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American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

American Center for Law and Justice ACLJ

Wanted: Mars Colonists to Explore Red Planet If you think you have the right stuff to help colonize Mars, you'll soon get your chance to prove it. The Netherlands-based nonprofit Mars One, which hopes to put the first boots on the Red Planet in 2023, released its basic astronaut requirements today (Jan. 8), setting the stage for a televised global selection process that will begin later this year. Mars One isn't zeroing in on scientists or former fighter pilots; anyone who is at least 18 years old can apply to become a Mars colony pioneer. The most important criteria, officials say, are intelligence, good mental and physical health and dedication to the project, as astronauts will undergo eight years of training before launch. "Gone are the days when bravery and the number of hours flying a supersonic jet were the top criteria," Norbert Kraft, Mars One's chief medical director and a former NASA researcher, said in a statement. Final astronaut candidates will be selected after review by Mars One experts and a global TV event.

BBC Nature - Shark embryos 'freeze' to evade predators 10 January 2013Last updated at 07:50 By Michelle Warwicker Reporter, BBC Nature Bamboo shark embryos developing in egg cases stay still to evade predators, scientists say. Australian researchers found that the embryos could identify electric fields simulating a nearby predator, despite being confined to a tiny egg case. On sensing danger, they "froze" and temporarily stopped breathing to avoid being detected. Sharks use jelly-filled pores on their heads called electroreceptors to recognise other animals. These highly sensitive receptors enable sharks to locate prey, predators or potential mates from minute bioelectric fields. The study, by scientists from the University of Western Australia, Crawley, near Perth, suggests brownbanded bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium punctatum) embryos are able to employ similar methods to detect predators. The team's findings are published in the journal PLoS ONE. As the embryo grows the seal of the egg case begins to open. Shark-repellent potential “Start Quote

Mars One Seeks Applicants POWER FROM WATER! IT'S A FACT, 6 SCIENCE TEAMS SAY A novel way to produce electricity from water - one with extensive peer-reviewed research behind it - has been validated by 6 scientific teams from Cal Tech, MIT and Fortune 500 companies, Joe Shea reports BreakthroughAT LAST, HYDRINO REACTORS ARE CONCLUSIVELY VALIDATED by Joe SheaAR CorrespondentBradenton, Fla.May 23, 2012 Back to home page Printable version of this story CRANBURY, N.J., May 23, 2012 -- In the lovely, quiet pastures of northern New Jersey where Edison and Einstein once reigned, Dr. Multiple scientists from six research universities and Fortune 500 companies have now provided a hefty stack of successful validation studies for the BlackLight Power CIHT fuel cell that may let drivers go 1,500 miles on nothing more than a liter of water, the company announced Monday. The "extraordinary claim" met extraordinary tests, according to Prof. "It would be irrational not to be very skeptical,” Dr. Quantum physicists have steadfastly ignored or pilloried Mills' theories and research.

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