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Hollow Earth Theory 3D HD Version

Nazi Bell Uncovered Other individuals who may not have first hand witnessed the Bell device itself have also contributed to understanding the project surrounding the Bell. Dr Ronald Richter strove to recreate the Bell project in Argentina after the war and the dismantling of his Bell device under political pressure applied upon Argentina in 1952 grant further insights. It is also worth noting that Ardenne disclosed to Frolov that whilst Ardenne had installed one cyclotron like device in the mine at Ludwikowice, he said there was already another one inside the mine. At Bissingen in April 1945 the French captured what appears to have been another, incomplete Bell device created by the Swiss scientist Dallenbach. When ALSOS reached the Austrian town of Melk they came across another nuclear project with what was termed a transformer room. Dr Rolf Wideroe after the war referred to a device known as an X-ray transformer which also appears to be the Nazi Bell. Science behind the Bell Photo-chemistry: Bell Engineers

Le Pôle Nord est devenu un lac avec la fonte des glaces ENVIRONNEMENT - D'année en année, la fonte des glaces du Pôle Nord se poursuit inéluctablement, la banquise s'enfonçant toujours un peu plus dans l'océan Arctique. Si le phénomène n'est pas nouveau, il prend chaque année des proportions plus importantes. Et l'été 2013 n'épargne pas l'extrémité nord de notre planète avec un niveau de fonte encore jamais observé. Une vidéo montre un Pôle Nord littéralement transformé en lac. Cette vidéo est en fait une compilation de clichés pris par la webcam de l'observatoire environnemental du Pôle Nord. » Déplacez le curseur de la droite vers la gauche pour voir l'évolution de la fonte : » Découvrez la fonte du Pôle Nord en vidéo : Hausse des températures et formation de cyclones Les températures enregistrées en avril étaient pourtant encourageantes, avec des records de neige. Un cyclone arctique devrait se former dans la semaine à venir, aggravant encore la situation. » La fonte du Pôle Nord de mai à fin juin 2012 :

DISC AIRCRAFT OF THE THIRD REICH (1922-1945 and BEYOND) Lazeria Map Collection Is the Earth Hollow Senator Richard Russell served 38 years in the Senate, and was its senior, and one of the most influential, senators at the time of his death in 1971. He was chairman of the Armed Services Committee from 1951 to 1969, and unsuccessfully sought the Democratic Presidential nomination in 1952. A report, classified Top Secret until 1959, when it was downgraded to Secret. and not released until 1985. detailing his UFO encounter was made available by the Fund for UFO Research and its chairman, Dr. Bruce Maccabee. Several key documents were obtained by the group through the Freedom of Information Act.. "The three observers were firmly convinced that they saw a genuine flying disc," says the Air Force Intelligence report, dated October 14, 1955. It goes on to say Russell and his two traveling companions spotted the UFOs on October 4, 1955, while traveling by rail across Russia's Transcaucasus region. The second flying disc was seen performing the same actions about one minute later.

The Earth But Not As We Know It SPACESHIPS OF THE GODS For the life of me I don't know how we believed all that propaganda about how the Communists were a big threat to America. Basically the Communists were a third-world nation and are still having a rough time catching up to the rest of the world. Looking back it all seems like this big scam to get more money out of taxpayers for nuclear weapons. The Nazi party never surrendered after the war. If the last war with Germany was WW II, don't you think by this time the 'Third Reich' would have a contingency plan? Admiral Dönitz moved the last battalion of over a hundred U-boats to bases in Antarctica at New Swabia (Neuchwabenland) and South America. Given the Aryan preoccupation with underground caverns it is quite logical that they would colonize such a place. There is a 1948 list of 261 German flying saucers. If the Nazis had 261 flying saucer craft in 1948 they could very well have built thousands of them since then. Some of the following information is from W.A. Where did he go?

Hollow Earth Is Real Take A Look 250x faster than 'superfast' broadband: UK researchers in 'Li-Fi' connectivity breakthrough Internet connectivity through light fidelity (Li-Fi) has reached a new milestone, according to UK researchers. A team of researchers from the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh, St Andrews and Strathclyde working on the Ultra-Parallel Visible Light Communications Project claim to have reached record data transmission speeds of 10.5 Gbit/s via Li-Fi. Li-fi works by utilising specialised LED bulbs to transmit data through parallel streams of light that are undetectable to the human eye. "If you think of a shower head separating water out into parallel streams, that's how we can make light behave," said Professor Harald Haas, a German physicist and one of the project leaders at the University of Edinburgh. To reach speeds in excess of 10 GBits/s, the researchers used a micro-LED bulb developed at the University of Strathclyde, transmitting 3.5 GBits/s through each of the primary colours – red, green and blue.

Race to Inner Earth New ion engine could reach Mars in 39 days Last week, as the world celebrated the first lunar landing, Apollo 11 astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins both called for NASA to make Mars its next goal. But the chemical propulsion system that took them to the moon would take six months, at least, to get a man to Mars and cost hundreds of billions of dollars. However, a new ion plasma rocket being developed by another former astronaut, Franklin Chang-Diaz, could potentially reach Mars in just 39 days using a fraction of the fuel. The problem with traditional rockets is that they’re terribly inefficient. Chang-Diaz’s prototype, however, promises specific impulses as high as 15,000 seconds. The Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR, for short) consists of three linked magnetic cells. The plasma is now very hot – about 50,000 degrees Celsius – but not hot enough to produce efficient thrust. VASIMR could, theoretically, reach power levels a hundred times that of other ion engines.
