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2lingual Google Search

2lingual Google Search

A Social-Media Decoder Power shift: Deb Roy, CEO of Bluefin Labs, says social media have changed the relationship between media consumers and producers. From his 24th-floor corner office in midtown Manhattan, the veteran CBS research chief David Poltrack can gaze southward down the Avenue of the Americas, its sidewalks teeming. For more than four decades, it has been his job to measure people’s television habits, preferences, and reactions. In large part, this has meant following the viewing habits of Nielsen panels of TV viewers and parsing the results of network surveys on their opinions. But now he’s also dealing with a growing force: the masses talking back through social media. How to make sense of it all? Overall, the data was raw and, in many cases, ambiguous. Six hundred miles to the west, a similar assessment was under way at the Cincinnati headquarters of Procter & Gamble, the world’s largest advertiser (its brands include Tide, Gillette, Bounty, Pringles, and Duracell).

Yahoo! France Nous, Yahoo, faisons partie de la famille de marques Famille de marques Yahoo Sites et applications que nous possédons et exploitons, y compris Yahoo et AOL, ainsi que Yahoo Advertising, notre service de publicité numérique.Yahoo. Lorsque vous utilisez nos sites et applications, nous utilisons des Cookies Les cookies (y compris les technologies similaires telles que le stockage Web) permettent aux opérateurs de sites Web et d’applications de stocker et de lire des informations de votre appareil. vous fournir nos sites et applications ; authentifier les utilisateurs, appliquer des mesures de sécurité, empêcher les spams et les abus ; et mesurer votre utilisation de nos sites et applications. Si vous cliquez sur Accepter tout, nos partenaires et nous–mêmes utiliserons également des cookies et vos données personnelles (telles que votre adresse IP, votre localisation précise, ainsi que vos données de navigation et de recherche) pour :

Sweet Search Google ES © 2021 - Privacy - Terms 11 Great Search Engines for Social Science Researchers July 30, 2014 In today's post I am sharing with you some interesting search engines ideal for folks in engaged in social science research.Researchers working in the fields of psychology, anthropology, and related subjects will find great results using these search engines. Behavioral Brain Science Archive: Check out this searchable archive to find extensive psychology and brain science articles. In this research network, you can find a wide variety of social science research from a number of specialized networks including cognitive science, leadership, management, and social insurance. Find a journal with Psycline’s journal and article locator, a tool that offers access to more than 2,000 psychology and social science journals online. Search the languages of the world with Ethnologue, offering an encyclopedic reference of all the world’s known living languages. Use this site from the University of Amsterdam to browse sociological subjects including activism, culture, peace, and racism.

Helioid Seeks Seeks is a websearch proxy and collaborative distributed tool for websearch. Content Seeks code provides: a web proxy,a websearch meta search engine that aggregates results and ranks them based on consensus.a plugin system and a set of default plugins, including websearch and ad blocking plugins.a P2P collaborative filter that enables decentralized collaborative searching and sharing. Installation Dependencies: libcurllibxml2libpcretokyo cabinetprotocol bufferslibevent (optional, 2.x preferred)opencv (optional)docbook2x-man (optionnal) From the root directory, run . Compilation options can be listed with . Running Seeks This is an early version of Seeks, it is recommended your run it from the repository you compiled it from. cd src . see . For example, by default seeks does not run as a daemon. Other important options can be modified in the configuration file, src/config By default, seeks runs as proxy on the local machine ( on port 8250. Troubleshooting


2lingual est un moteur de recherche bilingue. Les résultats apparaissent sur deux colonnes (une colonne par langue). by durasbib Jan 15

2lingual est un moteur de rechercher qui permet des recerches en 2 langues simultanément. Résultats "google". by castorp Dec 31
