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Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease
The main motor symptoms are collectively called parkinsonism, or a "parkinsonian syndrome". Parkinson's disease is often defined as a parkinsonian syndrome that is idiopathic (having no known cause), although some atypical cases have a genetic origin. Many risk and protective factors have been investigated: the clearest evidence is for an increased risk of PD in people exposed to certain pesticides and a reduced risk in tobacco smokers. The pathology of the disease is characterized by the accumulation of a protein called alpha-synuclein into inclusions called Lewy bodies in neurons, and from insufficient formation and activity of dopamine produced in certain neurons within parts of the midbrain. Lewy bodies are the pathological hallmark of the idiopathic disorder, and the distribution of the Lewy bodies throughout the Parkinsonian brain varies from one individual to another. Classification Signs and symptoms Motor Neuropsychiatric Other Causes Environmental factors

Parkinson's Disease News 17 min ago | Oxford Times The Oxford Times: Paul Mayhew-Archer at his home in Drayton HE is best known for his work on comedy shows The Vicar of Dibley and Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps , but scriptwriter Paul Mayhew-Archer is tackling a new topic. Trending on the Topix Network Sun Apr 13, 2014 South Coast Register Shoalhaven digs deep to help Parkinson's cause SUPPORT: Mikayla Foster from North Nowra with a tulip for Australia's first Parkinson's disease awareness day. South Coast Register Bernard shakes up the art world BERRY'S renowned artist and Parkinson's disease sufferer Bernard McGrath opened his latest exhibition in Sydney to a packed crowd. Sat Apr 12, 2014 South China Morning Post Young Parkinson's disease patient in China starts website to help fellow sufferers Ximen has helped bring young Parkinson's disease patients together - like this group singing karaoke in Beijing. Apollo launches Movement Disorder Clinic PhysOrg Weblog Fri Apr 11, 2014 Chron Star 93.3 CNet News

Parkinson-Krankheit Illustration der Parkinson-Krankheit von Sir William Richard Gowers aus A Manual of Diseases of the Nervous System (Handbuch für Krankheiten des Nervensystems) von 1886 Die Parkinson-Krankheit oder Morbus Parkinson (weitere Synonyme: Schüttelkrankheit,[1] Idiopathisches Parkinson-Syndrom (IPS), Parkinsonsche Krankheit, ältere Bezeichnung: Paralysis agitans für „Schüttellähmung/Zitterlähmung“) ist eine langsam fortschreitende neurodegenerative Erkrankung. Sie zählt zu den degenerativen Erkrankungen des extrapyramidal-motorischen Systems. Die Leitsymptome (auch Kardinal- oder Kernsymptome genannt) sind Rigor (Muskelstarre),Bradykinese (verlangsamte Bewegungen), welche bis hin zu Akinese (Bewegungslosigkeit) führen kann,Tremor (Muskelzittern) sowieposturale Instabilität (Haltungsinstabilität). Die aktuelle Definition des Parkinson-Syndroms fordert, dass das Kardinalsymptom Brady- bzw. Einordnung[Bearbeiten] Somit ergibt sich folgende Einteilung der Parkinson-Syndrome: Geschichte[Bearbeiten]

Parkinson's Disease: Classification-Topic Overview Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism Parkinson's disease is named for Dr. James Parkinson, who in 1817 first described the features of this illness. Features of Parkinson's disease include tremor, slow movement (bradykinesia), and rigid muscles (rigidity). People with parkinsonism may have Parkinson's disease or another illness with similar symptoms. Other conditions and diseases that cause parkinsonism may also cause symptoms that are not seen with Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's-plus syndromes are a group of disorders characterized by the degeneration of nerve cells in different parts of the brain. Stages of Parkinson's disease It may be helpful for people with Parkinson's disease and their families to be familiar with some of the ways the disease is described. Parkinson's disease sometimes is described as early, moderate, or advanced. Early disease describes the stage when a person has a mild tremor or stiffness but is able to continue work or other normal daily activities.

Sigalon's PD Selection Soup Parkinson-Selbsthilfegruppe feiert fünfjähriges Bestehen - Vorträge, Austausch, Lauftreff im Rheingau Parkinson-Selbsthilfegruppe feiert fünfjähriges Bestehen 08.05.2012 - Von Gesprächen und Vorträgen über Stammtischtreffen in wechselnden Lokalen bis hin zu Lauftreffen und Minigolf – so vielfältig sind die Gruppenaktivitäten der Selbsthilfegruppe für Menschen mit Parkinson im Rheingau. Vor wenigen Wochen feierten die Mitglieder das fünfjährige Bestehen der Gruppe. In Selbsthilfegruppen werden vielfältige Aktivitäten angeboten. 2007 gründete der heutige Vorsitzende Matthias Manuel aus Eltville die Selbsthilfegruppe. Zu den Gruppentreffen sind Neulinge – sowohl Menschen mit Parkinson, als auch Angehörige und Interessierte – jederzeit willkommen. Quelle: Artikel im "Wiesbadener Tagblatt"

What is Parkinson s Disease? - Parkinson's Disease Foundation (PDF) Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic and progressive movement disorder, meaning that symptoms continue and worsen over time. Nearly one million people in the US are living with Parkinson's disease. The cause is unknown, and although there is presently no cure, there are treatment options such as medication and surgery to manage its symptoms. Parkinson’s involves the malfunction and death of vital nerve cells in the brain, called neurons. The specific group of symptoms that an individual experiences varies from person to person. tremor of the hands, arms, legs, jaw and face bradykinesia or slowness of movement rigidity or stiffness of the limbs and trunk postural instability or impaired balance and coordination Scientists are also exploring the idea that loss of cells in other areas of the brain and body contribute to Parkinson’s. These areas of the brain correlate to nonmotor functions such as sense of smell and sleep regulation. To Learn More:

Deutsche Parkinson Vereinigung e.V. (dPV-Bundesverband) Parkinson's disease Definition Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement. It develops gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. But while a tremor may be the most well-known sign of Parkinson's disease, the disorder also commonly causes stiffness or slowing of movement. In the early stages of Parkinson's disease, your face may show little or no expression, or your arms may not swing when you walk. Your speech may become soft or slurred. Although Parkinson's disease can't be cured, medications may markedly improve your symptoms. SymptomsJuly 07, 2015 References Longo DL, et al.
