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Plankton Chronicles

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Helmand's Golden Age quick_start_guide Translations of this page: Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources. Read on for an overview of Zotero's features and capabilities. How do I install Zotero? How do I open Zotero? Zotero can be opened from your operating system's dock or file manager like any other program. What does Zotero do? Zotero is, at the most basic level, a reference manager. What kind of items are there? Every item contains different metadata, depending on what type it is. What can I do with items? Items appear in Zotero's center pane. Collections The left pane includes My Library, which contains all the items in your library. above the left pane to create a new collection, a folder into which items relating to a specific project or topic can be placed. Items can be assigned tags. Searches Quick searches show items whose metadata, tags, or fulltext content match the search terms and are performed from the Zotero toolbar. Saved Searches Attachments

Vesikirppu on äyriäinen | Opettajalle | Oppiminen Järvivedessä nykäyksittäin liikkuvat 1-2 millimetrin pituiset pikkuötökät ovat äyriäisiin kuuluvia vesikirppuja. Niitä on maailmassa yli 400 lajia, joista useimmat elävät järvissä ja muissa sisävesissä. Vesikirput käyttävät uimiseen ja saalistukseen pitkiä, haaroittuneita tuntosarviaan. Vesikirput voivat lisääntyä suvuttomasti ilman hedelmöitystä. Vesikirppu reagoi ja sopeutuu herkästi ympäristön muutoksiin Vesikirppua käytetään mallieläimenä tutkittaessa muun muassa ympäristömyrkkyjen haitallisuutta eliöille. Perustuu ohjelmaan: Riston luontokoulu in-ferry-deaths-a-south-korean-tycoons-downfall Photo SEOUL, South Korea — After all the lavish galas in his honor at landmarks like the Louvre and Versailles, the tens of thousands of devotees following his religious teachings for decades, the hundreds of homes and businesses reportedly stashed around the globe, Yoo Byung-eun ended up alone, his body splayed on its back and rotting in the weeds, empty liquor bottles by his side. Weeks before, nearly 10,000 police officers had raided his church’s compound in the largest manhunt in South Korean history, armed with backhoes to dig up underground hiding places, only to leave empty-handed. They had almost caught him once, it turned out, but Mr. Yoo slipped away, hiding in a secret room behind a wall in a distant villa, almost $1 million in two suitcases at the ready. After a lifetime of craving recognition, of building a flock that showered him with cash and helped fund a business empire selling everything from toys to ships, Mr. Reinventing a Swindler Members of Mr. Mr. Mr. As Mr. Mr. Mr.

Kids of New Jersey: Go outside Posted: Monday, April 14, 2014, 11:59 PM By Michele S. Byers Here's the homework assignment: Explore the woods, climb a tree, race through a field, build a fort. Splash in the water, catch a fish, explore a city park, turn over a log. Sleep in a tent, gaze up at stars, follow a trail, listen to birds. Play in the mud, hold a frog, plant a garden, follow animal tracks. These once-common activities - from back in the days when parents sent their kids outside and told them not to come home until dinner - may not be real school assignments. Exploring, running, climbing, and more are part of the "Children's Outdoor Bill of Rights," introduced recently in the New Jersey Senate. Not playing outside, the Senate resolution noted, has been shown to have adverse physical, social, and emotional consequences. No wonder "Go outside and play" is a message that's spreading across the nation. In March, U.S. But kids need places to play - parks and natural areas close to home are ideal. Michele S.

Panssarilevät - Planktonia Panssari(siima)levät ovat suuri ja tärkeä leväryhmä, joiden edustajia löytyy niin järvistä kuin meristä. Lajeja on noin 3500 (Algaebase). Nimensä mukaisesti panssarilevillä on kova kuori. Tai siis suurimmalla osalla. Sitten on ryhmiä, joiden panssarilevyt ovat hyvin ohuita ja vaikeasti erotettavia tai niitä ei ole lainkaan. Mielenkiintoista näissä levyissä on se, että niiden koostumusta ei ole pystytty selvittämää. Tyypillistä panssarileville on myös kaksi siimaa, joiden avulle ne pystyvät aktiivisesti liikkumaan vedessä. Tässä linkki videoon uivasta Ceratium-piilevästä, hyvin filmattu. Panssarilevien tunnistaminen lajilleen on hankalaa, sillä tunnistukseen käytettävät panssarilaattojen muodot eivät tahdo näkyä tavallisella mikroskoopilla. Panssarilevät ovat melko isoja planktonleviä, jopa yli 100 µm pitkiä. Jos panssarileviä on vedessä runsaasti, saattavat ne olla haitallisia. Suuren kokonsa takia panssarileviä voi melko helposti bongailla mikroskoopilla. Tilaa itsellesi täältä. Lue lisää:

Profile: Who are the Peshmerga? 12 August 2014Last updated at 07:33 ET The Kurdish Peshmerga, many of them veterans, are spearheading the defence against ISIS militants in Iraq The Peshmerga, whose name translates as "those who face death", are the Kurdish fighters in northern Iraq. In recent weeks, they have been fighting Islamist militants of the Islamic State - formerly known as Isis - who seized large swathes of territory in the north. Now thought to number around 190,000, the Peshmerga have their roots in groups of loosely organised tribal border guards in the late 1800s, but were formally organised as the national fighting force of the Kurdish people after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in the wake of World War One. As the Kurdish nationalist movement grew, so too did the identity of the Peshmerga as a key part of Kurdish culture - evolving from tribal defenders to nationalist fighters for an independent Kurdish state. When did the Peshmerga force begin? Disputed areas in Iraq's Kurdish region The Iran-Iraq War

How big-hearted babies turn into selfish monsters A baby being fed a homemade meal, starting with cereals, vegetables and fruits, will need half as much as being weaned on ready-made food. Photograph: Jamie Grill/Getty If you've been planning a shopping trip with the kids for bank holiday Monday, you might not want to read any further, because teaching your children consumerism is helping to turn them into selfish, immoral creatures without a streak of empathy, according to a new study. You may be making them just like stressed-out adults, whose potential as human beings is killed off as genuine altruism is suffocated by their greed and anxiety. In a new book which suggests that social changes and the shift towards an ever more unequal society are making us cold-hearted and mean, psychotherapist Graham Music says we're more likely to be born big-hearted and kind but then pushed towards being selfish and cold than the other way around. Music disputes the notion that children are born selfish.

INFO:-) Internet TV EarthCare Global TV is initiating this first step toward Internet TV page, beginning by listing films, documentaries, interviews, animations that have been created by conscious ones around the globe to share about sustainable living on this planet. This Internet TV Link is being created at this time to freely share information that will assist globally in the 'self-governing' principle arising through all 'the people'. This conscious, green, environmental and sustainable eco-media is for inspiration and education that we may live the universal Law of Balance. Some of the titles will have website and description; others will only have the film title. *Consider buying online the DVDs that may be shown to family, friends and community and given as gifts. *This DVD purchase supports those involved in making the films and getting the information to the people. 1. Agriculture, Permaculture, Biodynamic, Farming, Forest Gardens, Growing, Seeds: Sustainable, organic, eco-culture Dirt! Animals

Other Le Japon d'il y a 100 ans en photos Ce sont des documents exceptionnels que DozoDomo vous présente aujourd'hui grâce au site Amazing Facts. 20 clichés réalisés au début du siècle dernier et en couleur ! Si plusieurs endroits ne livrent pas clairement leur identité, on reconnaît néanmoins Kamakura ou Nikko sur certaines photos. Pas grand chose à ajouter si ce n'est que ce Japon là se fait de plus en plus rare même si certains sites semblent ne pas avoir changé d'un millimètre depuis 100 ans... [EVENT] Animasia fête ses 10 ans ! Tout le forum tout chaud sorti du Bento ! A Tokyo, un homme s'immole par le feu pour protester contre la politique militaire du Premier ministre Abe Tout le Bento A voir absolument / playlist / Miliyah Kato x Shota Shimizu Sakura Melody 三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE Fujifabric Life E-Girls Diamond only Arashi Bittersweet
