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Home Indigenous Peoples Links Foreign Policy Centre Fares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies - Tufts Universit - Centre for Research on Globalization Home Foreign Policy In Focus | Home What Have We Done Wrong/Right in the War on Terror There's a terrific piece in the National Journal today, adding up the costs of the "war on terror" and pointing out that unlike some other costly wars in American history, this one has produced almost no economic benefits. That is, unless you think people standing in TSA lines are using those idle minutes (hours?) to dream up lots of innovative new ideas that will fire up the U.S. economy. I rather doubt it. If we had a rational discourse on this subject, it ought to provoke two questions. First, how did we get into this mess in the first place? The second question would be: which responses to 9/11 have worked well, and which policies have proven to be costly failures? That is how a mature great power would deal with the vast and costly response that began on 9/11: it would try to learn the right lessons from the past decade so that it did better the next time it faced an unexpected challenge.

Home page — Oxford Refugee Studies Centre Third World Traveler, third world, United States foreign policy, Freedoms Zone::Blog Africa Governance Initiative This year AGI celebrates five years since starting in Sierra Leone and Rwanda. Today the organisation is working in 7 countries across Africa and continuing to grow. In April Tony Blair and AGI Director Andy Ratcliffe joined World Bank President Jim Kim, Michael Barber and others for a day of discussions on how governments can best deliver change for their people. Learn more, and watch the main event with Tony Blair here.

American Diplomacy | Established 1996 American Diplomacy is published in cooperation with the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill’s College of Arts and Sciences and its Curriculum in Peace, War and Defense and with the Triangle Institute for Security Studies. EDITOR: Csaba T. Chikes Announcements New LINK Print Edition of 2013 Open Doors: Report on International Educational Exchange Now Available: New LINK Our readers will be interested to learn that, as of yesterday, one can get on Kindle all three of the books published so far by our frequent contributor, Ambassador (ret.) “Diplomacy is seduction in another guise, Mr. Senior Diplomats Call for Rejection of Ambasssadorial Nominees: "Minimal Demonstrated Qualifications for Their Posts" LINK March 5th 2014 AFSA Governing Board Resolution Political Appointments to Ambassadorships by Ambassador (ret.) In Memoriam William Dale A Diplomat's Handbook AFSA's Memorial Marker U.S.

GEOPOLITICA Argomento GEOPOLITICA Agi China 24 - Notizie della settimana Agi China 24 - Notizie della settimana In studio Valeria Manieri (Radio Radicale). In collegamento Francesco Radicioni, corrispondente e collaboratore di Radio Radicale ed Eugenio Buzzetti, corrispondente da Pechino per AgiChina24. Temi: la visita di Chuck Hagel, Segretario alla difesa americano, in Asia; la campagna anticorruzione si allarga all'esercito cinese; le stime di crescita della Cina secondo la Banca Mondiale, il FMI e le più importanti agenzie di rating; la mediazione con gli studenti di Taiwan alla terza settimana della loro protesta contro l'accordo di libero scambio tra Cina e Taiwan. - Argomenti: BANCA MONDIALE, CINA, COMMERCIO, CORRUZIONE, DIFESA, ECONOMIA ESERCITO, ESTERI, ESTREMO ORIENTE, FINANZA, FMI, GEOPOLITICA, IMPRESA, INFORMAZIONE, MAO TZE TUNG, MERCATO, POLITICA, SANITA', SVILUPPO, TAIWAN, TANGENTI, TELECOMUNICAZIONI, TRASPORTI, UNIVERSITA', USA, xi jin ping (di più)
