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Plickers : vérifiez en temps réel les notions acquises en classe – Formation 3.0

Plickers : vérifiez en temps réel les notions acquises en classe – Formation 3.0
Comment vous assurer que les élèves ont bien compris les dernières notions apprises ? Et comment faire répondre les plus timides… Ou empêcher les meilleurs de toujours répondre à la place des plus faibles ? Plickers peut vous y aider. Comment s’assurer que vos élèves ont bien compris et mémoriser les nouvelles notions vues en classes ? Essayez Plickers ! Plickers : une application visuelle pour collecter les réponses de vos élèves en temps réel Le principe de Plickers est très simple : vous enregistrez les prénoms et noms des élèvesvous préparez un certain nombre de questionsvous distribuez des cartes préimpriméesvous posez les questions sur un écran ou un TBIvous scannez les résultats via votre smartphone ou votre tablettevous récoltez instantanément les résultatsvous réajustez le tir par un enseignement différencié Plickers : une application très simple et gratuite Plickers est disponible à la fois sur Android et sur iOS. Téléchargez Plickers depuis l’App Store ou Google Play Conclusion

EasyTestMaker Excellent Google Sheets Tools for Assessment and Grading July 29, 2015 Google Sheets add-ons store has a multitude of excellent educational apps teachers can employ to enhance their productivity and improve their classroom workflow. Today we spent sometime wading through these extensions and curated the list below. This is a collection of some useful add-ons to help you with the assessment and grading of your students work. 1- Flubaroo ‘Flubaroo is a FREE add-on to Google Forms/Sheets which lets you quickly grade and analyze student performance on multiple choice and fill-in assignments. * Get scores for each student, and identify students in need of extra help. * View average score, and a histogram of scores. * Quickly identify questions which a majority of the students missed. * Email students their scores, along with optional notes to the class and/or to each student. * Assign your own score to open-ended questions.’ 2- Doctopus 3- Super Quiz ‘Super Quiz adds brilliant functionality to a quiz made with Google Forms. 4- Online Rubric

Rubistar: il sito che aiuta a costruire rubriche di valutazione La programmazione per competenze dovrebbe ormai essere (anche se purtroppo non è così) una realtà nelle nostre scuole, soprattutto se pensiamo che le otto competenze chiave europee sono state sancite tramite la Raccomandazione 2006/962/CE del Parlamento europeo addirittura il 18 dicembre 2006. Progettare per competenze significa però anche valutare le stesse attraverso rubriche di valutazione che vanno costruite dai docenti. Per farlo ci viene in aiuto uno strumento a mio avviso molto valido: Rubistar. Si tratta di un sito disponibile in inglese o in spagnolo (io però ho accettato il consiglio del mio pc “Vuoi tradurre questo sito?” A questo punto troveremo già impostata la griglia di valutazione con una prima colonna denominata “categoria” in cui troviamo anche dei suggerimenti dati (per esempio, per un’intervista possiamo selezionare “qualità del suono”, “conoscenze acquisite”, “impostazione intervista”, ecc). E’ disponibile in rete una guida in italiano realizzata da Emiliano Pancaldi.

Home of free rubric tools: RCampus Welcome to iRubric iRubric is a comprehensive rubric development, assessment, and sharing tool. Designed from the ground up, iRubric supports a variety of applications in an easy-to-use package. Best of all, iRubric is free to individual faculty and students. iRubric School-Edition empowers schools with an easy-to-use system for monitoring student learning outcomes and aligning with standards. Click. Click. Finally, spend more time teaching and less time grading. Build, Assess, Share, Collaborate. "Use rubrics like never before." It's Free. I just click on the box under each one of these,... and it does all the math for me. "Free? Individual educators and students can use iRubric and a hundreds of other free RCampus features at no charge. iRubric Enterprise Edition "Monitor student learning outcomes the efficient way." The iRubric Enterprise Edition empowers schools to take their assessments monitoring to the next level. We provide flexible licensing and hosting plans that meet your needs.

Plickers Sharing Kindergarten: Assess for Success with PLICKERS App I have an awesome {easy} TECHIE way to assess my students... Welcome to a FREE app called PLICKERS. It is an awesome way to assess quickly with only one smart device in your classroom. Here is a video I made for you guys to SHOW you this app and how to USE it with your Kindergarten students successfully. But guys... I have actually used this app in my classroom. The first time we did it, it wasn't good.... So I made some changes to make it successful for littler learners. Here is the breakdown of TIPS to make the use of this app successful in your classroom. 1. You want to make sure you have a device with a camera function because it uses the camera to "read" the Plickers. 2. {hence the app name of plickers} like the ones shown in this picture. Each sheet prints two plickers so you will need to cut them in half. 3. 4. LABEL the Plickers for your students. In the computer site, you make a class list and assign each plicker to a student. I write my students name on the BACK of their Plicker 5. 6. 7. 8.
