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The Best Search Engines of 2020

Most people prefer to rely on just one or two search engines that deliver three key features: Relevant results (results you are interested in)Uncluttered, easy-to-read interfaceHelpful options to broaden or tighten a search The possibilities we highlight should help you find the best search engine for your needs. These are mainly web page search engines, but others exist, too, for specific searches. There are search engines just for people, images, and, of course, jobs. Google Search What We Like Favors fresh content.Ranks blogs and services.Accessible on any device. What We Don't Like Collects information on users.Hidden content might damage ranking.Search delivers too many results. Google is the reigning king of spartan searching and is the most-used search engine in the world. Try Google images, maps, and news features; they are outstanding services for locating photos, geographic directions, and news headlines. Duck Duck Go Search At first, looks like Google. Bing Search

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