Sitting, 2002 © Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Paris Daniel Firman, Trafic, 2002 © Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Paris Daniel Firman, Nasutamanus, 2012 © Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Paris Daniel Firman, Rotomatic, 2011 © Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Paris Daniel Firman, Le feu, 2011 © Courtesy Galerie Perrotin, Paris

Dal concetto di “campo morfogenetico” al concetto di “campo comportamentale e mentale” di Sara Girardi “Fu nel periodo in cui svolgevo ricerche sullo sviluppo delle piante presso l’Università di Cambridge che giunsi alla conclusione che gli organismi viventi sono organizzati tramite campi[1]”, questo è ciò che scrive Rupert Sheldrake nel suo libro. Con quale metodo le piante crescono da semplici embrioni contenuti nei semi, fino a diventare gardenie, sequoie o bambù? Queste domande sono in relazione a ciò che i biologi chiamano “morfogenesi”: la nascita della forma (dal greco morphe = forma + genesis = genesi). La risposta più ingenua consiste nel dire che tutto è programmato geneticamente. Uno dei più perspicaci biologi molecolari, Sidney Brenner, ha così riassunto la situazione nel 2001: “se diciamo semplicemente che lo sviluppo non equivale ad altro che a mettere i geni giusti nel posto giusto ed al momento giusto, tutto qui, ciò è assolutamente vero. Questi campi contengono progetti o programmi invisibili dei vari organi e dell’organismo interno. Vedi:

KA_LEN_DIAR 2012 | Originální, ručně vyráběné diáře | LEN M. 50 Great Examples of Data Visualization Wrapping your brain around data online can be challenging, especially when dealing with huge volumes of information. And trying to find related content can also be difficult, depending on what data you’re looking for. But data visualizations can make all of that much easier, allowing you to see the concepts that you’re learning about in a more interesting, and often more useful manner. Below are 50 of the best data visualizations and tools for creating your own visualizations out there, covering everything from Digg activity to network connectivity to what’s currently happening on Twitter. Music, Movies and Other Media Narratives 2.0 visualizes music. Liveplasma is a music and movie visualization app that aims to help you discover other musicians or movies you might enjoy. Tuneglue is another music visualization service. MusicMap is similar to TuneGlue in its interface, but seems slightly more intuitive. Digg, Twitter, Delicious, and Flickr Internet Visualizations

Inspired Art: Red and Blue Illustrations I have really be drawn to illustrations and the like lately, I thought this collection of red and blue designs looked smashing together. I am a little surprised at how many amazing portraits there were, I seriously had to refrain from posting more. But, you can find more blue and red illustration art here. Mental Models There is no single methodology for creating the perfect product—but you can increase your odds. One of the best ways is to understand users’ reasons for doing things. Mental Models gives you the tools to help you grasp, and design for, those reasons. Adaptive Path co-founder Indi Young has written a roll-up-your-sleeves book for designers, managers, and anyone else interested in making design strategic, and successful. Jude Landry Jude Landry, the Mississippi-based designer and educator, has a nice collection of work. Rather than a specific style often repeated, Jude’s work feels more conceptually driven. The thoughtfulness and detail is evident in each project. At the core, though, it’s very approachable and readable. Also worth viewing:Ross GunterPhilographicsLufthansa + Graphic Design

How to plan your website using Mental Models | netmag Understanding a website visitor's thought process for how they uncover your content, and studying their reasons for doing things on your site, are wonderful ways to start out planning for its architecture. The main concept behind this type of study is called a Mental Model. It's the profile of what a visitor thinks should be there based on how they think about the subject or content of your website. Thinking through what your visitors will have in terms of a Mental Model of your website will give you clarity in your design strategy that will then give you a high level of confidence on future decisions you'll be making as you dig into the layout and other visual aspects of it. Questions The study and practice of creating Mental Models for websites is quite extensive and there are several different techniques and exercises you can employ to build these out. A lot of this comes down to having empathy with your website visitors. Examples, resources, and tips 01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

Working Format - Graphisme, Canada, Éditions, Logotype, Studio, Typographie sur - publié(e) par Martin À propos Clikclk n'est pas une machine de guerre, ce n'est pas non plus un blog de graphistes majeurs. Simplement un blog de passionnés du mulot qui, à la force du poignet cherchent à dénicher des jeunes plein de talents, pas ou peu mis dans la lumière ! Clikclk is not a war machine, nor is it a blog focussed only on well-known or popular graphic artists. It's a blog about passionate people, who seek out the undiscovered and the up-and-comer. Contact Vous connaisez un artiste que vous avez envie de voir sur ClikClk ? contact@clikclk.frSuivez-nous sur Twitter Facebook Pinterest Sponsor Nous proposons trois types d'espaces publicitaires pour toucher les 45 000 visiteurs qui chaque mois visitent clikclk, pour plus d'informations n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. Designé et Développé avec par we work on Sunday

Pearltrees, la via più social per ordinare i tuoi siti preferiti | Bit Crush Quante volte abbiamo gettato la spugna nel tentativo onorevole -ma disarmante- di mettere ordine al nostro lungo elenco dei “preferiti”. è un interessante esperimento che propone un nuovo approccio, visual e social, alla gestione di bookmarks. Vuoi provarlo? Vai al sito e registra un tuo account. Come aggiungere e ordinare le perle. Creare la tua collezione è facile. I miei due pearltrees: Social Media Vision e Quotidiani online Marche Fuori dal guscio: l’aspetto social di pearltrees. Non sei solo su pearltrees. Il pannello di controllo di una perla base. La drop zone e la pearltrees extension Funzioni utili che meritano di essere trattate a parte. in alto a dx il bottone della pearltrees extension e tutte le opzioni/azioni disponibili Allo stesso modo tutte le volte che visiti gli alberi di perle di un tuo amico o contatto su pearltrees puoi fare drag e drop, “rubare” le perle che ti interessano e intascarle nella tua drop zone. Mi piace:

Art Hound samedi 17 mars, invitation à mon atelier Une fois par mois, je vous ouvre les portes de mon petit atelier, Paris 6 : vous pourrez voir "en vrai" les collections de faire-part personnalisables, découvrir les faire-part sur mesure, toucher les papiers et les rubans... Le principe est simple, vous passez quand vous voulez le jour J, c'est porte ouverte et entrée libre, à 2 pas du Bon Marché, dans une jolie cour classée, au bout d'un petit escalier biscornu. Rendez-vous le samedi 17 mars 2012, de 14h à 18h.Merci de m'envoyer un mail à l'avancepour que je vous donne les coordonnées précises et le code d'entrée Au plaisir de vous rencontrer, Véronique Reportage sur l'atelier par Greg Finck, photographe. Vous pouvez lire l'intégralité de son reportage sur mon travail en cliquant ici L’univers du mariage donne l’occasion de très jolies rencontres.Ma rencontre avec Véronique Deshayes fait partie de celles-ci ! Plus qu’un joli faire-part, Véronique s’attache à réaliser votre faire-part.

