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Watch White Blood Cells Attack A Nematode Larva Take a look at a horde of white blood cells attacking a nematode larva. It's a time-lapse shot over the course of 80 minutes as eosinophils (a type of white blood cell) migrate towards the roundworm and release digestive enzymes that break it down. And if you thought that was interesting, take a look at this white blood cell literally chase a Staphylococcus aureus bacterium through a field of red blood cells. David Rogers, Vanderbilt University The first clip comes from a 2014 study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine.

Blog Tiếp Thị Liên Kết INFOGRAPHIE. Sida : comment le virus pénètre-t-il l'organisme ? SIDA. Transmis par le sang et les sécrétions sexuelles (ainsi que pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement), le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine (VIH) se multiplie dans l'organisme et entraîne, notamment, la destruction des Lymphocytes T, les cellules qui jouent un rôle central dans la coordination des défenses immunitaires. Lors de la transmission sexuelle, les muqueuses génitales sont les premières barrières rencontrées par le VIH (virus de l'immunodéficience humaine). Ces muqueuses sont constituées de cellules dendritiques et de macrophages qui constituent les premières cibles du virus. Ce dernier se transmet ensuite de cellules en cellules dont les lymphocytes T, cellules-cibles principales du VIH. Après plusieurs années, la personne infectée devient très vulnérable à certaines maladies dites "opportunistes" (certaines infections et tumeurs) contre lesquelles son immunité n'est plus suffisamment efficace. AUTOTESTS. Une maladie mieux prise en charge... et malheureusement banalisée

Blog Ngan Son Media | Chia Sẻ Các Kiến Thức Trực Tuyến Về Social Marketing, SEO… Microbes On 8-Year-Old Boy’s Handprint After Playing Outside | Bored Panda Tasha Sturm, a lab technician at Cabrillo College in California, has created an extraordinary set of images that illustrate the diverse world of microbes that lives on our skin. This colorful petri dish is full of bacteria, yeast and fungi that were found on her 8-year-old son’s hand after he finished playing outside. Sturm explained the process on Microbe World, where she posted the images. She used tryptic soy agar, which forms a nutritious jelly perfect for growing microbial cultures. The varying visible structures of these bacterial colonies reflect their microscopic characteristics. More info: (h/t: colossal)

Blog Tiếp Thị Liên Kết Ngan Son ’s Presentations on authorSTREAM Your message has been sent to Ngan Son . Like authorSTREAM? Give us a +1! Ngan Son Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Write your message here (Enter the characters you see in the picture above) Close About: Mình thích viết blog và mua sắm online. Joined: 09/07/2017 Website: Presentations: 0 Podcasts: 0 Favorite: 0 Subscribe to author's: Podcast Channels Yet to create a Channel Subscribed Channels Yet to subscribe to a Channel Followers (0) No followers yet Yet to upload a presentation Recent Activity No recent activity Ngan Son Posted a reply to dns settings, on the site Forums:You can DNS your domain with CloudFlare 7 hours ago Posted a reply to Deleted wp-config.php, on the site Forums:You can try the WordPress Backup Plugin 7 hours ago Created a topic, How to prevent the spam comment, on the site Forums:Hi all, I started using WordPress than three years ag… 7 hours ago Ngân Sơn's profile was updated 7 hours ago

Ngan Son | Listly Ngan Son Mình là một cây bút công nghệ chuyên viết về tiếp thị liên kết. Ngoài ra mình còn đặc biệt quan tâm đến SEO. Bạn có thể liên hệ với mình qua: **- Ngan Son Media 1Lists 1Favorites 0Followers 0Following 0Friends Activity 0Views Blog Ngan Son 0 1 11
