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The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond

Articles Select Category: Last 90 Days Showing 1 - 30 of 59 First | « Previous | 1 | 2 | Next » | Last Chinese beekeeper She Ping covered his body in a coat of living bees during a publicity stunt this week. Using a technique known as "bee bearding," a swarm of 460,000 bees weighing more than 100 pounds completely covered Ping's body. In Bogor, Indonesia ants are being bred in jars, as ant eggs have become a hot commodity in local markets. Lindsey Williams has had an insider connection for several decades and while the YouTube herein has many important advisories the specific discussion about the smart meters starts 42 minutes in . . . REMOVE YOUR SMART METER FROM YOUR HOME. .You have been prepared for about the last two to three years to NOT REVOLT or RIOT as financial markets incrementally collapse and conditions deteriorate . . Treason of the highest form is occurring and the dollar is going to be scuttled . . There will be a GLOBAL currency reset and the dollar will no longer be the reserve currency . . .The smart meters that have been "deployed" on our houses - the electric smart meters have not been what we have been told . . Most people did not think anything about the meters and are not being told the facts by the utilities or the government . .

Site Jean-Pierre Petit Nouveautes . 20 Juin 2019: Je ne participerai pas au colloque de Saint Petersbourg du 24-28 juin. Explications. Les gens ayant fait des dons pour cette mission sont priés de se manifester en donnant leurs noms, adresse et montants de leurs dons à . How to contact us - Nightly Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) Sub- page This page began on September 24, 2012 upon the public announcement of a discovery of this new comet that will remain in the solar system over the next two years. My experience over past decades of following and reporting on such famous comets as Comet Hale Bopp, Holmes, McNaught, Lovejoy, Hyakutaki, and many others will be valuable in heading off the disinformation coming from the gov sources who try to keep the public from understanding the true nature of science. Return frequently for updates. jim mccanney return soon for an update on my predictions for this comet and what you can do to spread the word

Alternate News-Information 100 Ratings, April 2011 Top 100 Most Popular Alternate News Sites DBKP’s top 100 sites featuring Alternate News and Information. Originally posted at DBKP Reports. Blessed John Paul II's Tomb - Nightly Online Stamps-Catalogues » Vatican Museums The Vatican Museums - Official Web-Site » Vatican Radio

Le Blog de Pierre Jovanovic 2008 - 2013 : REVUE DE PRESSE INTERNATIONALE LA VRAIE INFORMATION REND LIBRE (LE MONDE A VOLONTAIREMENT IGNORÉ L'ASSASSINAT DE D. ROSSI) cliquez sur l'image pour mon reportage NOTE: le reportage d'ARTE n'a même pas osé dire que David Rossi a été battu et que sa montre est tombée bien après sa chute... GeoEngineering Exposed
