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10 things to know about Social Security Wake up peope, first you have to have people contribute to have the monies and when you have millions of people who have not contributed to society their entire life collecting SSI, (no 10 quarters needed for SSI) for every ailment kniown to man (drug addicted, depression,bad backs etc) leeching off the social secuirty that the rest of the working class has contributed to. Investigating SSI is only done on a complaint driven report so....... we know how that goes, then you have to 40+ year old students who have gone to school ten years and continue so they don't have to pay back student loans another federal leech. When you think thats bad enough then there are the baby factory welfare generation after generation who never intend to go to work, after all this is the best retirement program better the pension,medicare that the rest of us have worked for, all expenses paid for cash,food stamps,full medical medicaid (eyes, ears, feet,no deductables) why work??????????????
