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United States Institute of Peace

United States Institute of Peace
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The Handbook of Texas Online | Texas State Historical Association (TSHA) Houston is Texas’s biggest city and the fourth largest city in the country. Founded on the banks of Buffalo Bayou in 1836, Houston is a city focused on progress, and is always keeping an eye towards the future. But it also has a rich and important history, which has affected the state, the nation, and the world. Houston served as the first permanent capital of the Republic of Texas, hosted the state’s first presidential convention, and built Texas’s first freeway and the world’s first air-conditioned sports stadium. In 1969 “Houston” rang out as the first word spoken from the moon, a nod to its legacy as “Space City.” Currently the Handbook of Houston is curating new entries and seeking contributors to be involved in the project. Click here to learn more »

National Security Council The National Security Council (NSC) is the President's principal forum for considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials. Since its inception under President Truman, the Council's function has been to advise and assist the President on national security and foreign policies. The Council also serves as the President's principal arm for coordinating these policies among various government agencies. The NSC is chaired by the President. The National Security Council was established by the National Security Act of 1947 (PL 235 - 61 Stat. 496; U.S.C. 402), amended by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 579; 50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.).

Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques Fruit d'une initiative privée, l'IRIS a été créé en 1991. Association reconnue d’utilité publique, l’IRIS est le seul think tank français d’envergure à avoir été créé sur une initiative totalement privée, dans une démarche indépendante. Dans un environnement assez cloisonné, l'IRIS est progressivement parvenu à s'imposer comme un acteur incontournable de la recherche française dans le domaine des questions stratégiques et internationales. L’institut couvre un spectre très large de questions géostratégiques, opérant pour le compte d’organismes publics (ministères, institutions européennes, parlement, organisations internationales) et d’entreprises privées qui lui commandent des études, notes et formations. Ses chercheurs participent à de multiples conférences en France et à l’étranger. Think tank reconnu, l’IRIS est classé en 2012 au 18ème rang mondial pour la catégorie Questions internationales et de sécurité du Global Go-To Think Tanks de l’Université de Pennsylvanie.

World Digital Library WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources Institut de Recherche et d'Etudes sur la Méditerranée et le Moyen Orient Dusty Wright's Culture Catch | Smart, Pop Culture Podcasts & Written Reviews - Arts & Entertainment The Trilateral Commission
