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The Future of Human Evolution Website

The Future of Human Evolution Website

What's Next 7 Skills To Become Super Smart People aren’t born smart. They become smart. And to become smart you need a well-defined set of skills. Here are some tips and resources for acquiring those skills. Memory If you can’t remember what you’re trying to learn, you’re not really learning. If you want to amaze your friends with remembering faces, names, and numbers, look to the grand-daddy of memory training, Harry Lorayne. Reading Good scholars need to be good readers. Evelyn Woodski Slow Reading Course Announcer … Dan Aykroyd Man … Garrett Morris Woman … Jane Curtin Surgeon … Bill Murray … Ray Charles Announcer V/O: [The following words rapidly appear on a blue screen as they are read by the fast-talking announcer:] This is the way you were taught to read, averaging hundreds or thousands of words per minute. Psychologists have found that many people who take speed reading courses increase their reading speed for a short time but then fall right back to the plodding pace where they started. Writing Speaking Numeracy Empathy

neuroscience of Imagination Albert Einstein said of the theory of relativity, "I thought of it while riding my bicycle." Anyone who exercises regularly knows that your thinking process changes when you are walking, jogging, biking, swimming, riding the elliptical trainer, etc. New ideas tend to bubble up and crystallize when you are inside the aerobic zone. You are able to connect the dots and problem solve with a cognitive flexibility that you don't have when you are sitting at your desk. This is a universal phenomenon, but one that neuroscientists are just beginning to understand. Aerobic exercise clears the cobwebs from your mind and gives you access to insights that are out of reach when you are sedentary. What is happening to the electrical, chemical and architectural environment of our brains when we exercise that stimulates our imagination and makes us more creative? Many scientists believe that the creative process springs as much from the subconscious as it does from a conscious thought process.

Cosmopolitanism Cosmopolitanism is the ideology that all human beings belong to a single community, based on a shared morality. A person who adheres to the idea of cosmopolitanism in any of its forms is called a cosmopolitan or cosmopolite. A cosmopolitan community might be based on an inclusive morality, a shared economic relationship, or a political structure that encompasses different nations. In a cosmopolitan community individuals from different places (e.g. nation-states) form relationships of mutual respect. As an example, Kwame Anthony Appiah suggests the possibility of a cosmopolitan community in which individuals from varying locations (physical, economic, etc.) enter relationships of mutual respect despite their differing beliefs (religious, political, etc.).[1] Various cities and locales, past or present, have or are defined as "cosmopolitan"; that does not necessarily mean that all or most of their inhabitants consciously embrace the above philosophy. Etymology[edit] Definitions[edit]

SystemsWiki Strategic Thinking Approaching Business with Systems Thinking Businesses promote and sell products and services, which includes solutions to a problem or benefit of a product. In a lot of businesses, expertise is an key capability that leads to the ability to provide optimum service. That is why some companies create functional teams within their corporate structure to ensure that expert service is provided. The team of workers should be strategically placed so that their expertise can be appropriately utilized. Another reason is to make each employee accountable and responsible for their specific role. Why You Should Embrace Systems Thinking When a business uses a systems thinking approach to doing business, it makes the system more efficient and cost-effective. Systems thinking combined with human interaction with customers is exemplary of a wide range of things working efficiently for the same goal. Working together for a common goal is pretty much what systems thinking is about.

Virgin Galactic Union of International Associations | Law Library: IGOs & NGOs Research Guide This guide provides background information on IGOs and NGOs and features mega-lists of IGOs and NGOs for finding sources quickly. Introduction This guide provides you with brief background information on IGOs and NGOs and features mega-lists of IGOs and NGOs for finding sources quickly online. Print sources and other research guides are also included. If you have additional questions on IGOs & NGOs, please feel free to contact the Wolff Library reference desk at 202-662-4195 or by email: Definition of IGO & NGO What is an inter-governmental organization (IGO)? Generally a public or governmental organization created by treaty or agreement between states. What is a non-governmental organization (NGO)? An organization established by individuals or associations of individuals. Types of Documents Published by IGOs & NGOs Legal Nature of an IGO 1. 2. 3. 4. Researching IGOs & NGOs Online Online Search Tip Mega-Lists of IGOs & NGOs Print Sources Recent Books Aiding peace?
