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16 Javascript Libraries for Visualizations on Datavisualization

16 Javascript Libraries for Visualizations on Datavisualization

What Jobs Are There in Data Visualization? I got an email from Harald asking, "How does the job market for DV developers work?" I find this question, or some variation of it, in my inbox every now and then, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I am after all a graduate student who will graduate eventually, so let's take a look at some of the options. In the News Infographics in the news have been commonplace for a while now. Examples: The New York Times / MSNBC / Washington Post Design Studios There are a lot of data visualization specialists who masquerade as graphic designers. Examples: Stamen Design / Bestiario Analytics Groups Analytics is on the opposite site of the spectrum. Example: Juice Analytics / Axis Maps Research Labs While the analytics groups tend to be more about application of existing visualization techniques, there are research labs that primarily think of ways to improve the existing or new representations of data. Examples: AT&T Labs / IBM Visual Communications Lab Academics This one is sort of obvious I guess.

Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Home Page Taffy DB : A JavaScript database for your browser UsefulResources - CS448B Data Visualization If you have an interesting visualization tool, resource, blog or announcement that you would like to share with the class please post them here for everyone to see. Interesting Visualizations Video Blogs Quizzes Tools Visualization Toolkits D3 - Visualization toolkit in JavaScript Protovis - JavaScript visualization language PolyMaps – create map displays with JavaScript & SVG Flare - Visualization toolkit for Adobe Flash Modest Maps - Mapping library for Flash Processing - A popular language and IDE for interactive graphics Prefuse - Visualization toolkit for Java Improvise - Java system supporting coordinated views InfoVis Toolkit - A Java InfoVis library Piccolo - A Java library for zoomable UIs VTK - A scientific visualization library (C++ with wrappers for other languages) Statistical Data Analysis Tools Network Analysis Tools Web-Based Tools Color Tools Data Sets

CourseWiki - CS448B Data Visualization The world is awash with increasing amounts of data, and we must keep afloat with our relatively constant perceptual and cognitive abilities. Visualization provides one means of combating information overload, as a well-designed visual encoding can supplant cognitive calculations with simpler perceptual inferences and improve comprehension, memory, and decision making. Furthermore, visual representations may help engage more diverse audiences in the process of analytic thinking. In this course we will study techniques and algorithms for creating effective visualizations based on principles from graphic design, visual art, perceptual psychology, and cognitive science. The course is targeted both towards students interested in using visualization in their own work, as well as students interested in building better visualization tools and systems. There are no prerequisites for the class and the class is open to graduate students as well as advanced undergraduates. Schedule Course Information

5 of the Best Free and Open Source Data Mining Software The process of extracting patterns from data is called data mining. It is recognized as an essential tool by modern business since it is able to convert data into business intelligence thus giving an informational edge. At present, it is widely used in profiling practices, like surveillance, marketing, scientific discovery, and fraud detection. There are four kinds of tasks that are normally involve in Data mining: * Classification - the task of generalizing familiar structure to employ to new data* Clustering - the task of finding groups and structures in the data that are in some way or another the same, without using noted structures in the data.* Association rule learning - Looks for relationships between variables.* Regression - Aims to find a function that models the data with the slightest error. For those of you who are looking for some data mining tools, here are five of the best open-source data mining software that you could get for free: Orange RapidMiner Weka JHepWork

The Year In Data Owni’s data team – collectively known as Paule d’Atha – are pleased to present a selection of the best of the best of their weekly round-up of data on the web, from a year that’s seen so many wonderful, innovative, inventive, colorful, moving and funny projects. The future is on the cards The World of Seven Billion is a project powered by National Geographic to celebrate the arrival of the seven billionth person on Earth. Open Montréal We know you’ve always dreamed of spending a day in the shoes of an elected Quebecois representative, haven’t you? For example, if you believe the district should maintain a fleet of vehicles to remove snow from footpaths during major cold snaps, you’d have to spend $500,000 a year. This application is at the forefront of ”open government” thinking: combining open data, education (managing a collective budget, which, as it turns out, is not that simple), and useful citizen participation. Weather, feelings and the economy Liberty, fraternity, inequality

Workshops Are you an artist looking to explore digital media? Are you a web developer wanting to learn new skills, and new tools? Do you want to create using computers? In my studio in Brooklyn, I lead small-group workshops exploring various topics including Processing, data visualization, generative practices, and tangible computing. **NOTE: Attendance for each workshop is limited to 10. Upcoming Workshops Below is a list of workshops planned for 2013. Processing Level 1: Introduction to Processing – Processing is an electronic sketchbook for developing ideas. Sunday, May 5th Processing Level 2: Advanced Techniques – You’ve learned Processing, and now you want to take things a little further. Archive, Text, & Character(s) – In this full-day workshop, we’ll see how text can operate as a unique substrate for creative exploration.
