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*BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine

*BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
BASE is one of the world's most voluminous search engines especially for academic web resources. BASE provides more than 240 million documents from more than 8,000 content providers. You can access the full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents for free (Open Access). We are indexing the metadata of all kinds of academically relevant resources – journals, institutional repositories, digital collections etc. – which provide an OAI interface and use OAI-PMH for providing their contents (see our Golden Rules for Repository Managers). The index is continuously enhanced by integrating further sources / content provider (Become a content provider). BASE is a registered OAI service provider. In comparison to commercial search engines, BASE is charcterised by the following features: Start searching BASE Related:  Week 11: Academic Search / Social Scholarship

ORCID | Connecting Research and Researchers International Baccalaureate Welcome to the new International Education Research Database! This reference database is a free online resource for students, researchers, teachers and others involved in all aspects of international education research. The IERD is a collaborative effort by a range of different parties interested in the field, and its success depends heavily on the additions of its users. Because it is a referencing resource, rather than an online library, the IERD does not hold the actual full text publications, however in many instances a link is provided to the full text or to the publisher's website. If you would like to add a new reference, please register first. Open Access Journals Search Engine (OAJSE) *Google Scholar: Library Partner or Database Competitor? By Nancy K. Herther Information professionals rely on vetted sources of information in order to provide the best quality service to their clients—whether they are students, researchers, or businesses. The internet has profoundly transformed our communication expectations, access to information, product evaluation, and buying behaviors. It has disrupted the business models of retail stores, the travel industry, and music. For libraries, it has created serious challenges in the provision of quality information services. What is the role of Google Scholar (GS) in libraries today? GS has not only become a common fixture in library literature but is also becoming ubiquitous in information-seeking behavior of users. Since 2009, the reliance on Google products has risen dramatically in academic and research institutions as financial and public support have declined. However, Smit sees a clear, ongoing need for quality scholarly databases with sophisticated search options.

Encyclopedia Britannica Search Contents of Open Access Repositories Search Repository Contents This service, based on the Google Custom Search engine, lets you search the contents of the repositories listed in OpenDOAR for freely available academic research information. This quality assured approach minimises (but does not eliminate!) spurious or junk results, and leads more directly to useful and relevant information. Full texts are available for most results. This service relies on Google's indexes, which in turn rely on repositories being suitably structured and configured for the Googlebot web crawler. Rutgers University Begins Implementation of ORCID iDs | Rutgers University Libraries Today, Rutgers University begins a formal universitywide implementation of Open Researcher & Contributor IDs (ORCID iDs). An ORCID iD is a persistent digital numeric identifier that distinguishes a researcher from every other researcher. It remains constant through changes in name or institutional affiliation, ensuring that a person’s work is properly attributed and recognized throughout their career. To date, nearly 4 million ORCID iDs have been issued to researchers around the world, including hundreds of affiliates at Rutgers. Essentially, ORCID acts as a clearinghouse where researchers can compile and curate a record of their scholarly activity, including elements such as their funding history, affiliations, presentations, and published works. “In today’s information landscape, it is vital that researchers disambiguate themselves from others,” said Krisellen Maloney, vice president for information services and university librarian. “The idea is very simple,” added Copeland.

ERIC - Education Resources Information Center List of academic databases and search engines - Wikipedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article contains a representative list of notable databases and search engines useful in an academic setting for finding and accessing articles in academic journals, institutional repositories, archives, or other collections of scientific and other articles. Databases and search engines differ substantially in terms of coverage and retrieval qualities.[1] Users need to account for qualities and limitations of databases and search engines, especially those searching systematically for records such as in systematic reviews or meta-analyses.[2] As the distinction between a database and a search engine is unclear for these complex document retrieval systems, see: the general list of search engines for all-purpose search engines that can be used for academic purposesthe article about bibliographic databases for information about databases giving bibliographic information about finding books and journal articles. Operating services[edit] [edit] [edit]

Nature vs. Science, pt. 2 The PHD Store - is back online! Need a gift for the holidays? Why not a book, mug or shirt that matches their level of procrastination sophistication? A Message from Jorge - hi! You may have noticed the huge banner below each comic. When we wrote it, we were inspired to make a book that doesn't just talk about what we know, but also what we don't know about the Universe. So take a look, and consider buying it for yourself or gifting it to a friend or family member who is graduating! Thank you all for supporting all my crazy efforts (movies, videos, books) over the years! -Jorge WE HAVE NO IDEA Release! And check out the book tour map and come see us at one of many fun events! Free excerpt from The PHD Movie 2! Watch the new movie! Filming is done! Coming to Campuses this Fall! The Science Gap - Watch Jorge's TEDx Talk:
