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Games and Quizzes Jung Typology Test EFL SMARTblog Games and Quizzes Alphabet Quiz Game (ppt download) Alphabet, Beginners,, Games, Kids, Pronunciation, Quizzes, Vocabulary, Young LearnersCan you name all the animals? - Quiz Game Animals, Beginners, Games, Kids, Quizzes, Spelling, Young Learners Celebrities Quiz for Beginners (Countries, Nationalities and Jobs) Beginners, Countries, Famous People, Games, Jobs, Nationalities, Present Simple, Quizzes, To Be. Famous People Pronouns Quiz. Pigs Can Fly Home > Puzzle Games Your task in this game is to help the pig get from his position to the multicoloured bottle of liquid, once he reaches that he will be able to fly away. To do this you will have to click on the coloured bottles in the top right of the screen to move the corrosponding coloured blocks in the game, you will have to do this several times in order to complete some levels, think ahead in each… Easy Joe Easy Joe needs some help getting to his party, along the way he will have to pass… Wallace's Workshop Get crash test Wallace from A to B by building contraptions from components and… Red Remover Player Pack Red Remover Player Pack is here with a whole bunch of new levels.

Interface entre cientistas e governos é prioridade para gestão de desastres Depois de debater relatório especial do IPCC sobre extremos climáticos, pesquisadores fazem diagnósticos e recomendações sobre a gestão de riscos (Agência Brasil) Especiais Por Fábio de Castro Agência FAPESP – A fim de aprimorar a gestão de riscos de extremos climáticos e desastres, é preciso aprimorar o diálogo entre cientistas e tomadores de decisão – especialmente com as autoridades locais – e obter participação mais ativa dos governos na avaliação de vulnerabilidades e em iniciativas de adaptação. Essas recomendações fazem parte do diagnóstico produzido por cientistas e gestores durante o workshop “Gestão dos riscos dos extremos climáticos e desastres na América Central e na América do Sul – o que podemos aprender com o Relatório Especial do IPCC sobre extremos?” Depois de dois dias de debates, os participantes se dividiram em grupos de trabalho que sintetizaram as conclusões das discussões. “Ficou claro que a interface com os gestores e com as comunidades locais é um ponto crítico.

Home The EarthCARE AO aims to engage leading expertise for the Calibration and Validation activities for the mission, providing independent experimental data, analysis and recommendations to critically assess the end-to-end performance of the instruments and their products. The EOhopS call, part of the ESA TPM programme, opens an EO data hosted-processing offer to scientists and R&D users. The Open Science Earth Observation (OSEO) call offers to scientists the opportunity to exploit at no cost a full archive of optical EO data for science, applications and technological innovation, by offering services which exploit state of the art ICT. The S3VT call is open to relevant and interested groups and individuals worldwide; group responses are particularly welcome. Interested users may - at any time - submit proposals for the use of Swarm validated Level 1b and Level 2 data through a dedicated interface.

Spelling Bee You can set this page as a homework task for a group of students; doing so will give you a record of who has completed the task. Visit the teacher's section for more information. In the teacher's section you can also alter the sets of content, so that only some of the images appear. Alternatively, this link will start the game with the food content automatically selected and loaded. Use the teacher's section to create more links or embed code. This game is very simple: you just look at the image and then spell the word. Before you start, you have to select a set of content to use. It is possible to add your own images and audio clips. There is also a timer which runs down while you are spelling the words. Leave a comment or feedback below.

Corporation Inc Corporation Inc Corporation Inc is one part building, one part office management… all built from the ground up. You start with an empty plot and have at your disposal many tools to get your business running. Research and Goals help you get through your building development as well. In addition to keeping your Corporation Inc employees working you have to keep them happy. Corporation Inc Employees Each Corporation Inc employee is specialized in what they do. How to Play: In Game instructions. Tags: business, Corporation Inc, game, management, office, office management, sims tower

L12608 O VICE–PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA, no exercício do cargo de PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA Faço saber que o Congresso Nacional decreta e eu sanciono a seguinte Lei: CAPÍTULO i Art. 1o Esta Lei institui a Política Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Civil - PNPDEC, dispõe sobre o Sistema Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Civil - SINPDEC e o Conselho Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Civil - CONPDEC, autoriza a criação de sistema de informações e monitoramento de desastres e dá outras providências. Parágrafo único. As definições técnicas para aplicação desta Lei serão estabelecidas em ato do Poder Executivo federal. Art. 2o É dever da União, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios adotar as medidas necessárias à redução dos riscos de desastre. § 1o As medidas previstas no caput poderão ser adotadas com a colaboração de entidades públicas ou privadas e da sociedade em geral. CAPÍTULO Ii Seção I Diretrizes e Objetivos Parágrafo único. Art. 4o São diretrizes da PNPDEC: VI - participação da sociedade civil.

Visualisation Tool | CCI Open Data Portal Climate from Space, ESA's Tablet App, lets you take a closer look at visualisations of climate data being produced through the European Space Agency's Climate Change Initiative (CCI) programme. In the data viewer, see the changes through time of sea surface temperature, the ice sheets, sea level, sea ice, carbon dioxide, soil moisture and many more. Play, pause, and go step by step through the years of data; zoom in and use the buttons along the bottom to compare the data sets and switch between a globe and a map view. Informative text describes why measuring these parts of the Earth system is important for climate science, and how this can be seen in the visualisations of satellite data. Download Climate from Space on iPad. Download Climate from Space on Android.

A2 level activities for children Which number? Look and find the correct number to answer the question. Start Things we use or wear Choose from pictures of clothes to answer questions. Start Describing people and things Look and learn some adjectives to describe things and people. Start Time Read and learn words to talk about time. Start Food and drink Read and learn words about food and drink. Start What is this made from? Read and learn words to describe what things are made from. Start Work and jobs Listen and choose one picture that answers the questions about work and jobs. Start Places and free time Listen and choose one picture that answers the questions about free time. Start Special days Listen and choose one picture that answers the questions about special times of the year. Start Different jobs Learn and say words for different people’s jobs. Start At the museum Practise saying sentences in English about what is different in the pictures. Start We also have two more levels for them to try.

Nova legislação dará base científica à prevenção de desastres naturais, dizem especialistas Lei sancionada em abril obrigará municípios a elaborar carta geotécnica, instrumento multidisciplinar que orientará implantação de sistemas de alerta e planos diretores (Valter Campanato/ABr) Especiais Por Fábio de Castro Agência FAPESP – Em janeiro de 2011, enchentes e deslizamentos deixaram cerca de mil mortos e 500 desaparecidos na Região Serrana do Rio de Janeiro. O mais importante desdobramento dessa análise foi a Lei 12.608, sancionada em abril, que estabelece a Política Nacional de Proteção e Defesa Civil e cria o sistema de informações e monitoramento de desastres, de acordo com especialistas reunidos no seminário “Caminhos da política nacional de defesa de áreas de risco”, realizado pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) no dia 6 de agosto. A nova lei obriga as prefeituras a investir em planejamento urbano na prevenção de desastres do tipo enchentes e deslizamentos de terra. “Poucos municípios têm carta geotécnica, porque não era um instrumento obrigatório.

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